Дорогой Петя!Сегодня у меня есть немного свободного времени, и я могу  перевод - Дорогой Петя!Сегодня у меня есть немного свободного времени, и я могу  английский как сказать

Дорогой Петя!Сегодня у меня есть не

Дорогой Петя!
Сегодня у меня есть немного свободного времени, и я могу наконец ответить на твое письмо. У нас теперь удобная квартира в многоэтажном доме на пятом этаже. В доме есть лифт. В нашей квартире четыре комнаты. Моя комната направо от входа. В ней мало мебели: письменный стол, два кресла и диван-кровать.На стенах полки с книгами, так как я люблю читать(to be fond of reading). У меня около двухсот английских книг. Я должен много читать, чтобы овладеть английским языком.
Рядом (next to) с моей комнатой — комната родителей. Она лучше моей, но не такая солнечная. У них очень много фотографий на стенах, так как фотографии — любимое занятие (a hobby) моего отца. Третья комната — столовая. Она такая же большая, как комната родителей, но светлее, и на стенах меньше фотографий. Там у нас телевизор, и, когда мы свободны, мы смотрим все интересные передачи.
Рядом со столовой — комната сестры. Она самая большая, так как их теперь трое: Мария, Леонид и маленькая Катюша. Сейчас Катюша у меня в комнате — сидит на ковре и играет со своими куклами и игрушечными животными. Здесь медведи, волки, олени, лисицы, коровы, гуси — целый зоопарк!

Приезжай к нам и посмотри на нее сам. Мы все очень хотим (to be eager) тебя видеть.
Спасибо тебе большое за книгу. Она очень интересная и совсем не трудная. Мы тебя ждем!
Большой привет родителям. Твой Коля.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Dear Petya!Today I have a little free time, and I can finally reply to your letter. We now have a comfortable apartment in a high-rise building on the fifth floor. The House has a lift. In our apartment with four rooms. My room to the right of the entrance. There's little furniture: Desk, two armchairs and a sofa-bed. On the walls of shelves of books, because I love to read (to be fond of reading). I have about 200 English books. I have a lot of reading to learn English.Next (next to) from my room is a room parent. She better my, but not such solar. They have very many pictures on the walls, because the photos are a favorite pastime (a hobby) of my father. The third room is a dining room. It is as big as the room of the parents, but lighter and less photos on the walls. There we have the tv and when we are free, we are looking at all the interesting upload.Next to the dining-room. It is the biggest since their now three: Maria, Leonid and small Katyusha. Now Katyusha in my room sitting on the carpet and playing with their dolls and toy animals. Here, bears, wolves, deer, foxes, cows, geese is a Zoo!29Come visit us and look at it myself. We all really want (to be eager) to see you.Thank you so much for the book. It is very interesting and not at all difficult. We are waiting for you!A big hello to the parents. Your Nick.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Dear Peter!
Today I have a little free time, and I can finally respond to your letter. We now have a comfortable apartment in a building on the fifth floor. The house has an elevator. In our four-room apartment. My room to the right of the entrance. In her little furniture: a desk, two chairs and a sofa krovat.Na walls of bookshelves, as I like to read (to be fond of reading). I have about two hundred English books. I have read a lot to learn English.
Near (next to) to my room - the room of parents. It is better than mine, but not so sunny. They have a lot of pictures on the walls as pictures - favorite hobby (a hobby) my father. The third room - dining room. It is as big as a room parent, but is lighter and smaller than the photos on the walls. They have a TV, and when we are free, we will all look interesting programs.
Next to the dining room - a room sister. It is the largest, as they are now three: Mary and little Leonid Katyusha. Now Katyusha in my room - sitting on the carpet and playing with her ​​dolls and toy animals. Here bears, wolves, deer, foxes, cows, geese - a zoo! 29 Come to us and see to it myself. We all want (to be eager) to see you. Thank you so much for the book. It is very interesting and not at all difficult. We are waiting for you! A big hello to the parents. Your Kohl.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
dear peter!
today i have a bit of free time, and i can finally to answer your letter. we now have a comfortable apartment in a multi-storey building on the fifth floor. in the house, have elevator. in our apartment four rooms.my room is to the right of the entrance. not a lot of furniture: desk, two chairs and a sofa кровать.на walls of shelves of books, because i like reading (to be fond of reading). i have about 200 english books. i have read a lot,to master the english language.
next (next to) my room is room of parents. she is my best, but not the sun. they have a lot of pictures on the walls, like photos, favorite thing (a hobby) my father.the third room is the kitchen. she's as big as a parent, but lighter and less photos on the walls. there we have television, and when we are free, we are all interesting transfer.
next to the dining room of my sister. it is the biggest, as their three: maria, leonid and a little high. now high in my room, sitting on the floor and play with dolls and toy animals.there are bears, wolves, foxes, deer, cows, geese is a zoo! 29

come and look at it. we all really want to be, not to see you. - thank you very much for the book. she is very interesting and very difficult.we're waiting for you! "the big hello to your parents. your kolya.
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