1. The second half of the 15th century saw wars and conquests in Moroc перевод - 1. The second half of the 15th century saw wars and conquests in Moroc английский как сказать

1. The second half of the 15th cent

1. The second half of the 15th century saw wars and conquests in Morocco and the colonization of Madeira and the Azores. These islands offer a pleasant climate and fertile land. (“IHT”)
2. Queen Victoria's reign saw rumbustious political rallies in Hyde Park and Albert's Great Exhibition with Chrystal Palace. ("G.")
3. The postwar years have seen decisive advances in the study of primates such as chimpanzees and in discovery of fossils of our ancestors. (“MS”)
1. Paradoxically, the ending of the Cold War has not seen a reduction in either personnel or budget of the secret Intelligence Service. (“Ind.”)
2. Brittany's much-forgotten language is getting a new lease of life, as the firstever Breton dictionary prepares to hit the shelves next year. Three years of research have produced 1,000 pages containing 10,000 words, a modest feat when compared to the Larousse French dictionary of 60,000 words. ("G")
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. The second half of the 15th century saw wars and conquests in Morocco and the colonization of Madeira and the Azores. These islands offer a pleasant climate and fertile land. (“IHT”)2. Queen Victoria's reign saw rumbustious political rallies in Hyde Park and Albert's Great Exhibition with Chrystal Palace. ("G.")3. The postwar years have seen decisive advances in the study of primates such as chimpanzees and in discovery of fossils of our ancestors. (“MS”)1. Paradoxically, the ending of the Cold War has not seen a reduction in either personnel or budget of the secret Intelligence Service. (“Ind.”)2. Brittany's much-forgotten language is getting a new lease of life, as the firstever Breton dictionary prepares to hit the shelves next year. Three years of research have produced 1,000 pages containing 10,000 words, a modest feat when compared to the Larousse French dictionary of 60,000 words. ("G")
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. The second half of the 15th century saw wars and conquests in Morocco and the colonization of Madeira and the Azores. These islands offer a pleasant climate and fertile land. ("IHT")
2. Queen Victoria's reign saw rumbustious political rallies in Hyde Park and Albert's Great Exhibition with Chrystal Palace. ("G.")
3. The postwar years have seen decisive advances in the study of primates such as chimpanzees and in discovery of fossils of our ancestors. ("MS")
1. Paradoxically, the ending of the Cold War has not seen a reduction in either personnel or budget of the secret Intelligence Service. ("Ind.")
2. Brittany's much-forgotten language is getting a new lease of life, as the firstever Breton dictionary prepares to hit the shelves next year. Three years of research have produced 1,000 pages containing 10,000 words, a modest feat when compared to the Larousse French dictionary of 60,000 words. ("G")
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. the second half of the 19th century saw wars and conquests in morocco and the colonization of madeira and the azores. these islands offer a pleasant climate and remaining land. ("IHT)
2. queen victoria's by one rumbustious political rallies in hyde park and albert's great exhibition with Chrystal palace. ("g")
3.the postwar years have seen three advances in the study of primates such as chimpanzees and in discovery of fossils of as. ("ms")
1. Paradoxically, the ending of the cold war has not seen a reduction in either staff or budget of the secret intelligence service. (ind.)
2. brittany 's much - forgotten language is getting a new lease of life,as the firstever Breton dictionary using shelves to hit the next year. three years of research have produced 1000 pages containing 10000 words, a modest feat when compared to the Larousse french dictionary of 60000 words. ("g").
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