1. Я хотел что-нибудь выяснить о нем. (to want)
2. Он совсем проснулся и был склонен почитать, но единственной книгой в комнате была библия. (to feel like)
3. Поль не нуждается в защите. (to need) .
4. Он непрерывно поглядывал на часы, и когда он выпил чай, он сказал, что должен возвращаться. (to keep)
5. Дэн не мог устоять и не показать своей работы. (to resist)
6. Все то январское утро в моем кабинете настойчиво звонил телефон. (to keep) 7. Я предложил найти доктора и привести его к Эду. (to propose)
8. Я не думаю, чтобы он упоминал о том, что навещал их. (to mention) 14. Они позабыли пригласить меня. (to forget)
9. Я никогда не забуду, как я гостил в вашем доме в Кенте. (to forget) 16. Я пытаюсь читать. (to try)
10 Я пытаюсь читать (to try)
11. Я отложил письмо к нему на завтра. (to put off)
12.Она никогда не возражала против того, чтобы быть одной в коттедже. (to mind)
13. Ты не забыл послать деньги в Лидс? (to remember)
14. Я решил не беспокоить Роджера этим делом. (to decide)
15. я думаю, вам понравится жить здесь, когда наступит лето. (to enjoy)
16. Он пробовал выращивать там картошку. (to try) 28. Я знал, что он старается накопить денег. (to try)
17. Я устал притворяться, что я пишу или читаю. (to pretend)
18. Я отказываюсь принять ответственность за твои действия. (to refuse)
19. Он старался избежать встречи с кем-нибудь, кого он знал. (to avoid)
20. Несмотря на дождь, мы продолжали ждать. (to go on)
21. В эти дни он не мог позволить себе опаздывать. (cannot afford)
22. Когда я вернулся в дом, я не забыл открыть окно. (to remember)
23. Остальные, без суеты, согласились принять участие. (to agree)
24. Ее друзья обещали прислать ей работу. (to promise)
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. I wanted to find out something about it. (to want) 2. He woke up and was inclined to read, but the only book in the room was the Bible. (to feel like) 3. Paul needs no protection. (to need). 4. He glanced at the clock continuously, and when he drank the tea, he said, that should be returned. (to keep) 5. Dan couldn't resist and did not show their work. (to resist) 6. all the January morning in my office phone rang insistently. (to keep) 7. I proposed to find a doctor and bring it to Edu. (to propose) 8. I don't think he mentioned that visited them. (to mention) 14. They forgot to invite me. (to forget) 9. I'll never forget how I stayed in your House in Kent. (to forget) 16. I'm trying to read. (to try) 10 I'm trying to read (to try)11. I postponed the letter tomorrow. (to put off) 12. She never objected to be one in the cottage. (to mind)13. you forgot to send money in Leeds? (to remember) 14. I decided not to bother with Roger. (to decide) 15. I think you'll like to live here, when it's summer. (to enjoy) 16. He tried to grow potatoes there. (to try) 28. I knew he was trying to save some money. (to try) 17. I'm tired of pretending I write or read. (pretend to) 18. I refuse to take responsibility for your actions. (to refuse) 19. He tried to avoid meeting someone whom he knew. (to avoid) 20. Despite the rain, we continued to wait. (to go on) 21. These days he could not afford to be late. (cant for the Roma community) 22. When I got to the House, I forgot to open the window. (to remember) 23. the other, without fuss, agreed to participate. (to agree) 24. Her friends promised to send her work. (to promise)
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. i wanted to find out anything about that. (to want)2. he just woke up and was inclined to read, but the only book in the room was the bible. (feel like)3. paul was not in need of protection. (to need).4. he had watched the clock, and when he drank the tea, he said that i should go back. (to keep)5. dan couldn't resist and show their work. (to resist)6. all the arsenal january morning in my office in the phone rang. (to keep) 7. i proposed to find a doctor and bring it to ed. (to you)8. i don't think he mentioned that visited them. (to mention) 14. they forgot to invite me. (to forget)9. i will never forget, when i was visiting your house in kent. (to forget) 16. i'm trying to read. (to try)10 i'm trying to read (to try)11. i put the letter to him tomorrow. (put off)12.она never object to be alone in the cottage. (to the mind)13. did you remember to send money in leeds? (to remember)14. i decided not to bother roger this case. (to decide)15. i think you'll enjoy living here when summer comes. (to enjoy)16. he tried to grow up potatoes. (to try) 28. i knew he was trying to save money. (to try)17. i'm tired of pretending that i write or read. (pretend)18. i refuse to take responsibility for your actions. (refuse)19. he tried to avoid meeting with someone he knew. (to avoid)20. despite the rain, we had to continue to wait. (go on)21. these days, he couldn't afford to be late. (cannot afford)22. when i returned home, i forget to open the window. (to remember)23. the other, without fuss, agreed to participate. (agree)24. her friends promised to send her a job. (promise)
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