Я не могу решить, присоединиться ли мне к ним, пока не будет известно, когда они выезжают. 2. Если вы будете работать усердно, то к концу дня кончите работу. 3. Я с ним переговорю до твоего возвращения, но я не уверен, последует ли он моим советам. 4. -Я буду вам очень благодарен, если вы мне продиктуете эту статью. 5. Я думаю, все станет ясно, как только мы получим от него письмо. 6, Скажите ему, что, если он поедет в горы, я дам ему свои спортивные ботинки; они ему очень пригодятся. 7. Спросите их, не дадут ли они мне пылесос, если мне нужно будет почистить ковер. 8. С вашей стороны будет очень глупо, если вы не воспользуетесь этой возможностью. 9. Я уверен, все полюбят ее, как только она начнет работать с нами. 10. Если она позвонит и нас не будет дома, спросите ее, зайдет ли она к нам вечером. 11. Все будет зависеть от того, успеем ли мы дать им знать об этом сегодня. 12. Поезд 17 прибывает в Москву через час. Если вы возьмете такси, то успеете встретить брата. 13. Как только вы его увидите, спросите его, когда он уезжает и сможет ли он зайти к нам перед отъездом. 14. Спросите на таможне, будут ли они осматривать наш багаж. 15. Если вы доберетесь до лагеря первыми, ждите нас.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I can't decide whether I should join them, until we know where they go. 2. If you work diligently, then finished by the end of the day job. 3. I will talk to your return, but I'm not sure whether he would follow my advice. 4.-I will be very thankful to you if you let me prodiktuete this article. 5. I think all will become clear once we get a letter from him. 6, tell him that if he would go to the mountains, I will give him my sport shoes; they are very useful. 7. Ask them whether they will not give me a vacuum cleaner if I will need to clean the carpet. 8. On your part will be very stupid if you don't take advantage of this opportunity. 9. I am confident all will love it as soon as it starts to work with us. 10. If she calls and we will not have a home, ask her if she comes to us in the evening. 11. all will depend on whether we have enough time to let them know about it today. 12. train arrives in Moscow through 17 h. If you take a taxi, you will have time to meet his brother. 13. Once you see it, ask him where he goes and whether he can visit us before you leave. 14. ask at customs, whether they will inspect our luggage. 15. When you reach the first camp, wait for us.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
I can not decide whether I am to them as there is no known, when they go to join. 2. If you work hard, you'll end up at the end of the work day. 3. I will talk with him before you get back, but I'm not sure if he followed my advice. 4. I'll be very grateful if you give me prodiktuete this article. 5. I think everything will become clear as soon as we receive a letter from him. 6 Tell him that if he would go to the mountains, I will give him my sports shoes; they are very useful to him. 7. Ask them if they will not give me a vacuum cleaner, if I need to clean the carpet. 8. With your hand would be very stupid if you do not take advantage of this opportunity. 9. I am sure all will love her as soon as she begins to work with us. 10. If she calls and we do not have at home, ask her if she would go to us in the evening. 11. Everything will depend on whether we have time to let them know about it today. 12. Train 17 is arriving in Moscow in an hour. If you take a taxi, it will be in time to meet his brother. 13. As soon as you see him, ask him where he was going and whether he will be able to come to us before leaving. 14. Ask at customs, they will inspect our luggage. 15. If you get to the first camp, wait for us.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
i can't decide whether to join him, not yet be known when they go out. 2. if you work hard, by the end of the day you have finished the work. 3. i have a word with him until your return, but i'm not sure whether he will follow my advice. 4. - i'll be very grateful to you if you don продиктуете this article. 5. i think it will become clear as soon as we have received a letter from him. 6, to tell him that if he goes to the mountains, i give him my sports shoes; they will come in handy. 7. ask them, if they will not give me a vacuum cleaner, if i need to clean the carpet. 8. your side will be very stupid, if you don't use this opportunity. 9. i'm sure everyone will love her as soon as she starts to work with us. 10. if she calls and we won't be at home, ask her if she comes with us tonight. 11. it depends on whether we have to let them know about it today. 12. train 17 arrives in moscow in an hour. if you take a taxi, you can meet my brother. 13. as soon as you see him, ask him when he's away and if he can come to us before we left. 14. ask at the customs, they will check our luggage. 15. if you get to the camp first, wait for us.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..