1. Что-то не так? Я вижу, что-то беспокоит тебя. 2. Ник¬то не может быть в безопасности в этой горячей точке (a trouble spot). Все что угодно может случиться в любой момент. 3. Ничто не может быть лучше, чем чашечка горячего чая. 4. Ей абсолютно некуда пойти. Ни семьи, ни друзей. 5. Он живет где-то около Тамбова. 6. Боюсь, что это никуда нас не приведет (to get). 7. Я не привередлив, мне все подойдет. 8. — Тебе есть где остановиться? — К сожалению, я никого здесь не знаю. 9. В сегодняшней программе нет ничего особенного. 10. Нигде он не был так счастлив, как в кругу семьи. 11. Ни один из сотрудников не говорил по-японски. 12. Нам нужен кто-нибудь, кто бы сделал эту работу. 13. Знаешь, я что-то забыла взять, хотя и не помню что. 14. Тебе следовало это увидеть, это было нечто! 15. Автобус появился вдруг, словно из ниоткуда. 16. Если полиция арестует вас, ничего не говори¬те, пока не приедет ваш адвокат. 17. Как видишь, ничто не изменилось. 18. Ничто не ново под луной.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. Something is wrong? I see something that bothers you. 2. Nick ¬ you can't be safe in this hot spot (a trouble spot). Anything can happen at any time. 3. Nothing can be better than a cup of hot tea. 4. It is absolutely nowhere to go. No family, no friends. 5. He lives somewhere near Tambov. 6. I'm afraid that this will not lead us anywhere (to get). 7. I'm not fussy, I don't fit. 8.-you have somewhere to stay? — Unfortunately, I don't know anyone here. 9. In today's program is nothing special. 10. Anywhere he wasn't so happy, with family. 11. None of the staff spoke no Japanese. 12. We need someone who would have done the job. 13. you know, I forgot to take something, although I don't remember that. 14. you should see it, it was something! 15. The bus suddenly appeared as if from nowhere. 16. If the police would arrest you, do not say anything until those ¬ come your lawyer. 17. As you can see, nothing has changed. 18. There is nothing new under the moon.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. What's wrong? I can see that something is bothering you. 2. Nik¬to can not be safe in this hot spot (a trouble spot). Anything can happen at any moment. 3. Nothing can be better than a cup of hot tea. 4. It is absolutely nowhere to go. No family, no friends. 5. He lives somewhere near Tambov. 6. I'm afraid it will not lead us anywhere (to get). 7. I'm not fussy, I do not fit. 8. - You have a place to stay? - Unfortunately, I do not know anyone here. 9. In today's program, no big deal. 10. Nowhere he was not so happy as a family. 11. None of the staff spoke no Japanese. 12. We need someone who would do the job. 13. You know, I forgot something to take, although I do not remember that. 14. You should see it, it was something! 15. The bus suddenly appeared, as if out of nowhere. 16. If the police arrest you, do not govori¬te anything until your lawyer arrives. 17. As you can see, nothing has changed. 18. There is nothing new under the sun.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. is something wrong? i see that something"s bothering you. 2. ник¬то may not be safe in this hot spot (a spot spot). anything can happen at any time. 3. nothing could be better than a cup of hot tea. 4. she absolutely nowhere to go. no family, no friends. 5. he lives somewhere around andreeva. 6. i"m afraid that it will not get us anywhere (to get). 7. i"m not fussy, i"m fine. 8. - you got a place to stay? unfortunately, i don"t know anyone here. 9. in today"s program is nothing special. 10. there he was not so happy as all in the family. 11. none of the employees don"t speak japanese. 12. we need someone who can do this job. 13. you know, something i forgot to take, although i don"t remember that. 14. you should see it, that was something! 15. the bus came suddenly, as if out of nowhere. 16. if the police arrest you, don"t говори¬те until coming to your lawyer. 17. as you can see, nothing has changed. 18. there is nothing new under the sun.
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