Я хотела бы посмотреть на этот уникальный и странный сад скульптур. Думаю, что он выглядит пугающе, несколько отталкивающе, но все равно есть в нем что-то красивое. Он выглядит очень натуральным, словно эти скульптуры сами выросли из-под земли, а не созданы из всякого мусора. Но я бы совсем не хотела очутится там ночью. Думаю, это не для слабонервных.
Создатель этого сада, конечно, гений. Очень тяжелая работа была им проделана. То, как ему дорого то, что он сделал показывает его далеко продуманный план по выбору места - открытое пространство, где никто ничего не будет строить.
Однако, думаю, общаться с ним невозможно. И понять его произношение мне кажется невозможным
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I would like to look at this unique and strange sculpture garden. I think he looks frighteningly, some appalling, but still there is something beautiful. It looks very natural, as if these sculptures themselves have grown out of the ground, and not in place of any debris. But I would not want him there at night. I guess it's not for the faint of heart.The creator of this garden, of course, genius. Really hard work they have done. He has what he did shows it is well thought out plan for choosing locations-open space, where no one will build.However, I think it is impossible to communicate with him. And understand his pronunciation seems impossible
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I would like to look at this unique and strange sculpture garden. I think he looks scary, some disgusting, but still is in it something beautiful. It looks very natural, as if these sculptures themselves up out of the ground, and not created from junk. But I would not want to find himself there at night. I think it's not for the faint of heart.
The creator of this garden, of course, a genius. Very hard work has been done to them. How dear to him that he did shows his far-designed plan for site selection - an open space where no one will not build.
However, I think it is impossible to communicate with him. And to understand his pronunciation seems to me impossible
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
I would like to have a look at this unique and strange garden sculptures. I think that he looks like pretentiously, several exaltation, but is still there in the beautiful. It looks very natural,As if these sculptures themselves have grown up from beneath the earth, and not created from any debris. But I would not wish away in his pocket there at night. I think, this is not for the faint-hearted.
Creator this garden, of course, genius.It is very hard work he has done so far. It is, as it is the fact that he made a shows its far thought-out plan to choice of place - the open space, where no one but will not build.
but, I believe,It is impossible to communicate with them. And to understand its pronunciation i think impossible
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