Hello, my name is Veronika. Today I want to tell you about my family.  перевод - Hello, my name is Veronika. Today I want to tell you about my family.  английский как сказать

Hello, my name is Veronika. Today I

Hello, my name is Veronika. Today I want to tell you about my family.

My family is not very big. It consists of 3 members – my mother, my father and me.

At first I will tell you about my mother. My mother’s name is Elena. She is 27 years old. She has got brown eyes. She is slim. She is very kind and always ready to help me.

Now I’ll tell you about my father. His name is Alexander. He is 27, too. He is very tall. are He is an electrical engineer. I think, he can fix everything!

My parents are very funny and energetic people. When everybody is at home, we like to talk about everything. We play different games together. We also like to walk in the street. When we have time, we drive to parks, or such interesting places like big supermarkets, cafes, the centre of the city.

I’ve also got grandparents, but they don’t live with us. We visit them very often.

My family is great, I love all of them very much.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
hello, my name is veronika. today i want to tell you about my family.

My family is not very big. it consists of three members - my mother, my father and me.

at first i will tell you about my mother. my mother's name is elena. she is 27 years old. she has got brown eyes. she is slim. she is very kind and always ready to help me.

now i'll tell you about my father. his name is alexander.he is 27, too. he is very tall. are he is an electrical engineer. i think, he can fix everything!

my parents are very funny and energetic people. when everybody is at home, we like to talk about everything. we play different games together. we also like to walk in the street. when we have time, we drive to parks, or such interesting places like big supermarkets, cafes, the centre of the city.

i've also got grandparents, but they don't live with us. we visit them very often.

my family is great, i love all of them very much.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hello, my name is Veronika. Today I want to tell you about my family.

My family is not very big. It consists of 3 members, my mother, my father and me At first

. "I will tell you about my mother. My mother's name is Elena. She is 27 years old. She's got brown eyes. She is slim. She is very kind and always ready to help me Now

. "I'll tell you about my father. His name is Alexander. He is 27, too. He is very tall. are He is an electrical engineer. I think, he can fix everything!

My parents are very funny and energetic people. When everybody is at home, we like to talk about everything. We play different games together. We also like to walk in the street. When we have time, we drive to parks, or such interesting places like cafes, big, as the centre of the city

.I've also got grandparents, but they don't live with us. We visit them very often.

My family is great, I love all of them very much.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Hello, my name is modern atmosphere down to. Today I want to tell you about my family. Lord my family is not very big. It соnsists of 3 members - my mother, my tongue and me.lord At first I will tell you about my mother. My mother's name is Elena. She is 27 years old. She has got brown eyes. She is slim. She is very kind and always ready to help me.lord great musician Alan Wilder now I tell you about my tongue. His name is Alexander.He is 27, too. He is very competitions. Mware he is an electrical engineer. I think that he can fix everything!lord > parents are very funny and brought in energetic people. When everybody is at home, we like to talk about everything. We play different games together. We also like to walk in the street. When we have time, we drive to pаrks, or paragraph add cancel places like big supermаrkets, саfes, the center of the city.

Aditya grаndpаrents topping hits should be deleted, but they don't live with us. We visit them very оften.Lord my family is great, I love all of them very much.
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