Ты пишешь,что моих родителей не удовлетворят наши отношения. Что маме не понравится это.А я отвечаю тебе,что удовлетворять ее должен мужчина,а не мои отношения. Я пошутила
You write that my parents are satisfied with our relationship. That mom won't like this. And I answer you that meet its needs to man, not my relationship. I joked
You write that my parents are not satisfied with our relationship. What mom does not like eto.Ya I tell you that it has to meet the man, not my relationship. I was joking
you write that my parents don"t satisfy our relationship. what my mother doesn"t like it это.а i"m telling you that i meet her to a man, not a relationship. i was joking.