Снова привет Петр) Сегодня был правда хороший день, я увидела тебя))Пе перевод - Снова привет Петр) Сегодня был правда хороший день, я увидела тебя))Пе английский как сказать

Снова привет Петр) Сегодня был прав

Снова привет Петр)
Сегодня был правда хороший день, я увидела тебя))
Петр, извини, возможно я немного торопила события, но я чувствовала что мой интерес к тебе становился все больше. И вдруг я имела мысль возможно ты не тот за кого себя выдаешь, и мне захотелось увидеть тебя.
Я не была готова к общению сегодня, я также была взволнована немного, мой английский слабый для твоего совершенного языка))
Сейчас я рада, что так случилось, я весь день имею улыбку и бабочки))) ты есть в моих мыслях
Ты оказался не просто реальным Петр, я почувствовала тебя, связь между нами которая может стать настоящим большим чувством, возможно это судьба, я не знаю, но я верю в судьбу.
И чувствую что мы могли были замечательной парой)
Правда в это трудно поверить, что наше знакомство может дарит нам такие эмоции)))
и если это все по настоящему, наша реальная встреча которая случится когда то, даст нам понять окончательно, правы мы были или нет)
Я хотела спросить тебя, ты ищешь женщину именно с Украины или России, или это не важно для тебя с какой страны она? Ты не встретил свою любовь в Австралии за это время?
Я слушаю твою песню I will follow you will you follow me, она мне нравится, думаю когда то мы ее услышим вместе)

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hello again Peter) Today was a good day, the truth I saw you))Peter, I'm sorry, maybe I'm a little pressed the events, but I felt that my interest in you became all the more. And suddenly I had thought perhaps you not the one who they marry, and I wanted to see you. I was not ready to communicate today, I was also excited a little bit, my English is weak for your perfect language)) Now I'm glad that it happened, I was all day have a smile and butterfly))) you are in my thoughts You were not just a real Peter, I felt you link between us which can be a real great feeling, perhaps it was fate, I don't know, but I believe in fate. And I feel that we could have been a wonderful pair) The truth is it's hard to believe that our acquaintance can gives us such emotions)))and if it all really, our real meeting that happens when something gives us to understand definitively wrong we were or not) I would like to ask you, are you looking for a woman it is from Ukraine or Russia, or is it not important to you with which country it? You have not met your love in Australia during this time? I listen to your song I will follow you will you follow me, I like it, I think when we hear it together)
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hello again Peter)
Today was a really good day, I saw you))
Peter, I'm sorry, maybe I'm a little rush things, but I felt that my interest in you is growing. And suddenly I had thought maybe you're not the one they say they are, and I wanted to see you.
I was not ready to communicate today, I also was excited a little, my English is poor for your perfect language))
Now I'm glad that it happened I all day, I have a smile and butterflies))) you are on my mind
You were not just a real Peter, I felt you, the connection between us that can be a real great feeling, maybe it's fate, I do not know, but I believe in fate .
And I feel that we could have a wonderful pair)
The truth is hard to believe that our acquaintance can gives us such emotions)))
and if all of this, our real meeting that is going to happen when you give us to understand definitively wrong we were or not)
I wanted to ask you, you are looking for a woman is from the Ukraine or Russia, or is it not important to you with any country it? You have not met my love in Australia during this time?
I listen to your song I will follow you will you follow me, I like it, I think when we hear it together)

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
hello again peter)
today was really a good day, i saw you). peter, i'm sorry, maybe i'm a little push events, but i felt that my interest in you became more and more.and suddenly i had a thought, maybe you're not who you say you are, and i wanted to see you. - i wasn't ready to communicate today, i was also excited a little, my english is weak for your perfect language)).now, i'm glad you did, i spent the entire day, i smile and butterflies))) you are in my mind. you're not just the real peter, i feel you, a connection which can be a great feeling.perhaps this is fate, i don't know, but i believe in fate.
and feel that we could have a couple). the truth is that it's hard to believe that our acquaintance can give us such emotions)))
and if it's real,our real meeting which happens once, let us know and we were right or not. i wanted to ask you, are you looking for a woman that is from the ukraine or russia, or it is not important to you what country it?you haven't met my love in australia during this time?
i listen to your song, i will follow you, will you follow me, i like her, i think when we hear together)

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