Мы выбрали этот проект, потому что мы хотим поделиться своими идеями о перевод - Мы выбрали этот проект, потому что мы хотим поделиться своими идеями о английский как сказать

Мы выбрали этот проект, потому что

Мы выбрали этот проект, потому что мы хотим поделиться своими идеями о создании канала. Кроме того, эта тема очень интересная.
Я считаю, что телевидение играет большую роль в жизни многих людей. Благодаря телевидению мы узнаем последние новости, получаем полезную информацию из различных передач. Кроме того, мы смотрим любимые фильмы, сериалы, мультфильмы. Телевидение имеет большое влияние на людей, а особенно на подростков.
Сейчас большинство подростков интересуются музыкой, сериалами. Многие так же интересуются книгами. Мы хотим создать такой канал, чтобы он был интересен подросткам.
Итак, для начала мы хотим рассказать, каким же будет наш канал.
Во-первых, как мы уже сказали, это будет канал для подростков.
Во-вторых, канал будет развлекательным и информативным. Наши телезрители смогут не только смотреть любимые фильмы и сериалы, но и так же смогут узнавать последние новости о своих кумирах, узнавать о выходе новых книг и фильмов. А также, подростки смогут смотреть познавательные передачи и получать полезную информацию.
В-третьих, программа передач будет состоять из сериалов, мультфильмов, музыкальных передач. Кроме того будут транслироваться интересные фильмы, различные передачи и новости.
В-четвертых, на нашем канале не будет рекламы! Я думаю, реклама многим надоедает.
Наш канал будет называться «Teen Channel».
Мы хотим поподробнее рассказать какие фильмы, сериалы, мультфильмы и передачи будут идти на нашем канале.
Я хочу начать с сериалов. На нашем канале будут транслироваться различные популярные сериалы. Например, Доктор Кто, Во все тяжкие, Стрела, Волчонок, Шерлок, Ходячие мертвецы, Флэш и многие другие. Сериалы будут идти каждый день, и будут транслироваться по несколько серий подряд.
Далее фильмы. На нашем канале будут идти фильмы разных жанров. Каждый сможет найти свой фильм. Мы будем транслировать такие фильмы, как Бегущий в Лабиринте, Голодные Игры, Железный человек, Гарри Поттер, Академия Вампиров и многие другие. Фильмы так же будут идти каждый день с 8 часов вечера.
На нашем канале будут идти мультфильмы. Мы будем показывать короткометражные мультфильмы, такие как Время Приключений, Что с Энди?, Гравити Фолз и полнометражные мультфильмы, такие как Анастасия, Король Лев, Мадагаскар, Храбрая Сердцем и многие другие.
Короткометражные мультфильмы будут идти каждое утро с 6 до 10. Полнометражные мультфильмы будут идти через день.
Так же на нашем канале будут музыкальные передачи. Во время музыкальной передачи наши телезрители смогут заказывать клипы своих любимых рок-групп. Например, Hollywood Undead, Skillet, Nickelback, Dead By April, Three Days Grace, Fall Out Boy, Thousand Foot Krutch и многие другие. Так же они смогут просто пообщаться с ведущим этой программы. Ведущим будем участник известной панк-рок группы Green Day Билли Джо Армстронг.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
We chose this project because we want to share ideas about creating a channel. In addition, this topic is very interesting. I believe that television plays a big role in the lives of many people. Thanks to television, we'll find out the latest news, get useful information from a variety of transmission. In addition, we look at your favorite movies, TV series, cartoons. TV has a great influence on people, particularly adolescents.Now, most teenagers are interested in music, TV shows. Many also are interested in books. We want to establish such a channel, so it was interesting to adolescents. So, to start, we want to tell, what will our feed. First, as we have already said, it will be a channel for teenagers. Secondly, the channel will be entertaining and informative. Our viewers will not only be able to watch your favorite movies and TV series, but also be able to find out the latest news about their idols, and find out about new books and movies. As well, young people will be able to watch the cognitive transfer and obtain useful information.Thirdly, the program schedule will consist of a series of cartoons, musical programs. In addition there will be a variety of interesting films, and news. Fourthly, on the channel will not be advertising! I think many of the annoying advertising. Our channel will be called "Teen Channel. We want to tell any more films, sitcoms, cartoons and the transfer will go on our channel. I want to start with the series. On the channel will broadcast various popular serials. For example, doctor who, breaking bad, boom, Wolf Cub, Sherlock, the walking dead, Flash and many others. Serials will go every day, and will be broadcast on several episodes in a row. Further movies. On the channel will be films of different genres. Everyone can find his film. We will broadcast the films such as Running in the maze, the hunger games, iron man, Harry Potter, Vampire Academy and many others. Movies are going every day from 8:0 pm. On the channel will be cartoons. We'll be showing short cartoons, such as adventure time with Andy?, Gravity Falls and full-length cartoons, such as Anastasia, Lion King, Madagascar, brave heart and many others. Short cartoons will go every morning from 6 to 10. Full-length cartoons will go through the day. Also on the channel will be musical. During the musical transmission of our viewers can enjoy the clips of their favorite rock bands. For example, Hollywood Undead, Skillet, Nickelback, Dead By April, Three Days Grace, Fall Out Boy, Thousand Foot Krutch and many others. So they can just hang out with leading the programme. The lead will party well known punk rock band Green Day Billie Joe Armstrong.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
We chose this project because we want to share their ideas on the establishment of the channel. In addition, this topic is very interesting.
I think that television plays an important role in the lives of many people. Thanks to television, we learn the latest news, get useful information from different transmissions. In addition, we look at your favorite films, TV shows, cartoons. Television has a great impact on people, especially teenagers.
Now, most teenagers are interested in music, soap operas. Many just interested in books. We want to create a channel that it was interesting to teenagers.
So, first we want to tell, what will be our channel.
First, as we have said, this will be a channel for teenagers.
Secondly, the channel will be entertaining and informative . Our viewers will be able not only to watch your favorite movies and TV shows, but will also be able to learn the latest news about their heroes, learn about new books and movies. Also, teens can watch educational programs and get useful information.
Third, the program schedule will consist of a series, cartoons, music programs. Also interesting films will be broadcast, transmission and various news.
Fourth, on our channel will not be advertising! I think many annoying ads.
Our channel will be called «Teen Channel».
We want to tell more in detail what kind of movies, TV shows, cartoons, and the transmission will go on our channel.
I want to start with the series. Our channel will broadcast a variety of popular TV series. For example, Doctor Who, Breaking Bad, Boom, cub, Sherlock, The Walking Dead, Flash and many others. Series will go every day, and will be broadcast on several series in a row.
Next movies. Our channel will go movies of different genres. Everyone will be able to find your movie. We will broadcast the films like The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games, Iron Man, Harry Potter, Vampire Academy, and many others. Movies will go the same way every day from 8 o'clock in the evening.
Our channel will go cartoons. We will show the short film, such as the adventure, What's with Andy ?, Gravity Falls and full-length cartoons, such as Anastasia, The Lion King, Madagascar, Braveheart, and many others.
Short cartoons would go every morning from 6 to 10. Full-length cartoons will go through the day.
Just to be on our channel music programs. During our music program, viewers will be able to order the clips of their favorite rock bands. For example, Hollywood Undead, Skillet, Nickelback, Dead By April, Three Days Grace, Fall Out Boy, Thousand Foot Krutch and many others. So they can just chat with leading this program. Leading participant will be known punk rock band Green Day Billie Joe Armstrong.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
We chose this project, because we want to share our ideas on the link. In addition, this subject is very interesting.
I think that television plays a major role in the lives of many people.Thanks to television, we will learn about the latest news, get useful information from the various gears. In addition, we watch your favorite movies, serials, cartoons. Television has a great impact on people,And especially to adolescents.
is now the majority of adolescents are interested in music, serials are successfully competing. Many people are interested in the same books. We want to create such a channel, so it was interesting adolescents.
So,For the beginning, we want to tell, what will be our channel.
First, as we have already said, this will be a channel for adolescents.
Secondly, a channel will be entertaining and informative.Our viewers will be able to not only watch your favorite movies and television serials, but the same will be able to learn the latest news on their aussie, learn about the new books and films. As well as,Young people will be able to look cognitive transfer and receive useful information.
in the third, the gearbox will consist of series, cartoons, music gear.In addition will be broadcast interesting films, various transfer and news.
Fourthly, on our channel will not be advertising! I think that advertising many barrages.
Our channel will be called the "Teen Channel".
We want to tell us some what movies, serials, cartoons and the transfer will go on our channel.
I would like to begin with the series. On our channel will be broadcast various popular serials. For example,Doctor who, in all serious, Boom, Волчонок, Sherlock, who bought this product also purchased walking time, Flash and many other. Serials will be every day, and will be broadcast on several series in a row.
Further movies.On our channel will go movies different genres. Each will be able to find your film. We are going to translate such movies, as well as the Quickie in the labyrinth, the hungry game, Iron man, Harry Potter,Vampire Academy and many others. Movies the same will go every day from 8 o'clock in the evening.
On our channel will be cartoons. We will show full-length films animated films, such as the time, AdventureThat with Andy?, Guinness Storehouse Falls and animated feature animated films, such as insubordination, Lion King, Madagascar, late President Mobuto heart and many others.
Festival cartoons will be to go every morning from 6 to 10.Animated Feature cartoons will go through day.
The same on our channel will be music. During the music transfer our viewers will be able to order their favorite clips rock-groups. For example,Hollywood Undead Swan Songs, Skillet with, Nickelback signed a record deal with Emi, Dead By April, three days grace, Fall Out Oscar De La Hoya, dobroty Foot Krutсh and many others. So, they will be able to talk with the lead this program. The lead will be party known punk-rock group Green Day Billie Joe Armstrong.
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