Проблема экологии для Красноярска - тема очень больная . По величине у перевод - Проблема экологии для Красноярска - тема очень больная . По величине у английский как сказать

Проблема экологии для Красноярска -

Проблема экологии для Красноярска - тема очень больная . По величине уровня загрязнения атмосферы, входит в число городов России с наибольшим уровнем загрязнения воздуха. Экологические проблемы Красноярска связаны с металлургических, химических, металлообрабатывающих предприятий и теплоэнергетики. в Красноярске показатели загрязнения воздуха стали значительно выше, чем в 2009 году
Как и во многих крупных городах,также серьезной экологической проблемой Красноярска является нехватка зеленых растений ,во многих жилых районах города. Жители также обеспокоены вырубкой деревьев в городе, а на их месте строят дома и торговые центры.
Кроме того, количество различных видов автомобильного транспорта продолжает постоянно увеличиваться, большую часть из которого составляют подержанные автомобили. Несмотря на то, что большинство автомобилей, которые можно встретить в Красноярске, были выпущены в Японии и соответствуют высоким экологическим требованиям, увеличение количества автомобилей на улицах города ведет к увеличению загрязнения окружающей среды.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The problem of Ecology for Krasnoyarsk-theme is very sick. Largest atmospheric pollution is among the cities with the highest levels of air pollution. Environmental problems of Krasnoyarsk are associated with metallurgical, chemical, metal-working enterprises, and thermal power generation. in the Krasnoyarsk air pollution indicators are much higher than in 2009 year Like many big cities, is also a major environmental problem of Krasnoyarsk is the lack of green plants, many residential areas of the city. Residents are also concerned about the cutting down of trees in the city, and in their place are building houses and shopping malls. In addition, the number of various types of road transport continues to increase, most of whom are used cars. Despite the fact that most of the cars that you can meet in Krasnoyarsk, was released in Japan and meet the high environmental requirements, an increase in the number of cars on the streets of the city leads to an increase in pollution of Wednesday.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The problem for the ecology of Krasnoyarsk - a theme very sick. The magnitude of the level of air pollution is one of the Russian cities with the highest levels of air pollution. Environmental problems associated with the Krasnoyarsk metallurgical, chemical, metalworking and power engineering enterprises. Krasnoyarsk air pollution indicators have become much higher than in 2009.
As in many large cities, as a serious environmental problem in Krasnoyarsk is a shortage of green plants, in many residential areas of the city. Residents are also concerned about the cutting of trees in the city, and in their place build houses and shopping centers.
In addition, the number of different types of road transport continues to increase steadily, most of whom are second-hand cars. Despite the fact that most of the cars, which can be found in Krasnoyarsk, was released in Japan and meet the highest environmental standards, the increase in the number of vehicles leads to an increase in pollution of the environment on the streets.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the problem of ecology to krasnoyarsk was very sick. higher levels of atmospheric pollution, is one of the cities of russia with the highest levels of air pollution. environmental problems associated with the krasnoyarsk metallurgical, chemical, metal processing enterprises, and thermal power generation. in krasnoyarsk air pollution indicators were significantly higher than in 2009.as in many large cities, a serious environmental problem krasnoyarsk is the lack of green plants, many residential areas of the city. people are also concerned about the cutting down of trees in the city, and in their place are building houses and shopping centers.in addition, the number of various types of vehicles continues to increase, most of whom are used cars. in spite of the fact that the majority of cars, which can be found in krasnoyarsk, were released in japan, and correspond to the high environmental requirements, an increase in the number of cars on the streets of the city led to increased pollution of the environment.
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