Первое мое знакомство с Японией началось с Самураев
Люд-войны это то, что заставляет моё сердце трепетать. Это то,что вдохновляет меня.
Самураи- искусные воины средневековой Японии.
Бусидо -кодекс самураев,свод правил,которому следует истинный воин.
7 принципов самураев:
≡ Справедливость(-Ги),₪ Мужество(-Ю:),₰ Добродетель(-Дзин),₳ Почтение(-Рей),₷ Искренность(-Макото),₡ Честь(-Мейё),Ɐ// Преданность(-Тю:ги).
Боевой дух,не боязнь смерти, отвага, скрытность, непроницаемость.
Думаю,жизнь это своего рода бой. А все люди-войны. И мы рождены для того,чтобы выиграть свой бой. Мы рождены для того,чтобы побеждать!
Всё это достаточно интересно легенды о самураях,боевые искусства. Боевые искусство кстати занимают центрально место в жизни всех японцев. Первое место которое я бы хотела посетить-Япония. Думаю,было бы интересно.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
My first acquaintance with Japan began with SamuraiPeople-the war is what makes my heart flutter. This is what inspires me.Samurai-skilled Warriors of medieval Japan.Bushido-code of the Samurai, a set of rules that should be a true Warrior.7 principles of the Samurai:GIA: DzinRejMakotoMejjoTju: Ki-7!≡ Justice (GI), Courage (Yu ₪:) ₰ Virtue (Jin), ₳ Compliments (Rey), ₷ Sincerity (Makoto), ₡ honor (-Mejjo), ' rametɐ//Dedication (-Chu: GI).Morale, not fear of death, courage, stealth, impenetrability.I think life is a kind of battle. And all the people of war. And we were born to win his battle. We were born to win!All of this quite interesting legends about dramas, martial arts. Martial art BTW occupy the central place in the lives of all Japanese. The first place that I would love to visit-Japan. I think it would be interesting.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
My first acquaintance with Japan began with the Samurai
Lude-war is something that makes my heart flutter. That's what inspires me.
Samurai- skilled warriors of medieval Japan.
Bushido Samurai -kodeks, a set of rules, which should be a true warrior.
7 principles of the samurai:
Gia: DzinReyMakotoMeyёTyu: w-7!
≡ Justice (-zu), ₪ Courage (-Yu :), ₰ Virtue (-Dzin), ₳ Revered (-Rey), ₷ Sincerity (-Makoto), ₡ Honor (-Meyё), Ɐ // Dedication (-Tyu : w).
Morale is not the fear of death, courage, stealth, impermeability.
I think life is a kind of battle. And all the people-the war. We were born to win their battle. We were born to win!
All this is quite interesting legends of the samurai, martial arts. Martial arts way is central to the life of the Japanese. The first place I would like to visit-Japan. I think it would be interesting.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
my first acquaintance with japan began with samuraipeople's war is something that makes my heart tremble. that's what inspires me.they are skilled warriors of medieval japan.bushido - the code of the samurai, a set of rules, which should be a true warrior.samurai: the 7 principlesгию: дзинреймакотомейётю: ki - 7.≡ justice (ki), ₪ courage (yu), ₰ virtue (jin), ₳ respects (ray), ₷ sincerity (makoto), ₡ honor (- мейё), Ɐ / / loyalty (- a, gi).the spirit, do not fear of death, bravery, stealth, непроницаемость.i think life is a kind of battle. and all the men of war. and we were born to win this match. we were born to win!it's quite interesting legends of the samurai, martial arts. martial arts also occupy a central place in the life of all japanese. the first place i wish to visit japan. i think it would be interesting.
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