Фрэнсис Скотт Кей Фицдже́ральд — американский писатель, крупнейший пре перевод - Фрэнсис Скотт Кей Фицдже́ральд — американский писатель, крупнейший пре английский как сказать

Фрэнсис Скотт Кей Фицдже́ральд — ам

Фрэнсис Скотт Кей Фицдже́ральд — американский писатель, крупнейший представитель так называемого «потерянного поколения» в литературе.Фицджеральд родился 24 сентября 1896 года в городе Сент-Пол, штат Миннесота, в обеспеченной католической ирландской семье. До его рождения семья потеряла двоих детей, поэтому Фрэнсис Скотт был желанным ребёнком.В годы учёбы в Принстоне Фицджеральду пришлось столкнуться с классовым неравенством. Он ощущал различия между собой и детьми из более богатых семей. В 1917 году, незадолго до выпускных экзаменов, Фицджеральд ушёл добровольцем в армию. Во время службы он познакомился с Зельдой Сейр,с которой хотел связать свою жизнь,но её семья была против,потому что у него не было заработка постоянного.Единственным шансом жениться на Зельде оказался литературный успех.Его первые литературные опыты оказываются неудачными и рукописи возвращают. Фицджеральд глубоко переживал неудачи, начал выпивать, бросил работу и ему пришлось вернуться к родителям. В доме родителей Фицджеральд садится переделывать рукопись романа «Романтический эгоист», которую до этого уже отказались публиковать.Этот роман выходит 26 марта 1920 года под названием «По эту сторону рая». Роман сразу приносит Фицджеральду успех.3 апреля 1920 года состоялось венчание Фрэнсиса Скотта и Зельды.Вскоре их стали называть королём и королевой своего поколения.
Фицджеральд написал много книг,а также писал сценарии для кино.Также по некоторым его книгам сняли фильмы.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald is an American writer, a major representative of the so-called "lost generation" in the literature, Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896 in St. Paul, Minnesota, in the wealthy Irish Catholic family. Prior to his birth, the family lost two children, so Francis Scott is a wanted child. the years of study at Princeton, Fitzgerald had to deal with class inequality. He felt the differences between themselves and the children from more affluent families. In the year 1917, shortly before final Fitzgerald resigned as a volunteer in the army. During his service he met Zel′doj Sayre, which wanted to link her life, but her family was against it, because he did not have permanent earnings. the only chance to marry apartments Insieme are elegantly furnished was a literary success his first literary experiments fail and the manuscript returned. Fitzgerald lamented failure, started drinking, quit his job and he had to return to his parents. The House parents Fitzgerald novel manuscript "remodel sits Romantic egoist", which until then had refused to publish the novel comes out March 26, 1920 years under the name of "this side of paradise". The novel immediately brings success to Fitzgerald. April 3, 1920 held a Coronation of Francis Scott and Zelda. soon became known as the King and Queen of his generation.Fitzgerald has written many books, and wrote scripts for cinema, also in some of his books have removed films.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald - American writer, the largest representative of the so-called "lost generation" in literature.Fitsdzherald was born September 24, 1896 in St. Paul, Minnesota, in a wealthy Irish Catholic family. Prior to his birth family lost two children, so Francis Scott was a welcome rebёnkom.V years of study at Princeton Fitzgerald had to deal with class inequality. He could feel the difference between himself and the children from more affluent families. In 1917, shortly before the final exams, Fitzgerald went as a volunteer in the army. During his service, he met Zelda Sayre, which wanted to connect his life, but her family was against it, because he did not have a chance to earn postoyannogo.Edinstvennym marry Zelda turned literary uspeh.Ego first literary efforts are unsuccessful and return the manuscript. Fitzgerald deeply experienced setbacks, started drinking, quit his job and he had to return to her parents. The house parents Fitzgerald sits alter the manuscript of the novel "Romantic Egoist", which had already refused publikovat.Etot novel out March 26, 1920 titled "This Side of Paradise." Roman immediately brings Fitzgerald uspeh.3 April 1920 the wedding of Francis Scott Zeldy.Vskore and they became known as the king and queen of his generation.
Fitzgerald has written many books and wrote scripts for kino.Takzhe by some of his books made ​​the film.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Francis Scott Kay Фицдже́ральд - American writer, the largest of the so-called "lost generation" in the literature.Fitzgerald was born on 24 September 1896, in the town Saint Paul, Minnesota,In a secured catholic Irish family. Prior to his birth family has lost two children, therefore, Francis Scott wanted a child.The years of study in Princeton Fitzgerald had to face the class inequality. He saw differences between themselves and their children from more affluent families. In 1917, shortly before final exams,
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