America is a nation of risk-takers. Most Americans are descendants of  перевод - America is a nation of risk-takers. Most Americans are descendants of  русский как сказать

America is a nation of risk-takers.

America is a nation of risk-takers. Most Americans are descendants of immigrants who left the known of the Old Worlds for the unknown of the New.
The pioneers who lived on the frontier had a hard life, so they had to be tough and self-reliant/
Frontier men and women were often facing new solutions. Under these circumstances, they soon learned to experiment with new inventions and new ways of doing things. This willingness to experiment and invent led to another American trait, a sense of optimism that every problem has a solution.
The frontiersmen had to overcome many difficulties. Friends and neighbours came for help without any reward. They shared food, together build each other's houses and fought fires. This extraordinary willingness to cooperate gave a rise to American's capacity for volunteer actions.
The difficulties jf the frontier also shaped the tradition of hospitality: if you didn't take in the stranger and didn't take care of him, there was no one else who would.
As the people acquired new territories, they were moving from east to west. Americans are always on the move - from one part of the country to another, from one city to another, from farm to city.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
America is a nation of risk-takers. Most Americans are descendants of immigrants who left the well-known of the Old Worlds for the unknown of the New. The pioneers who lived on the frontier had a hard life, so they had to be tough and self-reliant/ Frontier men and women were often facing new solutions. Under these circumstances, they soon learned to experiment with new inventions and new ways of doing things. This willingness to experiment and invent led to another American trait, a sense of optimism that every problem has a solution. The frontiersmen had to overcome many difficulties. Friends and neighbours came for help without any reward. They shared food, together build each other's houses and fought fires. This extraordinary willingness to cooperate gave a rise to American's capacity for volunteer actions. The difficulties of jf the frontier also shaped the tradition of hospitality: if you didn't take in the stranger and didn't take care of him, there was no one else who would. As the people of the new territories acquired, they were moving from east to west. Americans are always on the move from one part of the country to another, from one city to another, from farm to city.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
America is a nation of risk-takers. Most Americans are descendants of immigrants who left the known of the Old Worlds for the unknown of the New.
The pioneers who lived on the frontier had a hard life, so they had to be tough and self-reliant /
Frontier men and women were often facing new solutions. Under these circumstances, they soon learned to experiment with new inventions and new ways of doing things. Willingness to experiment This and led to invent another American trait, a sense of optimism that every problem has a solution.
The frontiersmen had to overcome many difficulties. Friends and neighbours came for help without any reward. They shared food, together build each other's houses and fought fires. Extraordinary willingness to This cooperate gave a rise to American's capacity for volunteer actions.
The difficulties the jf frontier also shaped the tradition of hospitality: if you did not take in the stranger and did not take care of him, there was no one else would who.
As the people acquired new territories, they were moving from east to west. Americans are always on the move - from one part of the country to another, from one city to another, from farm to city.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
america is a nation of risk - takers. most americans are native speakers of english to use the known for the unknown of the old world and the new.
the pioneers who lived on the frontier had a hard life, so they had to be tough and self - reliant /
frontier men and women were often found new solutions. under these circumstances,they soon learned to experiment with new inventions and new ways of doing things. this willingness to experiment and invent led to another american trait, a sense of optimism that every problem has a solution.
frontiersmen had to overcome many difficulties. friends and so came for help without any reward. they shared the food, together build each other's houses and unlike other attractions.this extraordinary willingness to co-operate gave a rise to american 's capacity for volunteer actions.
the difficulties (jf the frontier also shaped the tradition of hospitality: if you didn t take in the stranger and didn't take care of him, there was no one else who would.
as the people acquired new territories, they were moving from east to west.americans are always on the move from one part of the country to another, from one city to another, from farm to city. "
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