Такого учителя нелегко найти, таких на тысячу один. 3. Я был в самой середине толпы и не Mor подойти к вам. 4. Почему вы так торопитесь? На вашем месте я бы подождал немного, это в ваших интересах. 5. Я постараюсь прийти в понедельник в 10 часов утра. В случае если я немного опоздаю, подождите, пожалуйста. 6. "Кто вынимал сегодня почту? Не хватает одной газеты",- возмущенно сказал отец. 7. Кондуктор автобуса поMor старой женщине войти. 8. Вот молоток. Забейте, пожалуйста, этот гвоздь. 9. Джим открыл дверь и впустил мокрую от дождя собаку. 10. Если бы вы побольше бывали на воздухе, вы бы тоже хорошо себя чувствовали и 'не нуждались бы так часто в медицинской помощи. 11. "Вы сегодня в плохом настроении, не так ли?" - "Да, что-то мне не по себе. Я, пожалуй, лучше останусь дома и почитаю". 12. Я уже насыпала чай в чайник. Налей, пожалуйста, воды. 13. Джон поMor жене снять пальто и усадил ее в кресло у камина. 14. Я уложила чемодан, но не сMorла всунуть туда все свои вещи. Придется брать сумку. 15. Разве вы не знаете, что контрольную работу не пишут карандашом? 16. Я не сMorу сделать этот перевод за час. Здесь много технических терминов, которые придется искать в словаре. 17. Мы сошли с поезда и отправились на поиски гостиницы. 18. Мы пошли по направлению к лесу, который виднелся вдалеке. 19. Говорите шепотом. Анна, кажется, заснула. 20. Джордж отрезал кусок хлеба, намазал его маслом и принялся за еду. 21. Этот студент уверен в своих знаниях и немного рисуется. 22. Может быть, у него и мало опыта в такой работе, но это человек неиссякаемой энергии, и он наверняка с ней справится. 23. Краска не отходит от пальто, я не Morу ее соскоблить. 24. Мы свернули с дороги и пошли по извилистой тропинке.
Вскоре мы были на озере. 25. На всякий случай посмотрите, выключен ли газ и закрыт ли кран. 26. "Может быть закрыть окно? - спросила Джейн.- Ты дрожишь от холода".- "Не надо,- ответила Мэри,- я всегда сплю с открытым окном". 27. После того как она попала в аварию, она избегает ездить на машине. 28. "Вы не знаете, как у него дела с книгой, которую он пишет?" - "Я его давно не видел, мы не ладим с ним".- "Но почему? По-моему, вы придираетесь к нему. При. всех своих недостатках он очень порядочный человек". 29. Как ты можешь не верить мне, если я говорю, что видела это своими собственными глазами? 30. Дотти сидела, задумавшись, и не проявляла никакого интереса к происходящему.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Such a teacher is not easy to find such a thousand to one. 3. I was in the middle of the crowd and not Mor come up to you. 4. Why are you so hurry up? At your place I would have waited a bit, it's in your best interest. 5. I will try to come on Monday at 10:00 in the morning. If I'm a little late, please wait. 6. "who is busy today emails? Lacking a newspaper, "he said. 7. Bus Conductor poMor old woman enter. 8. Here's a hammer. Please insert this nail. 9. Jim opened the door and let the wet from the rain dog. 10. If you had a little more happened on the air, you'd be too good feel and ' not needed so often in medical care. 11. "you're in a bad mood today, isn't it?"-"Yes, something I didn't feel right. I think it is better to stay at home and read. 12. I have already nasypala the tea in a teapot. Pour some water, please. 13. John poMor wife remove coats and sat her in a Chair by the fireplace. 14. I put the suitcase, but not sMorla plugging all your belongings. Have to take out the bag. 15. Do you not know that the reference work does not write with a pencil? 16. I am not sMoru to do this translation per hour. There are many technical terms that have to look in the dictionary. 17. We got off the train and went to search for hotels. 18. We went toward the forest, which was seen in the distance. 19. speak in a whisper. Anna seems to be asleep. 20. George cut off a piece of bread, spread like oil and started eating. 21. The student is confident in their knowledge and a bit drawn. 22. Maybe he and little experience in such work, but this is a man of inexhaustible energy and he will cope with it. 23. Paint does not depart from coats, I don't scour it Moru. 24. We turned off the road and went on a zigzag path.42Soon we were on the Lake. 25. Just in case, see whether the gas is turned off and closed the faucet. 26. "maybe close the window? Jane asked.-shake you from the cold. "-" no, "replied Mary-I always sleep with the window open." 27. After she got into an accident, she avoids driving. 28. "you don't know how he is doing with the book, which he wrote?"-"I have not seen it, we did not get along well with him."-"But why? In my opinion, you're picking him. When. all his shortcomings he is a very decent man. " 29. How can you not believe me when I say that I saw it with my own eyes? 30. Dottie sat, lost in thoughts, and not shown any interest in what is happening.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
This teacher is not easy to find such a thousand alone. 3. I was in the middle of the crowd and Mor to come to you. 4. Why are you in such a hurry? In your place I would have waited a little, it's in your best interest. 5. I will try to come on Monday at 10 am. If I'm a little late, please wait. 6. "Who took out the mail today? There is not enough of a newspaper," - he said the father angrily. 7. The conductor bus poMor old woman enter. 8. This is a hammer. Hammer, please this nail. 9. Jim opened the door and let the wet dog. 10. If you spend more time in the air, you would also feel good and 'would not need so much medical attention. 11. "You're in a bad mood today, are not you?" - "Yes, something I was not alone. I think I'd rather stay home and count them." 12. I have already spread ground tea kettle. Pour please water. 13. John poMor wife take off my coat and sat her down in a chair by the fireplace. 14. I packed a suitcase, but not sMorla stick to all the things. We'll have to take the bag. 15. Do not you know that the control work is not written with a pencil? 16. I do not do this translation sMoru hour. There are a lot of technical terms, which will have to look in the dictionary. 17. We got off the train and went in search of the hotel. 18. We went towards the forest, which could be seen in the distance. 19. Speak in a whisper. Anna seems to have fallen asleep. 20. George cut off a piece of bread smeared with oil, and began to eat. 21. This student is confident in their knowledge and a little drawn. 22. Maybe he and little experience in such work, but it is the man of boundless energy, and he must cope with it. 23. Paint does not depart from the coat, I do not scrape it Moru. 24. We left the road and followed the winding path. 42 Soon we were at the lake. 25. In any case, look, if the gas is turned off and the tap is closed. 26. "It may be close? - Asked Dzheyn.- You're shivering," .- "No, - said Mary, - I always sleep with the window open." 27. After she got into an accident, it avoids travel by car. 28. "You do not know how he's doing with the book that he wrote?" - "I have not seen him, we do not get along with him" .- "But why? In my opinion, you find fault with him. At. All his faults, he is a very decent man." 29. How can you not believe me when I say that I saw it with my own eyes? 30. Dottie sat lost in thought, and did not show any interest in what is happening.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
It is difficult to find such a teacher, such a thousand one. 3. I was in the middle crowd and not Mor approach to you. 4. Why are you so hurry? In your place i would have waited a little bit, it is in your interest. 5.I will try to come in on Monday at 10 o'clock in the morning. In the case if i slightly Corr. :are, please wait. 6. "Who weekends today mail? Yet there is one newspaper" ,- said the father soon dismissed," he added. 7.The jig coach поMоr old woman to enter. 8. This is a hammer. Knock, please, this nail. 9. Jim opened the door and brother wet from rain dog. 10. If you like to know what was in the air,You would also have good it feel and 'did not need to be so often in medical assistance. 11. "You are now in a poor mood, don't you think?" - "Yes, that I do not on their own. I, perhaps, better to stay home and shewed me". 12.I have already Ahimaaz tea in the kettle. Choice bones, please, water. 13. John поMоr wife remove coats and verbal support her in the armchair in front of the fireplace. 14. I anteroom suitcase, but not сMоrла всунуть there all their belongings. Will have to take your bag. 15. Don't you know,That test does not write with a pencil? 16. I do not сMоrу to do this translation in one hour. There are many technical terms that will have to be > in the dictionary. 17. We fade away from the train and went to the search for a hotel. 18.
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