В переводе с латинского кариес означает гниение. Но это название дань  перевод - В переводе с латинского кариес означает гниение. Но это название дань  английский как сказать

В переводе с латинского кариес озна

В переводе с латинского кариес означает гниение. Но это название дань традиции - в действительности при кариесе в зубе происходят совсем другие процессы: эмаль теряет минеральные вещества, обеспечивающие ее прочность, и твердые ткани зуба постепенно размягчаются. Стоматологи выделяют в развитии кариозного процесса стадии пятна, поверхностного кариеса, среднего кариеса, глубокого кариеса.
На первом этапе кариес практически незаметен. В области пятна эмаль может терять блеск и становится несколько более матовой. Определить такой кариес может только стоматолог, и то при внимательном осмотре полости рта. Со временем кариозное пятно становится более темным, приобретая окраску от коричневой до черной. Глубоко в эмаль пятно не проникает. Такой зуб не болит, па горячее реагирует нормально. Никакой кариозной полости на этой стадии еще нет. На стадии поверхностного кариеса поражение проникает глубже в эмаль, но не доходит до дентина. Полость есть, но не глубокая. На этой стадии может быть кратковременная боль при контакте со сладкой, кислой или соленой пищей.
На стадии среднего кариеса полость в зубе уже
достаточно глубокая, она расположена не только в эмали, но уже и в дентине. Однако до прорыва полости в пульпу еще далеко. Боли бывают примерно такими же, как и при поверхностном кариесе.
На стадии глубокого кариеса полость в зубе достигает значительных размеров. Между пульпой и полостью остается небольшая перегородка дентина. Бели она разрушается, то развивается пульпит (воспапение пульпы). В результате могут разрушаться нервы и сосуды, расположенные в "зубной мякоти". При этом возможно возникновение боли,
гак хорошо знакомой многим: страшная пульсирующая боль, от которой нет спасения.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Translated from Latin means decay rotting. But this title is a tribute to tradition-in fact when caries in tooth occur quite different processes: enamel loses minerals, ensuring its durability and solid tissues tooth gradually soften. Dentists emit in the development of caries process stage spots, superficial decay, secondary caries, deep caries.In the first stage of decay as inconspicuous as possible. In the area of the stain the enamel may lose luster and becomes slightly more matte. Define this decay can only a dentist, and that a careful examination of the oral cavity. Karioznoe over time the stain becomes darker, acquiring coloring from Brown to black. Deep in the enamel stain does not penetrate. This tooth ache PA hot reacts normally. No cavity at this stage yet. At the stage of surface caries lesion penetrates deeper into the enamel, but does not reach the dentin. The cavity is, but not deep. At this stage there may be short-term pain upon contact with a sweet, sour or salty food.At the stage of secondary caries cavity in the tooth is alreadydeep enough, it is not only in the enamel, but already in the dentin. However, the pulp cavity in a breakthrough is still far away. Pain are roughly the same as surface caries.At the stage of deep caries cavity in the tooth reaches a considerable size. Between the pulp and the cavity remains small dividing wall dentine. Beli it collapses then develops pulpitis (vospapenie pulp). As a result, can break down nerves and blood vessels located in the dental pulp. When you do this, you may experience pain,GAK familiar to many: a terrible throbbing pain, from which there is no salvation.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Translated from the Latin meaning rot decay. But it is the name of a tribute to tradition - in fact, when caries in the tooth occur quite different processes: the enamel loses minerals, ensuring its strength and hard tissues of the tooth is gradually softened. Dentists isolated in the development of caries process stage spot, surface caries, secondary caries, deep caries.
In the first stage of tooth decay is almost imperceptible. In the enamel stains can lose gloss and becomes slightly more opaque. To determine this decay can only be a dentist, and that after a careful examination of the oral cavity. Over time, the carious spot becomes darker, acquiring color from brown to black. Deep in the enamel stain does not penetrate. Such a tooth hurts, PA hot responds normally. No cavity at this stage yet. In step surface caries lesion penetrates deeper into the enamel, but does not reach the dentin. The cavity is, but not deep. At this stage it can be short-term pain in contact with a sweet, salty or sour food.
In step secondary caries in the tooth cavity has
sufficiently deep, it is not only in the enamel, but in the dentin. However, to break into the pulp cavity is still far. Pain are approximately the same as in the surface caries.
In the step of deep caries in the tooth cavity reaches significant proportions. In the pulp and cavity dentin is a small partition. Beli it is destroyed, it develops pulpit (vospapenie pulp). The result can be broken nerves and blood vessels located in the "tooth pulp." This may cause pain,
hook familiar to many: a terrible throbbing, from which there is no salvation.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in translation from latin cavity means putrefaction. but it's a tribute to the tradition in действительности in кариесе tooth are different processes: the enamel is mineral substancesto ensure its strength and the enamel gradually размягчаются. dentists are in the development stage кариозного of stains, superficial caries, secondary caries, deep caries.at the first stage of cavity is virtually invisible. in the area of the enamel can lose luster and become more матовой. to determine the такой cavity can only be a dentist.and then a careful examination of the oral cavity. over time, кариозное spot becomes darker, the colour of коричневой to черной. deep in the enamel stain is not penetrated. такой tooth ache.pa hot reacting normally. никакой кариозной cavity on the этой stage yet. at the stage of surface caries lesion penetrates deeper into the enamel, but does not reach the дентина. the cavity is, but not deep.on the этой stage may be short-term pain in contact with сладкой, кислой or соленой пищей.
at the stage of secondary caries cavity in the tooth already
just deep enough, it is not only in the enamel.but in дентине. however, to a cavity in the пульпу still far away. the pain is almost the same as the surface кариесе.
at the stage of deep caries cavity cavity reaches a considerable size.between пульпой and complete remains a small partition дентина. beli, she collapses, and (воспапение pulpitis pulp). as a result, may degrade the nerves and blood vessels located in the "зубной pulp."the potential pain
gak good знакомой many: a throbbing pain, there is no escape from которой.
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