1. Где Коля? Он На лекции. 2. Папа ходит на работу каждый день. 3. Вче перевод - 1. Где Коля? Он На лекции. 2. Папа ходит на работу каждый день. 3. Вче английский как сказать

1. Где Коля? Он На лекции. 2. Папа

1. Где Коля? Он На лекции. 2. Папа ходит на работу каждый день. 3. Вчера папа был на pаботе, а мама была дома. 4. Вчера я ходил в биб лиотеку., в библиотеке я взял очень интересную книгу. 5. Катя сидела за столом. На столе лежа- ли книги и тетради. Папа подошел к столу и по ставил на стол вазу. В вазу он поставил цветы 6. Вчера мы ходили на выставку. На выставке мы видели много картин. 7. Где Том? Он на ста дионе. Он всегда ходит на стадион в воскресенье А его сестра ходит в плавательный бассейн. Сей час она в бассейне. 8. Ты любишь ходить в театр? 9. Когда мы пришли на вокзал, мы поставили свои вещи на платформу и сели на скамейку. Мама по шла в магазин и купила лимонаду. 10. Вчера на уроке учитель сказал мне: "На доске две ошибки Иди к доске и исправь их (ошибки)". 11. Вы были вчера на концерте? Нет, мы работали в библио- теке, а потом мы пошли в парк. В парке мы игра ли, а потом сидели на траве, 12. Положи книгу в сумку и иди к доске. 13. Сегодня во дворе много ребят. 14. Сегодня на лекции много студентов
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Where Kohl? He lectures. 2. Dad goes to work every day. 3. yesterday dad was on operation, and mom was home. 4. Today I walked into Beebe lioteku., in the library, I took a very interesting book. 5. Katya was sitting at the table. Lying on the table-whether books and notebooks. Dad came to the table and put on the table vase. He put in a vase flowers 6. Yesterday we went to the exhibition. At the exhibition we have seen a lot of pictures. 7. where is Tom? He is on a hundred Dione. He always goes to the stadium Sunday and his sister go to the swimming pool. This hour it in the pool. 8. you love going to the theater? 9. When we arrived at the station, we put their stuff on the platform and sat down on the bench. Mother went to the store and bought limonadu. 10. Today's lesson teacher told me: "two errors on the Board Go to the Board and fix them (errors)." 11. were you yesterday at the concert? No, we have worked in BIBLIO-Teke and then we went to the Park. In the Park we playing Lee, and then sat on the grass, 12. Put your book in your bag and go to the Board. 13. today, a lot of guys in the yard. 14. many students at a lecture Today
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

1. Where is Nick? He is on a lections. 2. Dad goes to work every day. 3. Yesterday, Dad was on Jobs, and my mother was at home. 4. Yesterday I went to the libraries. I took a very interesting book in the library. 5. Kate sat at the table. On the table there books and notebooks lying. Dad went to the table and put a vase on the table. The vase he placed flowers 6. Yesterday we went to the exhibition. At the exhibition we saw a lot of pictures. 7. Where is Tom? He's a hundred Dion. He always goes to the stadium on Sunday and his sister goes to the swimming pool. This hour she was in the pool. 8. Do you like going to the theater? 9. When we arrived at the station, we put their belongings on the platform and sat down on the bench. My mother was at the store and bought lemonade. 10. Yesterday, the lesson the teacher told me: "On board two errors Go to the board and correct them (the mistakes)." 11. You were yesterday at the concert? No, we have worked in the library, and then we went to the park. In the park we play there, and then sat on the grass, 12. Put the book in a bag and go to the board. 13. Today, a lot of guys in the yard. 14. Today, a lecture many students
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. where kolya? he lectures. 2. daddy goes to work every day. 3. yesterday, my father was pаботе, and my mother was at home. 4. yesterday i went to лиотеку. beebe, in the library, i took a very interesting book. 5. she was sitting at the table. on the table lay - books and notebooks. dad walked up to the table and put the vase on the table. he put the flowers in a vase. yesterday we went to the exhibition. at the exhibition, we see a lot of pictures. 7. where"s tom? he"s a hundred дионе. he always goes to the stadium on sunday, and his sister goes to the swimming pool. now it"s in the pool. 8. do you like to go to the theatre? 9. when we arrived at the station, we put our bags on the platform and sat on a bench. my mom walked into the shop and bought a lemonade. 10. yesterday in class the teacher said to me: "go to the blackboard on the blackboard, two errors and fix them (mistakes). 11. were you last night at the concert? no, we were in the bible теке, then we went to the park. in the park, we play it, and then sat down on the grass, 12. put the book in your bag and go to the board. 13. today in the yard, a lot of kids. 14. today, many students in the class
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