1. Сестра сказала, что хочет приехать к нам сама. 2. Я знала, что она очень занята и поэтому не пригласила ее на вечер. 3. Никто не знал, что вы здесь ждете. Пойдемте в дом, там теплее. 4. Все мы знали, что ее семья Живет в Манчестере, но никто не знал адреса, и мы не смогли встретиться. 5. Лена сказала, что дарит нам эту книгу. 6. Я знал, что она работает в издательстве уже много лет, что у нее двое детей и семья у нее дружная. 7. Она заметила, что ее коллеги всегда дают ей хорошие советы. 8. Мартин сказал, что его родители живут в Ливерпуле уже 10 лет. 9. Розмари сказала, что позвонит домой, как только закончится собрание. 10. Поль сказал, что до того как он стал студентом, он работал механиком (operator) и жил на Дальнем Востоке. 11. Он попросил родителей не беспокоиться, если он придет поздно, так как у него будет собрание. 12. Мэри сказала, что она разговаривала с ним и предупредила о нашем решении. 13. Мы получили телеграмму от Ника. Он сообщил, что самолет прибывает в семь утра и просил встретить его в аэропорту. 14. Студентка обратилась к преподавателю за советом. Она сказала, что прочла книгу очень внимательно, но не может составить хорошего плана. 15. Нора знала, что они собираются провести несколько дней у родных, если у них будет время. 16. Мы не знали, что они там не были, с тех пор как переехали в Абердин. 17. Мы знали, что ее старшая дочь будет жить у тети, если Анна уедет на Север. 18. Вчера я купил книгу, которая так тебе нравится. 19. Сестра Джеймса сказала, что не получает от брата никаких известий, с тех пор как переехала на новое место. 20. Преподаватель сказал нам, что не будет экзаменовать нас, пока мы не сдадим курсовые работы. 21. Он сказал, что ему пора уходить и попрощался со всеми. 22. Он спросил, что я буду делать в это время завтра.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. sister said she wants to come by herself. 2. I know that she is very busy and so didn't invite her for an evening. 3. No one knows what you expect here. Come into the House, there is warmer. 4. We all knew that her family Lived in Manchester, but no one knew the addresses and we were not able to meet. 5. Lena said she gives us this book. 6. I knew she worked in publishing for many years, her two children and her close-knit family. 7. She observed that her colleagues always give her good advice. 8. Martin said his parents live in Liverpool is already 10 years old. 9. Rosemarie said she will call home as soon as the meeting is over. 10. Paul said that before he became a student, he worked as a mechanic (operator) and lived in the far East. 11. He asked parents not to worry if it will come too late, since he will have a meeting. 12. Mary said she talked to him and warned about our decision. 13. We received a telegram from Nick. He reported that the flight arrives at seven in the morning and asked to meet him at the airport. 14. Student asked the teacher for advice. She said she read the book very carefully, but cannot make a good plan. 15. Nora knew that they were going to spend a few days with relatives, if they have the time. 16. We did not know that they were not there, since moved to Aberdeen. 17. We know that her elder daughter will live with his aunt when Anna leaves to the North. 18. yesterday I bought the book, which you like. 19. James's sister said she did not receive any news from my brother, since moved to a new location. 20. Teacher told us that will not examine us until we submit coursework. 21. He said that it's time for him to quit and said goodbye to everyone. 22. He asked what I'd be doing this time tomorrow.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. My sister said she wanted to come to us herself. 2. I knew that she was very busy and therefore not invited her for the evening. 3. No one knew you were here waiting. Come into the house, there is warmer. 4. We all knew that her family lives in Manchester, but nobody knew the address, and we could not meet. 5. Lena said that gives us this book. 6. I know that she works in publishing for many years, she has two children and her family united. 7. She noticed that her colleagues always give her good advice. 8. Martin said his parents live in Liverpool for 10 years. 9. Rosemary said to call home as soon as the meeting. 10. Paul said that before he became a student, he worked as a mechanic (operator) and lived in the Far East. 11. He asked parents not to worry if it will come later, as he will have a meeting. 12. Mary said she talked to him and warned of our decision. 13. We received a telegram from Nick. It is reported that the aircraft arrives at seven in the morning and asked to meet him at the airport. 14. A student asked the teacher for advice. She said that she had read the book very carefully, but can not make a good plan. 15. Nora knew that they were going to spend a few days with relatives, if they have time. 16. We do not know that they have not been there since they moved to Aberdeen. 17. We knew that her eldest daughter to live with his aunt, if Anna will leave the North. 18. Yesterday, I bought a book that is so you like. 19. Sister James said she does not receive any news from her brother, since I moved to a new location. 20. The teacher told us that we will not examine until we surrender coursework. 21. He said that it was time to leave and say goodbye to everyone. 22. He asked me what I'll be doing at this time tomorrow.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. My sister said that he wants to come to the US itself. 2. I knew that, she is very busy and is therefore not invited her for the evening. 3. No one knew that you here waiting for. Let's go to the house, where warmer. 4. We all knew,That her family lives in Manchester, but no one knew address, and we have not been able to meet. 5. Lena said that gives us this book. 6. I knew that it was working in a publishing house has been for many years,That she had two children and the family it ashamed. 7. She observed that her colleagues always give it a good tips. 8. Martin said that his parents live in Liverpool is already 10 years old. 9. Rosemary said that to call home,As soon as the meeting ends. 10. Paul said that as well before it became a student, he worked as an operator (operator) and lived in the Far East. 11. He asked parents not беспоко got vast plots, if he will come too late,As it will be the assembly. 12. Mary said that she had talked with him and warned about our pe got conceived. 13. We have received telegram from Nick. He said,The plane arrives at seven in the morning and asked to meet him at the airport. 14. A student asked the instructor for the Council. She said that she read a book very carefully, but it could not be a good plan. 15.Nora knew that, they are going to spend a few days at home, if they would have the time. 16. We did not know that they have not been, since moved to Aberdeen. 17. We knew that her eldest daughter will have to live with his aunt,If Anna gone to the north. 18. Yesterday I bought a book, which is so do you like it. 19. Xie got stra James said that does not receive any news from his brother, since the moved to a new location. 20. Teacher told us,
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