In a market economy a major factor of the enterprise’s success is an a перевод - In a market economy a major factor of the enterprise’s success is an a английский как сказать

In a market economy a major factor

In a market economy a major factor of the enterprise’s success is an administrative activity that is constantly improved in accordance with the objective requirements of the production and the realization of goods, the complication of economic relations, the rise in the role of the consumer in the formation of technical and economic and other products.
The economic stability of the organization, its survival and effectiveness of activities in the market conditions are indissolubly connected with its continuous improvement and development. At the same time the improving of the organization should realize on the principle of adaptation to the environment.
In a constant effort to maintain compliance of the organization to the conditions of the environment is the principle of adaptive management. It shows in the dynamic mastering of new products, modern equipment and technology; application of progressive forms of work organization, production and management, continuous improvement of human resources.
Management is understood as the process of targeting influence on the subject to the management’s object in order to achieve certain results.
In the management first of all mission, strategy, values of the company are important, which are based on an analysis of past experience and vision of the future, and this is the main requirement for an effective making of the management system.
Like any other system, the management of the company consists of elements, which are combined together the purpose of the functioning, at the same time is particularly important to allocate the subject and object of management, the main elements of the management system.
The control system includes elements such as:
– management functions;
– the organizational structure of management;
– staff;
– information;
– methods of control;
– technology;
– finance;
– management decisions.
The effectiveness of business depends on the quality of the management system. To improve the quality of the management system it is necessary to hold a study of all aspects of the activities and to regard the strong and weak sides of business, the processes of purchase and sale, financial condition, staff and marketing.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In a market economy a major factor of the enterprise’s success is an administrative activity that is constantly improved in accordance with the objective requirements of the production and the realization of goods, the complication of economic relations, the rise in the role of the consumer in the formation of technical and economic and other products.The economic stability of the organization, its survival and effectiveness of activities in the market conditions are indissolubly connected with its continuous improvement and development. At the same time the improving of the organization should realize on the principle of adaptation to the environment.In a constant effort to maintain compliance of the organization to the conditions of the environment is the principle of adaptive management. It shows in the dynamic mastering of new products, modern equipment and technology; application of progressive forms of work organization, production and management, continuous improvement of human resources.Management is understood as the process of targeting influence on the subject to the management’s object in order to achieve certain results.In the management first of all mission, strategy, values of the company are important, which are based on an analysis of past experience and vision of the future, and this is the main requirement for an effective making of the management system. Like any other system, the management of the company consists of elements, which are combined together the purpose of the functioning, at the same time is particularly important to allocate the subject and object of management, the main elements of the management system.The control system includes elements such as:-management functions;-the organizational structure of management;-staff;-information;-methods of control;-technology;-finance;-management decisions.The effectiveness of business depends on the quality of the management system. To improve the quality of the management system it is necessary to hold a study of all aspects of the activities and to regard the strong and weak sides of the business, the processes of purchase and sale, financial condition, staff and marketing.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In a market economy a major factor of the enterprise's success is an administrative activity that is constantly improved in accordance with the objective requirements of the production and the realization of goods, the complication of economic relations, the rise in the role of the consumer in the of Contents Technical and Formation Economic and OTHER products.
of the Economic stability of the Organization, its 'of survival and Effectiveness of activities Insider in the market conditions are the connected indissolubly with its' continuous Improvement and development. The Same time the At the Improving of the Organization Should Realize on the Principle of Adaptation to the are environment.
With In a constant-effort to Maintain compliance of the Organization to the conditions of the are environment is the Principle of adaptive management. It shows in the dynamic mastering of new products, modern equipment and technology; application of of progressive the forms of work Organization, a production and management, continuous Improvement of human resources.
the Management is Understood as with the process of targeting is Influence on the are subject to the management's the object in order to Achieve Certain results.
with In the management first of all mission, strategy , values ​​of the Company About enterprise | are by important, the which are based on an analysis of the past experience and vision of the future, and the this is the main 'requirement for an effective is-making of the management system.
Like the any OTHER system, the management of the Company About enterprise | Consists of the elements, the which are combined-together the purpose of the FUNCTIONING, AT the Same time is particularly by important to the allocate the are subject and the object of management, the main the elements of the management system.
of the control system includes the elements such as with:
- management functions the;
- the management structure of an organizational;
- staff;
- information;
- Methods of control;
- technology;
- finance;
- management Decisions'.
of the Effectiveness of business the depends on the quality of the management system. To improve the quality of the management system it is necessary to hold a study of all aspects of the activities and to regard the strong and weak sides of business, the processes of purchase and sale, financial condition, staff and marketing.
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