1. — Кто этот парень? — Это Дима. Он мой друг. 2. — Чем он занимается? перевод - 1. — Кто этот парень? — Это Дима. Он мой друг. 2. — Чем он занимается? английский как сказать

1. — Кто этот парень? — Это Дима. О

1. — Кто этот парень? — Это Дима. Он мой друг. 2. — Чем он занимается? (Кто он?) — Он студент. 3. — Кто эти люди? — Они наши соседи. — Чем они занимаются? (Кто они?) — Они служащие. 4. — Чья это папка? — Она моя. 5. — Какого рода эта работа? — Она неплохая. 6. — Сколько лет твоей жене? Сколько лет твоим детям? — Вы ведь не инспектор, не правда ли? 7. В Англии много хороших традиций, не так ли? 8. — Что это за фильм? — Это комедия. 9. — Который из этих дисков твой? — Они все мои. 10. — Как вы? Как жизнь? Как родители? — Вс¸ прекрасно, спасибо. 11. — Почему ты такая печальная? В ч¸м дело? — Я просто голодна и хочу спать.
12.— Когда твой день рождения? — Это секрет. 13. — Я прав или не прав? — Это трудно сказать. 14. — Где ученики? Где учитель? — Они в зале. Там концерт. 15. Это не очень-тохорошая идея, не правда ли? 16. — Почему вы здесь? — Я новый секретарь. Какие мои обязанности? 17. — Что он за че- ловек? — Он честный человек и помешан на работе.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1.-who is this guy? Is Dima. He is my friend. 2.-what he does? (Who he?) He is a student. 3.-who are these people? — They are our neighbors. — What are they doing? (Who are they?) — They are servants. 4. whose is? Is It my. 5.-what kind of this work? Is It good. 6.-how old is your wife? How old are your children? -You're not an inspector, doesn't it? 7. in England many good traditions, isn't it? 8. — What is this movie? Is a comedy. 9. which of these drives is yours? -They are all mine. 10.-How are you? How are you? As parents? -Sun, fine, thanks. 11. why you're so sad? In h ¸ m deal? — I'm just hungry and want to sleep.12. When is your birthday? Is the secret. 13. — am I right or wrong? — It's hard to say. 14. — Where disciples? Where is the teacher? — They're in the Hall. There's a concert. 15. It is not very tohorošaâ idea, isn't it? 16. Why are you here? -I am a new Secretary. What are my responsibilities? 17. is he for Che-people? He is an honest man and crazy at work.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1 - Who is this guy? - This is Dima. He is my friend. 2. - What does he do? (Who is it?) - He is a student. 3 - Who are these people? - They are our neighbors. - What are they doing? (Who are they?) - They serve. 4. - Whose is this folder? - She is mine. 5. - What kind of work is this? - She's good. 6. - How old is your wife? How old are your children? - You're not an inspector, is not it? 7. In England, a lot of good tradition, is not it? 8 - What is this movie? - This is a comedy. 9 - Which of these is your disks? - They're all mine. 10. - How are you? What's up? Like parents? - Vs¸ fine, thank you. 11 - Why are you so sad? In ch¸m business? - I'm just hungry and want to sleep.
12.- When is your birthday? - It's a secret. 13. - Am I right or wrong? - It is hard to say. 14 - Where are the students? Where is the teacher? - They are in the hall. There's a concert. 15. It is not very tohoroshaya idea, is not it? 16 - Why are you here? - I'm the new secretary. What are my responsibilities? 17. - What is it for the human? - He's an honest man and obsessed with work.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. - who is this guy? - dima. he"s my friend. 2. - what"s he doing? (who?) - he"s a student. 3. - who are these people? they are our neighbors. - what are they doing? (who are they?) - they"re employees. 4. - whose is this file? - she"s mine. 5. - what kind of work? - she"s good. 6. - how old is your wife? how old your children? - you"re not inspector, isn"t it? 7. in england, a lot of good tradition, isn"t it? 8. - what is this? - it"s a comedy. 9. - which one of these discs is yours? - they"re all mine. 10. - how are you? how"s life? how are your parents? - вс¸ fine, thank you. 11. - why are you so sad? in ч¸м case? - i"m just hungry and sleepy.12. - when is your birthday? - it"s a secret. 13. - am i right or wrong? - it"s hard to say. 14. - where are the students? where"s the teacher? - they"re in the room. there"s a concert. 15. it"s not very тохорошая idea, isn"t it? 16. - why are you here? - i"m the new secretary. what are my responsibilities? 17. - what is he for what people? he is an honest man and is obsessed with work.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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