Языковая школа это здорово! много людей мечтают о такой форме обучения перевод - Языковая школа это здорово! много людей мечтают о такой форме обучения английский как сказать

Языковая школа это здорово! много л

Языковая школа это здорово! много людей мечтают о такой форме обучения. Я учусь в обычной школе, но мы изучаем английский язык три раза в неделю. У меня хороший учитель по этому предмету. Мы в хороших отношениях и поэтому изучение английского идет хорошо. Но! Самый главный, сильный и лучший мой учитель английского языка это Светлана Викторовна, мой репетитор. Мой идеал знаний и владения английским языком. Эта женщина старается передать мне все свои знания, и конечно же я стараюсь больше получить информации из ее учения. Я хочу говорить, писать и общаться на английском языке так же легко, как и она и я стараюсь это делать. Я восхищаюсь ей. Светлана Викторовна имеет много прекрасных качеств, помимо знания английского языка. Мне очень приятно общаться с этим человек и изучать этот непростой но очень интересный язык вместе. Я использую английский по мере необходимости. Но стараюсь больше писать и говорить на нем сейчас. Практиковать английский язык можно и в своей стране, но как замечательно практиковать его за границей, это получения опыта и множества новых выражения и слов. Изучение английского языка очень важно. Во-первых, это очень интересный язык. Во-вторых, очень здорово заводить новые знакомства с людьми другой национальности, кто нам в этом поможет, как не Английский международный язык.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The language school is great! many people dream of such a form of education. I study in a normal school, but we are studying English three times a week. I have a good teacher on this subject. We are on good terms and therefore learn English is going well. But! The biggest, strongest and best my English teacher is Svetlana Viktorovna, my tutor. My ideal and knowledge of English. This woman was trying to pass me all the knowledge, and of course I'm trying to get more information from her teachings. I want to say to write and communicate in English as easily as she and I try to do it. I admire her. Svetlana Viktorovna has many fine qualities, in addition to knowledge of the English language. I am very pleased to speak to this person and to explore this challenging but very interesting language together. I use English as necessary. But try to write more and speak on it now. You can practice English and in their own countries, but how wonderful to practice it abroad, it experiences and many new expressions and words. Learning English is very important. First, This is a very interesting language. Second, very cool to meet new people with people of other nationalities, who would help, as no English, the international language.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Language school is great! many people dream of such a form of education. I go to a regular school, but learning English three times a week. I have a good teacher on this subject. We are on good terms, and therefore the study of English is good. But! Most important, strong and the best my English teacher is Svetlana, my tutor. My ideal of knowledge and proficiency in English. This woman is trying to give me all his knowledge, and of course I try to get more information from her teachings. I want to speak, write and communicate in English as easily as she and I try to do it. I admire her. Svetlana has many fine qualities, in addition to knowledge of the English language. It is a pleasure to deal with this person and learn this difficult but very interesting language together. I use English as needed. But I try to write more and talk to him now. You can practice English and in their own country, but how wonderful to practice it abroad is to gain experience and a lot of new words and expressions. Learning English is very important. First, it is a very interesting language. Secondly, very cool to make new friends with people of other nationalities who will help us in this, as an international language is not English.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Language school is cool! Many people dream of such a form of education. I'm in a normal school, but we are studying English three times a week. I have a good teacher on the subject.We are in good relations, and it is therefore to study English well. But! The most main, strong and better my English language teacher is Svetlana Vladimirovna, my La Fura dels Baus.My ideal knowledge and English language proficiency. The woman who is trying to convey to me all their knowledge, and, of course I try to get more information from its teachings. I would like to say,To write and to communicate in the English language is as easy as and she and I try to do so. I love it. Svetlana Vladimirovna has many excellent qualities, apart from knowledge of English language.It is a great pleasure to communicate with these people and to explore this difficult but very interesting language together. I am using English as the need arises. But I no longer write and speak on it now.To practice English language can be and in their country, but as it's great to practice his abroad, this gain the experience and many new expressions and words. The English language is very important. In the first place,This is a very interesting language. Secondly, it is very good start new explore the human trafficking another nationality, who will help us in this, as well as the international language is not English.
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