Дети часто заболевают. И на это есть причины. Я попробую ответить на в перевод - Дети часто заболевают. И на это есть причины. Я попробую ответить на в английский как сказать

Дети часто заболевают. И на это ест

Дети часто заболевают. И на это есть причины. Я попробую ответить на вопрос:"Кто несет ответственность за здоровье детей?"
Большую часть суток дети проводят в школе, то в ответе за них учителя и повара. Повара не предлагают правильное питание, учителя следят плохо за детьми во время учебы за их безопасностью. Остальное время дети проводят в семье, в этот момент за них в ответе родители. Они покупают пиццу, чипсы и гамбургеры, что вредит здоровью. Родители не показывают физкультурные упражнения, не приучают к секциям и кружкам, что способствует к развитию слабого иммунитета. Но самое главное дети должны саморазвиваться, то есть следить за правильным питанием, за выбором одежды, за культурой, за физической подготовкой и за правильным образом жизни.
Твоя жизнь, здоровье и успех зависит от школы, от воспитания родителей, но и от самого себя.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Children often get sick. And there are reasons. I will try to answer the question: "who is responsible for children's health?" A large part of the day kids spend in school, then in charge of them teachers and cooks. Chefs do not offer proper nutrition, teachers follow bad for children while studying for their security. The rest of the time children spend in the family, at this point for them to reply. They buy pizza, chips and hamburgers that does harm to health. Parents don't show physical exercises, not socialized sections and workshops, that contributes to the development of weak immunity. But the most important thing kids need to develop myself, that is, follow the right diet, with the choice of clothing, culture, physical training and the correct way of life.Your life, health and success depends on the school, from nurturing parents, but also from himself.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Children often get sick. And for good reason. I will try to answer the question: "Who is responsible for children's health,"
Most of the days children spend in school, the teacher responsible for them and cook. Cooks do not offer proper nutrition, bad teacher watch the children while studying for their safety. Rest of the time children spend in the family, at that time responsible for them parents. They buy a pizza, chips and burgers, which is injurious to health. Parents do not show physical exercises are not accustomed to the special groups, which contributes to the development of weak immunity. But the most important thing children need to self-development, that is to follow the right diet, the choice of clothing, for culture, for the physical preparation and the correct way of life.
Your life, health, and success depends on the school of education of the parents, but also from himself.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
children often get sick. and there are good reasons for that. i try to answer the question: "who is responsible for the health of children."most of the hours children spend in school, in charge of their teachers and cooks. chefs do not offer proper nutrition, the teachers are bad for children in their time for their security. the rest of the time children spend in the family, at that moment, responsible parents. they buy pizza, chips and hamburgers, which is bad for the health. parents don"t show физкультурные exercises, are to sections and кружкам that contributes to the development of weak immunity. but most importantly, the children should саморазвиваться, watching the right choice of food, clothing, culture, physical education and the right way of life.your life, the health and the success depends on the school, from the education of parents, but also from itself.
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