отец пришел. он ждет вас внизу Я его не видел с зимы Я уже говорил вам об этом два раза Разве вы не понимаете Наконец такси остановилось у подъезда большого дома
father came. He is waiting for you at the bottomI hadn't seen it with winterI already told you about this twiceDo you not understandFinally a taxi stopped at the entrance of the big house
father came. He is waiting for you at the bottom I have not seen him since the winter I have told you about it twice Do not you understand finally the taxi stopped at the door of the big house
father came. he"s waiting for you downstairsi haven"t seen him in winteri already told you about it twicedon"t you knowfinally, the taxi stopped outside the big house