1. За ним послали двадцать минут назад. Он должен скоро прийти. 2. Это перевод - 1. За ним послали двадцать минут назад. Он должен скоро прийти. 2. Это английский как сказать

1. За ним послали двадцать минут на

1. За ним послали двадцать минут назад. Он должен скоро прийти. 2. Этот вопрос сегодня обсуждаться не будет. 3. Ему всегда поручают важные задания. 4. В прошлом году на нашей улице построили новый магазин. 5. Эта книга еще переведена на русский язык. 6. Я чувствую, что готовится какой-то опасный план. 7. В Москве каждый год строят много новых школ и детских садов. 8. Если за вами пришлют, не отказывайтесь прийти. 9. Почему на эту статью никогда не ссылаются? 10. Как только вещи были уложены, послали за машиной. 11. Я много о ней слышала. О ней хорошо отзываются. 12. Этого лектора всегда слушают с интересом. 13. Ему еще ничего об этом не говорили. 14. Книги этого автора часто спрашивают. 15. Было рассмотрено много способов, а об этом даже не подумали. 16. Больного не будут оперировать без его согласия. 17. Вам задавали дополнительные вопросы на экзамене? 18. В магазине ему предложили много книг на интересующую его тему. 19. Девочку бранят, вот почему она плачет. 20. Их приветствовали все, кто находился в зале. 21. Я почувствовала, что на меня смотрят. 22. За книгу уже уплачено. Можете взять ее. 23. Почему здесь так холодно? – Зал только что проветривали. 24. Новая библиотека была построена до того, как вы поступили в университет? 25. Пока варили ужин, мальчики сидели вокруг костра и разговаривали. 26. Когда включили радио, концерт шел уже примерно с полчаса. 27. Когда лодка пропала из виду, мы начали беспокоиться. 28. В этом доме не живут. Его скоро снесут. 29. Мне сказали, что уже ничего нельзя изменить, так как решение принято. 30. Не входите. Там экзаменуют последнего студента.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. send him twenty minutes ago. He must soon come. 2. The issue will not be discussed today. 3. He always entrust important tasks. 4. in the past year in our street built a new shop. 5. This book is translated into the Russian language. 6. I feel that it is some kind of a dangerous plan. 7. In Moscow every year to build many new schools and kindergartens. 8. If you send, do not refuse to come. 9. Why is this article never referenced? 10. Once things were stacked, sent for the machine. 11. I heard about it a lot. Speak well about it. 12. This lecturer always listen with interest. 13. He had said nothing about it. 14. books by this author frequently ask. 15. it was considered by many ways, and don't even think about it. 16. The patient will not operate without his consent. 17. you were asked additional questions on the exam? 18. In the store offered him many books on interesting topic. 19. Girl curse, that is why she is crying. 20. They welcomed all who were in the Hall. 21. I felt that I look. 22. For the book already paid. Can take it. 23. Why so cold? -Hall only that have aired. 24. A new library was built before you entered University? 25. While they cooked dinner, the boys sat around the fire and talked. 26. When incorporated radio, concert was roughly half an hour. 27. When the boat disappeared out of sight, we began to worry. 28. do not live in this House. It soon will be destroyed. 29. I was told that nothing can be changed because the decision was made. 30. Do not enter. There's arguments last student.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Behind him sent twenty minutes ago. He is soon to come. 2. This issue will not be discussed today. 3. He has always entrusted the important task. 4. In the last year on our street built a new store. 5. This book has been translated into Russian. 6. I feel like preparing some dangerous plan. 7. In Moscow every year, building many new schools and kindergartens. 8. If after you send, do not refuse to come. 9. Why is this story never referenced? 10. As soon as things were packed, sent the car. 11. I've heard a lot about it. About it speak well. 12. This is a lecturer always listen with interest. 13. He still did not talk about it. 14. Books of this author are often asked. 15. It was considered by many ways, and this is not even thought of yet. 16. The patient will not be operated without its consent. 17. You ask additional questions on the exam? 18. In the store, he was offered a lot of books on the topic that interests him. 19 Girl scolding, which is why she was crying. 20. They welcomed all who were in the hall. 21. I felt that I was watching. 22. For the book already paid. You can take it. 23. Why is it so cold? - Hall has just aired. 24. A new library was built, before you came to the university? 25. While cooked dinner, the boys sat around the fire and talked. 26. When turned on the radio, the concert was already about half an hour. 27. When the boat was out of sight, we began to worry. 28. In this house live. It will soon be demolished. 29. I was told that nothing can be changed, as the decision is made. 30. Do not go. There exams last student.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
直到看了看,人的晚餐,孩子们围坐在篝火旁聊天。26。当打开收音机,音乐会已经大约走了半个小时。27。当船消失不见,我们开始担心了。28。在这个房子不住。1. The sent twenty minutes ago. It should be coming soon to come. 2. This issue will not be discussed today. 3. He always entrust important job. 4. In the past year, on our street built a new shop. 5.This book has been translated into the Russian language. 6. I feel that it is a dangerous plan. 7. In Moscow every year built many new schools and kindergartens. 8. If you have the conversation, don't lose to reach. 9.Why is this article has never invoked? 10. As soon as things were packed, sent for the machine. 11. I have heard of it. It is well recalled. 12. The lecturer has always listen with interest. 13.It still has nothing on this is not talked about. 14. This author's books are often asked. 15. It was considered by many ways, and this is not even thought. 16. Patient will not operate without its consent. 17.You asked additional questions on the exam? 18. In the store he suggested that many books on the topic interest. 19. Girl statehood owe, that is why she is crying. 20. They welcomed all who were present in the hall. 21.I felt that I watch. 22. The book is already paid. You can take it. 23. Why is it so cold? - Room only that проветривали. 24. The new library has been built up to it, as you did in the university? 25.Until today dinner, boys were sitting around a campfire and talked. 26. When have included radio, concert was already with approximately half an hour. 27. When the submarine disappeared from view, we have started worrying about. 28. In this house do not live.
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