Рассматриваемая тема «Тарифная система оплаты труда» - имеет важное зн перевод - Рассматриваемая тема «Тарифная система оплаты труда» - имеет важное зн английский как сказать

Рассматриваемая тема «Тарифная сист

Рассматриваемая тема «Тарифная система оплаты труда» - имеет важное значение для системы оплаты труда. И поэтому в данной работе рассматриваются не только сущность и элементы тарифной системы, но и способы решения различных проблем возникающих при тарифной оплате, возможное развитие в будущем этой системы оплаты труда.
Работа состоит из 3 глав, в каждой из них рассматриваются отдельные темы по тарифной системе. Первая глава, это теоретическая часть, вторая – возможные способы решения различных проблем и дальнейшее развитие, третья – практическая часть, в которой знакомимся с одним из методов определения заработной платы членов инженерного коллектива и проводим расчет заработной платы каждого инженера в зависимости от объема выполненной им работы.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The topic "tariff wage system"-is essential to the pay system. And so in this paper we consider not only the nature and elements of the tariff system and ways to solve various problems arising from the tariff payment, the possible future development of the system of remuneration. The work consists of 3 chapters, each of which addresses selected topics on the tariff system. The first chapter is theoretical, the other possible ways of resolving the various problems and future development, the third is the practical part, which are introduced to one of the methods for determining the salaries of members of the engineering team and make payroll each engineer depending on the volume of his work.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The theme of "The tariff system of payment" - is important for the wage system. And so in this paper, we consider not only the nature and elements of the tariff system, and solutions to the various problems arising from the payment of the tariff, the possible future development of the remuneration system.
The work consists of three chapters, each of which addresses specific topics for the tariff system . The first chapter is a theoretical part, the second - the possible ways to solve various problems and further development, the third - the practical part, which are introduced to one of the methods for determining the salaries of members of the engineering team and conduct payroll every engineer depending on the volume of work performed .
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The topic "The tariff system of payment for labor" - is important for remuneration system. And therefore, in this work are considered not only the essence of the and elements tariff system,But how to solve the various problems arising when tariff payment, possible development in the future of this remuneration system.
Work consists of 3 chapters,In each of them are considered separate topics on tariff system. The first chapter, this is the theoretical part, the second - possible ways to resolve the various problems and further development, the third is the practical part,In which engraved with one of the methods of determining the wages of the members of our engineering team and payroll each engineer, depending on the amount of work they did.
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