Целый год идёт война. В начале итальянские солдаты сражаются в деревне перевод - Целый год идёт война. В начале итальянские солдаты сражаются в деревне английский как сказать

Целый год идёт война. В начале итал

Целый год идёт война. В начале итальянские солдаты сражаются в деревне, потом занимают город. Зимой, когда начинает падать снег, офицеры понимают, что наступление откладывается до будущего года. Главному герою, лейтенанту, американцу по фамилии Генри, служащему в санитарном отряде, дают отпуск. Из него он возвращается всё в тот же город, и понимает, что ничего не изменилось – разве что наступила весна.

На следующий день Генри проверяет состояние машин для перевозки раненых и приходит к выводу, что от него лично в этом процессе мало что зависит. Как-то раз вместе с Ринальди, соседом по комнате и опытным хирургом, герой идёт в гости к его знакомой – англичанке, мисс Кэтрин Баркли. Она – медсестра в английском госпитале. Её жених, с которым девушка была помолвлена восемь лет, погиб в бою. Мисс Баркли, как все романтики, мечтала, что он попадёт к ней в госпиталь с незначительным ранением, но его разорвало на куски во Франции.

После первого поцелуя с Кэтрин Генри уезжает проверять посты. Вернувшись через три дня, он снова встречается с девушкой, которая выманивает у него признание в любви и тут же благодарит за попытку сыграть свою роль, как надо.

Перед наступлением Генри мечтает о том, как занимается любовью с Кэтрин Баркли в Милане. Идя на очередное свидание пьяным, герой узнаёт, что девушка не совсем здорова, и вдруг понимает, насколько он одинок. Перед атакой в верховье реки Кэтрин даёт Генри медальон со святым Антонием, чтобы он сохранил героя в бою. При этом сама девушка – не католичка.

Генри ужинает вместе шофёрами санитарных машин. Его ранит миной. С раздробленными ногами и трещиной в голове герой попадает в госпиталь. Его навещают Ринальди и полковой священник. Перед началом нового наступления, Генри отправляют в американский госпиталь в Милане. На прощание он выпивает с Ринальди и узнаёт, что мисс Баркли переведена туда же.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The whole year there is war. At the beginning of the Italian soldiers fighting in the village, then took the city. In winter, when the snow begins to fall, the officers understand that the offensive was postponed until next year. The main character, Lieutenant, an American by the name of Henry, servant in the sanitary detachment, give vacation. He returned from it all in the same city, and understands that nothing has changed-except that spring.The next day, Henry checks the status of the machines for the transport of the wounded and finds that from him personally in this process little depends. Once together with Rinaldi, roommate and an experienced surgeon, the hero goes to visit his friend-pounced, Miss Catherine Barkley. She is a nurse in the English hospital. Her fiance, with whom she was engaged for eight years, was killed in the battle. Miss Barkley, like all romance, dreamed that he gets to her in hospital with slight injuries, but his torn to pieces in France.After the first kiss with Kathryn Henry leaves to check posts. When he returned three days later, he again meets a girl who tries to love him and immediately thanked for trying to play its role, as it should be.Before the advent of Henry dreams of how engaged in love with Catherine Barkley in Milan. Going on another date drunk, the hero discovers that the girl is not quite healthy, and suddenly realizes he is alone. Before the attack in headwaters Katherine gives Henry a medallion with St. Anthony, that he retains a hero in battle. When the girl is not Catholic.Henry having dinner together šofërami ambulances. It hurt mine. With shattered legs and a crack in the head protagonist ends up in the hospital. His visit Rinaldi and the regimental chaplain. Before the start of a new offensive, Henry sent to an American Hospital in Milan. Goodbye he drinks with Rinaldi and learns that Miss Barkley moved there.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The whole year is a war. At the beginning of the Italian soldiers are fighting in the village, then take the city. In winter, when the snow begins to fall, the officers realize that the onset is delayed until next year. The main character, the lieutenant, the American by the name of Henry, an employee in the ambulance corps, give vacation. From it, he returned all in the same city, and realizes that nothing has changed - except that spring has come. The next day, Henry checks the machine to transport the wounded and come to the conclusion that from him personally in this process, there is little independent. Once with Rinaldi, roommate and an experienced surgeon, the hero goes to visit his friend - Englishwoman, Miss Catherine Barkley. She - a nurse in the English hospital. Her fiancé, with whom she was engaged for eight years, was killed in battle. Miss Barkley, like all romantics, dreaming that he will get her to the hospital with minor injuries, but his fragmented in France. After the first kiss with Kathryn Henry leaves to check positions. Returning three days later, he again meets with the girl, who entices his declaration of love and then thanks for trying to play a role, as it should. Before the advent of Henry dreams of how to make love with Catherine Barkley in Milan. Going to the next meeting drunk, the hero discovers that the girl is not very well, and suddenly realizes how much he is lonely. Before the attack, in the upper reaches of the river gives Katherine Henry medallion with St. Anthony, so he kept the character in battle. At the same time the girl herself - not Catholic. Henry dined chauffeur ambulances. It hurt mine. With fractured legs and a crack in the head hero gets to the hospital. His visit Rinaldi and the regimental chaplain. Before the start of a new offensive, Henry sent to the American hospital in Milan. In parting, he drinks with Rinaldi and learns that Miss Barkley moved there too.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
a year of war. at the beginning of the italian soldiers fighting in the village, then took the city. in winter, when the snow starts to fall, the officers know that the offensive was postponed until next year. the herolieutenant, an american by the name of henry, the servant in the sanitary unit, are on vacation. he is still in the same city, and realizes that nothing has changed, except that it is spring.

the next day, henry checks the state of the cars to transport the wounded and concludes that he personally in this process little control. once together with rinaldi, roommate and experienced surgeon.the hero goes to visit his friend is a british girl, miss catherine barkley. she is a nurse in the english hospital. her fiance who the girl was engaged to be married for eight years, he died in battle. miss barkley, as all the romantic dream
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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