6. В деревенской литературе, как в архаическом фольклоре, происходило  перевод - 6. В деревенской литературе, как в архаическом фольклоре, происходило  английский как сказать

6. В деревенской литературе, как в

6. В деревенской литературе, как в архаическом фольклоре, происходило решительное размежевание между "своими" и "чужими".
7. На внешнем рынке большим спросом пользуются варенье и джемы, мед, консервированные овощи и фрукты, грибы, лекарственные растения и многое другое.
8. В Солнечной системе такие сгустки антивещества, видимо, отсутствуют.
9. Это дает надежду на то, что в России, традиционно богатой талантами, появится новая литература, которая будет не больше, но и не меньше, чем литература.
10. Вьетнам не такая уж большая страна, но на ее территории имеются высокие горы, дремучие джунгли и плодородные равнины.
11. На район этой крупнейшей впадины в мире приходится три четверти всей нефти и газа, добываемых в стране.
12. В Европе наблюдается рост озабоченности в связи с эскалацией напряженности на Ближнем Востоке.
13. Не удивитедьно, что только на одном разрезе "Богатырь" в Казахстане ежегодно добывается более 50 млн тонн угля.
14. В Никарагуа же наиболее выгодные географические условия для проведения канала — максимальная высота местности всего 31 метр.
15. На Соловецком архипелаге более 170 архитектурных, исторических и археологических памятников, и большая часть их находится в аварийном состоянии.
16. В центре внимания Сената был вопрос о том, следует ли расширить систему "Сейфгард".
17. Из Петербурга в Стрельну по знаменитой стальной трассе "Оранела" впервые пролегла новая увлекательная экскурсия.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
6. In the village arhaičeskom in the literature as folklore, was a strong demarcation between "their" and "strangers".7. On the external market are very popular preserves and jams, honey, preserved fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, herbs and much more.8. In the solar system such clots antimatter apparently absent.9. This gives hope that Russia traditionally rich in talent, new literature, appears to be nothing more but also nothing less than literature.10. Viet Nam is not such a big country, but on its territory there are high mountains, dense jungles and fertile plains.11. In the area of the largest basin in the world account for three quarters of all oil and gas produced in the country.12. In Europe, there is growing concern at the escalation of tensions in the Middle East.13. do not udivited′no that it is only one aspect of "Hero" in Kazakhstan annually extracted more than 50 million tons of coal.14. In Nicaragua, the most advantageous geographical conditions for conducting channel is the maximum height of the terrain just 31 metre.15. at the Solovki archipelago of more than 170 architectural, historical and archaeological sites, and most of them are in disrepair.16. The focus of the Senate was the question of whether to expand the system of "Safeguards".17. From St. Petersburg in Strelna on the famous steel track "Oranela" for the first time passed new exciting excursion.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
6. In the rural literature, both in the archaic folklore, there was strong division between "us" and "them."
7. On the international market in great demand preserves and jams, honey, canned fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, herbs and more.
8. In our solar system, such clusters of antimatter, probably, no.
9. This gives hope that Russia, traditionally rich in talent, there will be new literature, which will be no more and no less than the literature.
10. Vietnam is not such a big country, but in its territory there are high mountains, dense jungles and fertile plains.
11. In the area of the largest depressions in the world accounting for three-quarters of all the oil and gas produced in the country.
12. In Europe, there is concern growth in the escalation of tensions in the Middle East.
13. Not udivitedno that only one section of "Bogatyr" of more than 50 million tons of coal mined each year in Kazakhstan.
14. In Nicaragua, the most advantageous geographical conditions for the channel - the maximum height of the terrain just 31 meters.
15. On the Solovetsky archipelago of more than 170 architectural, historical and archaeological sites, and most of them are in poor condition.
16. In the center of attention of the Senate was the question of whether to extend the "Safeguard" system.
17. From St. Petersburg to Strelna by famous steel track "Oranela" had been laid for the first time a new exciting excursion.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
6. in the village the literature as in архаическом folklore, there was a strong division between "own" and "other".7. in the foreign market in great demand by preserves and jams, honey, canned vegetables and fruits, mushrooms, herbs, and much more.8. in the solar system are the seeds of antimatter, apparently, is not available.9. this gives hope that russia, traditionally rich talents, a new literature, which is nothing more nor less than literature.10. vietnam is not a big country, and on its territory there are high mountains, the jungle and fertile plains.11. in the area of the largest trenches in the world account for three quarters of all the oil and gas produced in the country.12. in europe, there has been a growing concern about the escalation of tensions in the middle east.13. don"t удивитедьно that only one perspective "killer" in kazakhstan is more than 50 million tons of coal.14. in nicaragua, the most advantageous geographical conditions for the channel is the maximum height of the terrain around the 31 meter.15. on the соловецком archipelago of more than 170 architectural, historical and archaeological sites, and most of them is in dangerous condition.16. the focus of the senate was the question of whether to expand the system of "сейфгард".17. from st. petersburg to shoot on the famous steel track "оранела" for the first time пролегла new exciting excursion.
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