Хотя в сравнении с советским периодом уровень промышленного производст перевод - Хотя в сравнении с советским периодом уровень промышленного производст английский как сказать

Хотя в сравнении с советским период

Хотя в сравнении с советским периодом уровень промышленного производства во Владимире и уменьшился, но не так значительно, как по всей России. И это оставило свой отпечаток на экологии города: в то время как в других местах стало лучше, во Владимире ситуация не особенно изменилась. Работа электростанции, теплоцентралей, химического и различных машиностроительных заводов наносят огромный ущерб, как атмосфере, так и гидросфере города. Огромное количество транспорта и автозаправочных станций тоже не улучшает состояние экологии.

Владимир входит в сотню самых загрязненных городов Российской Федерации, это самый экологически неблагополучный населенный пункт Владимирской области. Так, в 13 раз выше нормы содержание в атмосфере диоксида азота, в значительных концентрациях присутствуют формальдегиды, бензопирен, фенол. В связи с этим на первом месте среди недугов заболевания органов дыхания (27,2 от общего числа всех учитываемых болячек).

Значительные проблемы для экологии создают многочисленные свалки мусора и жилищно-коммунальное хозяйство, сбрасывающее стоки в открытые воды. Относительно водных ресурсов — за последнее десятилетие уменьшилось количество слабо- и среднезагрязненных водных объектов, но увеличилось число имеющих сильное загрязнение.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Although in comparison with the Soviet period the level of industrial production in Vladimir and decreased, but not as much as throughout Russia. And it left its mark on the ecology of the city: while in other places it has become better in Vladimir, the situation is not particularly changed. Work power plants, district heating plants, chemical and various engineering plants cause great damage, as the atmosphere and hydrosphere city. A huge number of transport and petrol stations also improves the State of the environment.Vladimir is included in the list of the most polluted cities in the Russian Federation, it is the most ecologically poor locality of the Vladimir region. So, 13 times higher than normal content in atmosphere nitrogen dioxide, in significant concentrations present benzo [a] pyrene, formaldehyde, phenol. In this regard, in the first place among illnesses respiratory diseases (27.2 of all insurable sores).Significant challenges for Ecology create many landfills and municipal economy, the drop in open drains water. Regarding water resources over the past decade, the number of low-and srednezagrâznennyh of water objects, but increased the number of strong pollution.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Although in comparison with the Soviet period the level of industrial production in Vladimir and I fell, but not as much as for the whole of Russia. And it has left its mark on the city's ecology: while in other places feel better, Vladimir situation is not particularly changed. Work power, thermal power plants, chemical and machine-building factories of various cause great damage as the atmosphere and hydrosphere of the city. A great number of transport and petrol stations also did not improve the environmental situation. Vladimir is a hundred of the most polluted cities of the Russian Federation, it is the most environmentally dysfunctional town of Vladimir region. Thus, in the 13 times the normal content of nitrogen dioxide present in significant concentrations formaldehyde, benzopyrene, phenol. In this regard, in the first place among the diseases of the respiratory system diseases (27.2 of the total accounted for all ills). The significant problems for the environment create numerous garbage dumps and housing and communal services, dumped wastewater into open water. Regarding water resources - over the last decade has decreased slightly and the number of normally soiled water bodies, but with an increasing number of severe pollution.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
although compared with the soviet period, the level of industrial production in vladimir and declined, but not as much as in russia. and it has left its mark on the ecology of the city, while in other places become better in vladimir situation is not particularly different. job power, district heating, chemical, and various engineering plants cause great harm, how the atmosphere and hydrosphere of city. a great number of transport and petrol stations also improves the condition of environment.vladimir is a most polluted cities of the russian federation, is the most environmentally unfortunate locality vladimir oblast. so, in the 10 times above normal content in the atmosphere of nitrogen dioxide in significant concentrations are present формальдегиды, benzo (a) pyrene, phenol. therefore, in the first place among the diseases of respiratory organs (27.2 of all included болячек).considerable problems for the environment creates many landfills and residential utilities, сбрасывающее sewage in open water. on water resources over the past decade, the decrease in the number of low - and среднезагрязненных water facilities, but increased with high pollution.
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