ДАЛАЙ-ЛАМА СДЕЛАЛ ЭПОХАЛЬНОЕ ЗАЯВЛЕНИЕ О НЕНУЖНОСТИ РЕЛИГИЙ «Все мировые религии, придавая особое значение любви, состраданию, терпимости и прощению, могут способствовать развитию духовных ценностей, и делают это. Но реальность… такова, что привязывание этики к религии более не имеет смысла. Поэтому я всё больше убеждаюсь в том, что пришло время найти способ в вопросах духовности и этики обходиться без религий вообще». Это действительно эпохальное заявление. Лидер нескольких миллиардов буддистов говорит о том, что он сегодня не видит в религиях современную духовную и этическую основу общества. И это так! Человечество переходит из детского сознания во взрослое, и люди не хотят быть «рабами божьими». Растёт самоосознание, люди желают быть творцами своей жизни, а им предлагают тысячелетние догмы. И это уже не соответствует времени и эволюции.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
DALAI LAMA DID epoch-making unneeded STATEMENT OF RELIGIONS "All the religions of the world, with particular emphasis on love, compassion, tolerance and forgiveness, can contribute to the development of spiritual values, and do it.But the reality ... is that tying ethics to religion no longer make sense. Therefore, I am increasingly convinced that the time has come to find a way in matters of spirituality and ethics do without religion at all. "This is really a landmark statement. The leader of the multi-billion Buddhists says that today he does not see the religions of the modern spiritual and ethical foundation of society. And it is!Mankind passes from the child's consciousness into an adult, and people do not want to be "servants of God". Growing self-awareness, people want to be creators of their lives, and they offer a thousand-dogma.And this is no longer the time and evolution.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The Dalai Lama MADE a LANDMARK statement on the FUTILITY of RELIGIONS of all world religions, with particular emphasis on love, compassion, tolerance and forgiveness, can contribute to the development of spirituality, and do it. But the reality ... is such that the binding ethics to religion is no longer relevant. So I am more and more convinced that the time has come to find a way in matters of spirituality and ethics without religion in General ". This is really a landmark statement. The leader of a billion Buddhists said that he did not see the religions of contemporary intellectual and ethical basis of society. And that's it! Humanity is moving from the children's consciousness in adults, and people do not want to be "slaves of God". Growing self-awareness, people wish to be creators of their lives, and they offer a 1,000-year-old dogmas. And it no longer matches the time and evolution.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE Lama has made an epoch-making a statement on the rapprochment JUSTICE AND WORSHIP "all the world's religions, which attached particular importance to love, compassion, tolerance and forgiveness, can contribute to the development spiritual values, and are doing it.But the reality ... is that associating ethics to religion more does not make sense. Therefore, I am increasingly of the view that the time has come to find a way in matters spirituality and ethics to dispense with religion in general".This is indeed an epoch-making a statement. The leader several billion Buddhists said that he did not see today in religions modern spiritual and ethical foundation of society. And this is the case!Mankind goes from child consciousness in adult, and people don't want to be "slaves forever". There is a growing anthropological self-understanding, people want to be creators of their lives, and they offer a longing dogma.And this is no longer the time and evolution.
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