Когда ты закончишь читать эту книгу?
2. Дождь только что кончился.
3. Он продолжал читать, не глядя на меня.
4. Он избегал смотреть мне в лицо.
5. Что вы предлагаете сделать?
6. Вы не забыли сделать то, о чем я вас просил?
7. Я ничего не имею против того, чтобы поговорить с ним.
8. Ему нравится играть в шахматы.
9. Она предпочитает ходить туда пешком.
10. Я забыл, одалживал ли я кому-то свой словарь.
11. Ботинки нуждаются в ремонте.
12. Видя наши затруднения, он предложил нам помочь.
13. Ты помнишь, говорил ли ты с ней об этой проблеме?
14. Он не мог удержаться от смеха, вспомнив шутку.
15. Cказав несколько слов об истории страны, лектор перешел к анализу ее экономического положения.
16. Он упомянул, что отослал одно письмо.
17. Сообщаю вам с сожалением, что вы не сдали экзамен.
18. Она настаивала на том, чтобы поговорить со мной немедленно.
19. Он сказал, что бросил курить.
20. Я с нетерпением жду поездки к морю.
21. Они подумывают о том, чтобы продать дом.
22. Ей трудно сдерживать себя.
23. Он привык жить один.
24. Мы раньше жили в пригороде, а теперь переехали в центр.
25. Я мечтаю стать писателем.
26. Я потребовал, чтобы меня связали с директором.
27. У него есть привычка звонить поздно.
28. Он вышел, не надев шляпы.
29. Он откладывал написание письма, так как не знал, о чем писать.
30. Случай оказался трудным, и врач предложил созвать консилиум.
31. Вместо того чтобы написать, он позвонил по телефону.
32. Они предполагают выехать через две недели.
33. Спасибо, что вы пришли.
34. Не забудь запереть дверь перед тем, как уйдешь.
35. Он предложил поехать за город.
36. Болезнь помешала ей уехать.
37. Он вошел не постучавшись.
38. У нас нет надежды вновь увидеть его.
39. Сунув руку в карман, он обнаружил там письмо, которое он забыл опустить.
40. Его искусство не могло не вызывать восхищения.
41. Прочитав первые строки, я вспомнил, что где-то уже читал этoт рассказ.
42. Кто бы ни видел его картины, не мог не восхищаться его искусством.
43. Экскурсовод предложил начать осмотр выставки с автобусной экскурсии по ее территории.
44. Во второй главе автор продолжает описывать экономическое положение страны.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
When you finish reading this book?2. rain just ran out.3. He continued to read, not looking at me.4. He avoided looking me in the face.5. What do you suggest I do?6. you have not forgotten to do what I asked you?7. I have nothing against having to talk to him.8. He likes to play chess.9. She prefers to walk there on foot.10. I forgot, I borrowed someone your dictionary.11. Shoes in need of repair.12. Seeing our difficulties, he offered us help.13. Ty pomnish Li Ty, talked with her about this problem?14. He could not stop laughing, remembering a joke.15. Ckazav a few words about the history of the country, the lecturer went to the analysis of its economic situation.16. He mentioned that sent one letter.17. it is with regret that I inform you that you do not pass the exam.18. she insisted to talk with me immediately.19. He said he quit smoking.20. I'm looking forward to a trip to the sea.21. They are considering whether to sell the House.22. It is difficult to restrain myself.23. He is used to living alone.24. We previously lived in the suburbs, and now moved to centre.25. I dream of becoming a writer.26. I called to have me tied up with the Director.27. He has a habit to call later.28. He went out, not wearing hats.29. He put off writing a letter, because they do not know what to write about.30. the case proved difficult, and the doctor suggested to convene the Council.31. instead of write, he telephoned.32. They intend to leave after two weeks.33. Thank you for coming.34. Don't forget to lock the door before you leave.35. He proposed to travel outside the city.36. The disease prevented her from leaving.37. He entered is not postuchavshis'.38. We have no hope to see him again.39. Sticking his hand in his pocket, he found a letter that he forgot to delete.40. His art could not cause admiration.41. After reading the first few lines, I remembered that somewhere already read this story.42. No matter who saw his paintings, couldn't help but admire his art.43. The guide opened the exhibition tour with the bus tour on its territory.44. In the second chapter, the author continues to describe the economic situation of the country.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
When you finish reading this book?
2. The rain has just ended.
3. He continued to read, not looking at me.
4. He avoided looking me in the face.
5. What do you propose to do?
6. You do not forget what I asked you?
7. I do not mind to talk with him.
8. He likes to play chess.
9. She prefers to go there on foot.
10. I forgot, I lent someone your vocabulary.
11. Shoes in need of repair.
12. Seeing our difficulties, he offered to help us.
13. Do you remember if you spoke to her about the problem?
14. He could not help but laugh, remembering a joke.
15. ckazal a few words about the history of the country, the lecturer went on to analyze its economic situation.
16. He mentioned that he had sent one letter.
17. I inform you with regret that you do not pass the exam.
18. She insisted to talk with me immediately.
19. He said he quit smoking.
20. I look forward to a trip to the sea.
21. They are thinking about how to sell a house.
22. It is difficult to restrain themselves.
23. He used to live alone.
24. We used to live in the suburbs, and now moved to the center.
25. I dream of becoming a writer.
26. I requested that I be tied up with the director.
27. He has a habit to call later.
28. He went out without wearing a hat.
29. He put off writing a letter, so I did not know what to write about.
30. The case was a difficult one, and the doctor suggested to convene the council.
31. Rather than write, he called on the phone.
32. They propose to leave in two weeks.
33. Thank you for coming.
34. Do not forget to lock the door before you leave.
35. It is suggested to go out of town.
36. Illness prevented her from leaving.
37. He was not included knocking.
38. We do not hope to see him again.
39. Reaching into his pocket, he found a letter that he had forgotten to drop.
40. His art could not but cause admiration.
41. After reading the first few lines, I remembered that somewhere already read etot story.
42. Whoever has seen his pictures, could not help but admire his art.
43. The guide suggested starting with a tour of an exhibition bus tour through its territory.
44. In the second chapter, the author goes on to describe the economic situation of the country.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
when you finish reading this book?2. the rain just ended.3. he continued to read, not looking at me.4. he avoided the look me in the face.5. what do you suggest we do?6. you don't have to do what i asked you to?7. i don't mind to talk to him.8. he likes to play chess.9. she prefers to go there on foot.10. i forgot, did i borrow some of your dictionary.11. shoes are in need of repair.12. seeing our difficulties, he offered to help us.13. do you remember, did you say to her about this issue?14. he couldn't help laughing, remembered a joke.15. Cказав a few words about the history of the country, the lecturer went on to examine its economic situation.16. he mentioned that sent one letter.17. i inform you with regret that you failed the exam.18. she insisted on talking to me right now.19. he said he quit smoking.20. i'm looking forward to the trip to the sea.21. they are considering whether to sell the house.22. it is hard to control myself.23. he used to live alone.24. we used to live in the suburbs, now moved to the center.25. my dream is to become a writer.26. i demanded that i associate with the director.27. he has a habit of calling too late.28. he went out without a hat.29. he's been writing letters since i don't know what to write about.30. the case was difficult, and he proposed to convene the concilium.31. instead of writing, he called me on the phone.32. they have to leave in two weeks.33. thank you for coming.34. don't forget to lock the door before you leave.35. he offered to go to the city.36. illness prevented her to leave.37. he came постучавшись.38. we have no hope of seeing him again.39. it hand in his pocket, he found a letter that he forgot to delete.40. his art could not be admirable.41. after reading the first line, i remember that somewhere to read this story.42. anyone who saw his paintings couldn't admire his art.43. the tour guide suggested to start a bus tour of the exhibition on its territory.44. in the second chapter, the author continues to describe the economic situation of the country.
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