Сэм, негритянский мальчик, очень любил рисовать. 2. В детстве Сэм пост перевод - Сэм, негритянский мальчик, очень любил рисовать. 2. В детстве Сэм пост английский как сказать

Сэм, негритянский мальчик, очень лю

Сэм, негритянский мальчик, очень любил рисовать. 2. В детстве Сэм постоянно что-нибудь рисовал. 3. Сэм уже несколько недель посещал класс рисования, когда он начал рисовать красную розу. 4. Когда мисс Ролстон подошла к Сэму, он уже кончил рисовать розу и рисовал негритянскую девушку. 5. Сэм некоторое время рисовал негритянскую девушку, когда мисс Ролстон подошла к нему. 6. Сэм не рисовал и десяти минут, когда мисс Ролстон подошла к нему. 7. Мисс Ролстон подошла к Сэму и остановилась позади него. 8. Мисс Ролстон подошла к Сэму и стояла позади него. 9. Мисс Ролстон подождала, пока Сэм не окончил рисунок. 10. Рисунок был превосходен. Хотя Сэм взял только несколько уроков, он сделал большие успехи. 11. Мисс Ролстон взяла рисунок и обещала отвезти его в Филадельфию вместе с рисунками, которые он закончил раньше. 12. Заведующий художественным отделом просмотрел рисунки, которые мисс Ролстон принесла ему. Рисунки ему очень понравились, но он отказался их принять, когда узнал, что художник — негр. 13. Мисс Ролстон пробыла в Филадельфии около недели. 14. Мисс Ролстон пробыла в Филадельфии около недели, прежде чем поняла, что ничего не может сделать для Сэма.
Ex. 2. Translate:
Несчастный случай
Это была очень уютная и чистая кухня. Солнце сияло сквозь чистые стёкла, пол блестел, на плите кипел чайник, и толстый чёрный любимец миссис Браун сладко спал на подоконнике. Миссис Браун сидела в кресле и читала. Вдруг сильный взрыв потряс маленький домик. Миссис Браун взглянула в окно. По улице бежали люди. Кто-то крикнул: «Это на фабрике! Котёл взорвался!» Миссис Браун побледнела, закрыла лицо руками и опустилась в кресло. Её муж работал в котельной. «Я была ему плохой женой,» - подумала она. - «Только вчера я выбранила его за то, что он не вытер ноги, когда вошёл в кухню. А теперь я его никогда не увижу». Хлопнула дверь, кто-то вошёл в комнату. «Не плачь, Мэри!» - услышала она голос мужа. - «Ничего особенного не случилось. Никто не ранен». Миссис Браун подняла голову. «О Стивен!» - сказала она. - «Сколько раз я тебе говорила: вытирай ноги, когда входишь в дом».
Ex. 3. Translate:
1. Она много путешествует. Летом она ездила во Францию. Она уже вернулась в Москву.
2. Ты читал поэмы Байрона? - Да, мы читали их в прошлом году. - Тебе они нравятся?
3. Ты играешь на пианино? Послушай, Джон играет. Он всегда играет хорошо.
4. Когда мы были в Крыму, мы часами гуляли в горах.
5. Какую книгу ты сейчас читаешь? - Я не читаю книг, я люблю газеты и журналы.
6. Я не видел его в последнее время. - А я только что встретил его. Он шёл в библиотеку.
7. Ты часто ходишь в кино? - Нет, я не был в кино с лета.
8. Я купила это платье 3 года назад. Оно было очень дешёвое. Цены сейчас растут.
9. Тебе купить билеты в театр? - Нет, спасибо. Мама уже купила. Мы идём в театр завтра.
10. Ты будешь свободна сегодня вечером? - Нет, я встречаюсь со своей подругой в 7.

Ex. 4. Translate:
1. Ты сейчас делаешь эту работу? - Да, но я только что её начал.
2 В последнее время он не заходил в наш магазин. Я знаю, что он покупает продукты в этом магазине. Он стал очень важным.
3. Ты ездил за город в эти выходные? - Нет, мы были очень заняты. Мы убирали дом.
4. Я ещё не приготовила обед. - Тебе помочь? - Да, спасибо. Г ости приходят в 7.
5. Где ты был вчера? Мы искали тебя весь вечер. - Я сидел дома.
6. Ты позвонишь мне? - Конечно, я ведь всегда звоню тебе по вечерам.
7. Ты знаешь этого человека? - Да, я встречала его до войны, но я не видела его с тех пор.
8. Я думаю, тебе понравится это платье. - О, я мечтала о нем весь год.
9. Я хочу пригласить Джима на обед. - Я уже пригласила его. Ты мне вчера сказала об этом.
10. Я часто встречаю этого человека. Вот и сейчас он идёт по улице.

Ex. 5. Translate:
1. Вы когда-нибудь бывали в Париже? - Да, я был там в прошлом году. Я часто езжу во Францию.
2. Когда уехала Мэри? - Она уехала до того, как вы позвонили. Она ждала вас целый час.
3. Мы уже встречались. - Когда мы встречались? - Я не помню. По-моему, мы встречались 3 года назад.
4. Мы обедали, когда Джон пришёл. Он не хотел обедать с нами. Он сказал, что уже пообедал. Он ел в 5, а мы всегда обедаем в 7.
5. Чем он занимается? - Он играет в теннис. Он играет очень хорошо. Сейчас он играет во Франции.
6. Вчера, когда я выходил из офиса, шёл дождь. У меня не было зонта. Я не заметил, что начался дождь.
7. Он закончил работу до того, как мы пришли.
8. Мы закончим эксперимент к концу следующей недели.
9. В Англии часто идёт дождь? - Да, когда мы приехали, шёл дождь. - А мы приехали до того, как начались дожди. - А вы когда-нибудь бывали в Лондоне? - Да, я посетил Лондон в прошлом году.
10. Завтра в это же время мы уже будем плыть на пароходе (sail).

Ex. 6. Translate:
1. Он пишет книгу. - Он уже закончил работу? - Да, он закончил её на прошлой неделе.
2. Что вы здесь делаете? - Я жду своего друга. Он работает в этом университете.
3. Дождь ещё не прекратился, когда мы вышли из дома. Дождь шёл целый день.
4. Он студент? - Да, он учится в нашем университете. Он работал на нашем заводе до того, как поступил в наш университет. Сейчас он не работает.
5. Вы часто ходите в театр? - Я люблю театр, но в прошлом году я не ходил в театр. Я болел. Вы видели эту новую пьесу?
6. Вы поедете в Москву на следующей неделе? - Я не знаю. Я жду очень важное письмо из Москвы.
7. Моя сестра ещё не спала, когда я встал. - Вы встаете рано? Когда начинается ваш рабочий день?
8. Не приходите завтра в 2, я буду стирать. - Когда я могу прийти? - Мы обычно пьём чай в 5. Вы хотите зайти в 5?
9. Он обычно играет в теннис очень хорошо, но сегодня он играет плохо. А вы играете в теннис? - Я играл, когда был студентом.
10. Вы уже видели этот фильм? - Да, я видела его на прошлой неделе. - Вы пойдёте со мной в кино завтра?
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Sam, the Negro boy, loved to draw. 2. When Sam is constantly doodling something. 3. Sam has already visited several weeks drawing class when he started to paint a red rose. 4. When Miss Ralston came to Sam, he had already finished and painted to draw a rose negritânskuû a girl. 5. Sam a while drew negritânskuû girl, when Miss Ralston came to him. 6. Sam not painted and ten minutes, when Miss Ralston came to him. 7. Miss Ralston came to Sam and stood behind him. 8. Miss Ralston came to Sam and stood behind him. 9. Miss Ralston waited until Sam finished drawing. 10. The picture was great. Although Sam only took a few lessons, he made great strides. 11. Miss Ralston took the picture, and promised to take him to Philadelphia along with the drawings, which he finished before. 12. The head of the art Department looked through pictures that Miss Ralston brought him. Pictures he liked, but he refused to receive them, when he learned that the artist is a nigger. 13. Miss Rolston stayed in Philadelphia for about a week. 14. Miss Rolston stayed in Philadelphia for about a week before I realized that I can not do anything for Sam.Ex. 2. Translate:AccidentIt was very cozy and clean kitchen. The sun shone through the clear glass, Paul master glittered on the stovetop, boil Kettle, and a thick black favorite of Mrs. Brown's sweetly asleep on a windowsill. Mrs Brown sat in a Chair and read. Suddenly, a strong explosion rocked the small house. Mrs Brown looked out the window. People fled down the street. Someone shouted: "this is at the factory! The boiler exploded! "Mrs Brown turned pale, covering her face with his hands and fell into a Chair. Her husband worked in the boiler room. "I was a bad wife,"-she thought. -"Only yesterday I vybranila him for not wiped his feet when entered into the kitchen. And now I will never see ". Slam the door, someone entered the room. "Don't cry, Mary!"-heard it my husband's voice. -"Nothing much happened. No one was injured. " Mrs. Brown lifted her head. "On Stephen!" she said. -"How many times have I told you: wipe your feet when you walk in the House.Ex. 3. Translate:1. she travels a lot. In the summer she went to France. It has already returned to Moscow.2. you've read Byron's poem? -Yes, we have read them last year. -Do you like them?3. Do you play the piano? Listen to John plays. He always plays well.4. When we were in the Crimea, we spent hours walking in the mountains.5. What book are you reading now? -I do not read books, I like newspapers and magazines.6. I haven't seen him lately. -And I just met him. He went to the library.7. Do you often go to the cinema? -No, I haven't been to the movies since the summer.8. I bought this dress 3 years ago. It was very cheap. Prices now are rising.9. you buy theatre tickets? -No, thank you. Mom already bought. We go to the theater tomorrow.10. Thou shalt be free tonight? -No, I'm meeting with my girlfriend in 7. Ex. 4. Translate:1. Are you doing this job? -Yes, but I just started it.2 recently, he came to our shop. I know he buys products in this store. It has become very important.3. Have you traveled out of town this weekend? -No, we have been very busy. We cleaned the House.4. I haven't cooked dinner. -Help you? -Yes, thank you. G the spines come in 7.5. where were you yesterday? We searched for you all evening. -I'm sitting at home.6. Thou pozvoniš′ me? -Of course, I always call you in the evening.7. Do you know this man? -Yes, I met him before the war, but I had not seen him since.8. I think you will like this dress. -Oh, I dreamed about it all year.9. I want to invite Jim to dinner. -I have already invited him. You told me yesterday about this.10. I often meet this man. And now he walks down the street.Ex. 5. Translate:1. Have you ever been to Paris? -Yes, I was there last year. I often go to France.2. When she left Mary? -She left before you called. She's been waiting for you for an hour.3. We have already met. -When we met? -I do not remember. In my opinion, we met 3 years ago.4. We were having lunch when John came. He didn't want to have dinner with us. He said he already had lunch. He ate in 5, and we always have lunch at 7.5. What he does? -He plays tennis. He plays very well. He now plays in France.6. Yesterday when I was leaving the Office, raining. I didn't have an umbrella. I never noticed that it started to rain.7. He finished the job before we came.8. We finish the experiment by the end of next week.9. in England often raining? Yes, when we arrived, there was rain. We arrived before the rains. -Have you ever been to London? -Yes, I visited London last year.10. Tomorrow at the same time we will sail on the boat (sail).Ex. 6. Translate:1. He is writing a book. -He has already finished the work? -Yes, he finished it last week.2. What are you doing here? -I'm waiting for my friend. He works at the University.3. The rain has not stopped when we left the House. Rain walked the whole day.4. He is a student? -Yes, he is studying at our University. He worked in our factory before being enrolled in our University. Now it is not working.5. Do you often go to the theatre? -I love the theater, but last year I did not go to the theater. I was sick. Have you seen this new work?6. you go to Moscow next week? -I don't know. I'm a very important letter from Moscow.7. My sister has not slept when I got up. -You get up early? When you start your work day?8. do not come tomorrow at 2, I will wear off. -When can I come? -We usually drink tea at 5. You want to go in 5?9. He usually plays tennis very well, but today he's playing bad. Well you play tennis? -I played when I was a student.10. Have you seen this movie? -Yes, I saw it last week. -You go to the cinema with me tomorrow?
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Sam Negro boy liked to draw. 2. As a child, Sam always something to draw. 3. Sam for several weeks attending drawing class when he began to draw a red rose. 4. When Miss Ralston went to Sam, he had finished to paint a rose and drew Negro girl. 5. Sam while drawing Negro Woman, when Miss Ralston approached him. 6. Sam drew ten minutes when Miss Ralston approached him. 7. Miss Ralston went to Sam and stood behind him. 8. Miss Ralston went to Sam and stood behind him. 9. Miss Ralston waited until Sam graduated drawing. 10. Figure was excellent. Although Sam took only a few lessons, he made ​​great strides. 11. Ms. Rolston took the picture and promised to take him to Philadelphia, along with drawings, which he finished ahead. 12. The head of the art department looked at drawings that Miss Ralston brought him. Figures he liked, but he refused to accept them, when I learned that the artist - black. 13. Miss Ralston stayed in Philadelphia for about a week. 14. Miss Ralston stayed in Philadelphia about a week before I realized that nothing could be done to Sam.
Ex. 2. Translate:
It was very cozy and clean kitchen. The sun shone through the windows clean, the floor gleamed, boiling kettle on the stove, and a thick black Mrs. Brown's favorite fast asleep on a windowsill. Mrs. Brown was sitting in a chair and read. Suddenly, a powerful explosion shook a small house. Mrs. Brown looked out the window. People were running down the street. Someone shouted: "This is the factory! The boiler exploded! "Mrs. Brown pale, covered her face with her ​​hands and sank into a chair. Her husband worked in the boiler room. "I was a good wife to him," - she thought. - "Only yesterday I scolded him for what he is not wiped his feet when walked into the kitchen. And now I never see him. " Slammed the door, someone walked into the room. "Do not cry, Mary!" - She heard her husband's voice. - "Nothing special happened. No one was wounded. " Mrs. Brown looked up. "Steve!" - She said. - "How many times have I told you: to wipe their feet when you walk into the house".
Ex. 3. Translate:
1. She travels a lot. In the summer she went to France. She had returned to Moscow.
2. Did you read the poems of Byron? - Yes, we read them in the past year. - You like them?
3. Do you play the piano? Look, John plays. He always plays well.
4. When we were in the Crimea, we walked for hours in the mountains.
5. What book are you reading now? - I do not read books, I like newspapers and magazines.
6. I have not seen him lately. - I just met him. He went to the library.
7. Do you often go to the movies? - No, I have not been to the movies since the summer.
8. I bought this dress three years ago. It was very cheap. Prices are now rising.
9. You buy tickets at the theater? - No, thank you. Mom had bought. We go to the theater tomorrow.
10. You'll be free tonight? - No, I'm meeting with his girlfriend in 7. Ex. 4. Translate: 1. You're doing the job? - Yes, but I just started it. 2 In recent years, he did not come to our store. I know that he buys products in this store. It has become very important. 3. You went out of town this weekend? - No, we were very busy. We cleaned the house. 4. I have not made ​​dinner. - Can I help you? - Yes thank you. Mr. Awn come to 7. 5. Where were you yesterday? We were looking for you all night. - I was sitting at home. 6. Will you call me? - Of course, I'm always calling you in the evening. 7. Do you know this man? - Yes, I met him before the war, but I have not seen him since. 8. I think you will like this dress. - Oh, I dreamed about it all year. 9. I want to invite Jim to dinner. - I've already asked him. You told me yesterday about this. 10. I often see this man. And now he walks down the street. Ex. 5. Translate: 1. Have you ever been to Paris? - Yes, I was there last year. I often travel to France. 2. When Mary left? - She left before you call. She's been waiting for you for an hour. 3. We've already met. - When we met? - I do not remember. I think we met three years ago. 4. We had dinner when John came. He did not want to dine with us. He said he already had lunch. He ate in the 5, and we always have dinner at 7. 5. What does he do? - He plays tennis. He plays very well. Now he plays in France. 6. Yesterday, when I was leaving the office, there was a rain. I did not have an umbrella. I have not noticed that it began to rain. 7. He finished before we came. 8. We will finish by the end of the experiment next week. 9. In England often does it rain? - Yes, when we arrived, there was a rain. - We arrived before the rains began. - Have you ever been to London? - Yes, I visited London last year. 10. Tomorrow at this time we'll be on the boat to sail (sail). Ex. 6. Translate: 1. He is writing a book. - He's already finished? - Yes, he finished it last week. 2. What are you doing here? - I'm waiting for my friend. He works at the university. 3. Rain has not stopped, when we left the house. Rain walked all day. 4. He is a student? - Yes, he is studying at our university. He worked in our factory before enrolled to our university. Now it does not work. 5. Do you often go to the theater? - I love theater, but last year I did not go to the theater. I was sick. Have you seen the new play? 6. You will go to Moscow next week? - I do not know. I look forward to a very important letter from Moscow. 7. My sister is not asleep when I got up. - You get up early? When you start your working day? 8. Do not come tomorrow at 2, I'm going to wash. - When can I come? - We used to drink tea at 5. Do you want to go to 5? 9. He usually plays tennis very well, but today he is playing poorly. Do you play tennis? - I played when I was a student. 10. Have you seen this movie? - Yes, I saw him last week. - You come with me to the movies tomorrow?

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Sam,€™RE boy, very liked to draw. 2. In childhood Sam constantly something sketching. 3. Sam has already a few weeks visited class drawing, when he began to draw the red lived happily ever after. 4.When miss Rolston will open came to Sam, he has already finished drawing and sketching Rosa негритянскую girl. 5. Sam some time sketching негритянскую girl, when miss Rolston will open came to it. 6. Sam is not sketching and ten minutes,When miss Rolston will open came to it. 7. Miss Rolston will open approached Sam and stopped behind it. 8. Miss Rolston will open approached Sam and stood behind him. 9. Miss Rolston will open wait, until Sam had not graduated from figure. 10.Figure was excellent. Although Sam has made only a few lessons, he made a great success. 11. Miss Rolston will open assumed figure and promised blamed it in Philadelphia, along with pictures, which he finished earlier. 12.Head of artistic division preview pictures, which miss Rolston will open has brought him. He was very pleased with the figures, but he refused to accept them, when I learned that art - negro. 13.Miss Rolston will open stayed in Philadelphia approximately one week. 14. Miss Rolston will open stayed in Philadelphia approximately one week before you realized that nothing could be done to Sam.
Ex. 2. Translate:
This has been a very pleasant and clean kitchen. The Sun into through clean glass, the floor crowd came out and said the plate language tutors the kettle, and a thick black dresses Mrs Brown sweet slept on the armrest. Mrs Brown was sitting in a chair and read.Suddenly loud explosion shook the small lodge. Mrs Brown walketh in the window. People on the street who had fled. Someone angrily: "It is in the factory! The boiler exploded!" Mrs Brown turned pale, has closed a person with both hands and has fallen in the armchair.Her husband worked in the boiler room. "I was a bad wife," - she thought it was about time. - "Only yesterday i выбранила him for the fact that it is not rubbed his cheek against his legs, when logged in cuisine. And now I have not his saints". There was silence, who is logged into the room."Not crying, Mary!" - her husband's voice. - "Nothing special happened. No one was injured". Mrs Brown raised his head. "Stephen!" - she said. - "How many times I have said: вытираи legs, when piles in the house" .
Ex. 3.Translate:
1. It is traveling. She spent the summer in France. She has already returned to Moscow.
2. Have you read poetry Byron? - Yes, we have read them in the past year. - Do you they love?
3. You're playing the piano? Hear, John is playing.He has always played well.
4. When we were in the Crimea, we clock walked in the mountains.
5. What book are you doing now? - I do not read books, i love newspapers and magazines.
6. I haven't seen it in the recent past. - And I have just received it.He was in the library.
7. Do you often go to the cinema? - No, I have not been to the movies in summer.
8. I bought this dress 3 years ago. It was very cheap. Prices are now growing.
9. You buy tickets to the theater? - No, thank you. Mom had already bought.We are going to the theater tomorrow.
10. You'll be free tonight? - No, I'm with her girlfriend in 7. Lord Ex. 4. Translate:
1. I have to do this work? - Yes, but I only that its began.
2 In the last time, he had not been stymied in our shop. I know, that he buys products in this store. It has become a very important.
3. I have travelled in the city this weekend? - No, we were very busy. We tidied up the house.
4.I have not yet "i'd like lunch. - Do you help? - Yes, thank you. Mr. de-awning come in 7.
5. Where have you been yesterday? We were looking for you the whole evening. - I was sitting at home.
6. You позвонишь me? - Of course, I always am calling you in the evening.
7.Do you know this person? - Yes, I have faced his prior to the war, but I have not seen him since then.
8. I think you will love this dress. - On, i lived on it the entire year.
9. I would like to invite Jim for lunch. - I have already invited it.I yesterday said about this.
10. I often synonyms this rights. Now he is on the street.lord Ex. 5. Translate:
1. Have you ever visited in Paris? - Yes, I was there in the past year. I often visit to France.
2. When mummy Mary?- She had gone up to the fact, as you said. She waited for you a whole hour.
3. We have already met. - When we met? - I don't remember. In my view, we met 3 years ago.
4. We are more energetic, when John came. He did not wish for lunch with us.He said that it was very poor. He had eaten in 5, and we always eat out 7.
5. Than he is? - He has been playing in tennis. He has played very well. Now he is playing in France.
6. Yesterday, when I went out of the office, it was raining. I have not had a nuclear umbrella.I have not noticed that it started to rain.
7. He finished the work up to that, as we come.
8. We will finish the experiment to the end of the following week.
9. In England often it is raining? - Yes, when we arrived, it was raining. - As we have come to,The rains began. - As you when I was in London? - Yes, I visited London last year.
10. Tomorrow at the same time, we will dive on the boat (magnet - for international guests as well) .lord Ex. 6. Translate:
1. He writes a book. - He had already finished the work? - Yes,He had graduated from its last week.
2. What you're doing here? - I'm his friend. He works at the university.
3. Rain has not yet stopped, when we came out of the house. It was raining all day.
4. He was a student? - Yes,He learns in our university. He worked at our factory prior to, as well as ringing in our university. Now it is not working.
5. You often go to the theater? - I love the theater, but in the past year, I did not go to the theater. I had been sick.Have you seen this new play?
6. You will travel to Moscow for the next week? - I do not know. I'm a very important letter from Moscow.
7. My sister has not yet subsided, when I was. - You wake up early? When you start your working day?
8.Do not come back tomorrow at 2, I will be erased. - When can I come? - We usually antioxidants tea in 5. Do you want to go to 5 ?
9. He usually plays tennis very well, but today, he was playing poorly. And if you're playing tennis? - I played,When he was a student.
10. You have already seen this movie? - Yes, I saw it last week. - You won't you go with me to the movies tomorrow?
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