Джулия вовсе не обрадовалась, когда поняла, что Том становится все бол перевод - Джулия вовсе не обрадовалась, когда поняла, что Том становится все бол английский как сказать

Джулия вовсе не обрадовалась, когда

Джулия вовсе не обрадовалась, когда поняла, что Том становится все более популярным среди ее знатных друзей. Те были рады воспользоваться его знаниями в области финансов и в свою очередь говорили о нем своим друзьям. Раньше Тома приглашали на приемы по просьбе Джулии. Потом Том начал получать приглашения от людей, которых Джулия не знала. Теперь уже она была рада отказаться от любой встречи, чтобы повидаться с ним. Джулия страшно ревновала его к тем высокопоставленным особам, которых он встречал в обществе. Она была невысокого мнения о их добродетели и была уверена, что они на все способны. Эти мысли не давали ей покоя (мучили ее). Единственным утешением было то, что они все были страшно скупые и без денег Джулии Том не смог бы вести жизнь, к которой уже привык. Или ему пришлось бы отучиться от привычки тратить деньги направо и налево (сорить деньгами).
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Julia doesn't get excited when I realized that That is becoming increasingly popular among its notable friends. Those were happy to take advantage of his expertise in finance and in turn told their friends about it. Previously, Tom was invited to receptions at the request of Julia. Then Tom started to receive invitations from people whom Julia didn't know. Now she was happy to abandon any appointment to see him. Julia was jealous of his scary to those high-ranking persons, whom he met in the community. It was a low opinion of their virtues and was sure that they are all capable of. These thoughts do not gave her repose (tormented). The only consolation was that they were all scared of doling out and without money That Julia would not have been able to lead a life, already accustomed to. Or he would have to unlearn the habit of spending money left and right (overspend).
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Julia was not happy when I realized that Tom has become increasingly popular among her noble friends. Those were happy to take advantage of its expertise in the field of finance and, in turn, spoke about it to his friends. Previously, Tom was invited to receptions at the request of Julia. Then Tom started to receive invitations from people who did not know Julie. Now she was glad to give up any of the meeting, to see him. Julie terribly jealous of the high-ranking persons, whom he met in the community. She had a low opinion of their virtues, and was sure that they are all capable of. These thoughts did not give her peace of mind (tortured her). The only consolation was that they were all scared and doling out of money Julia Tom could lead a life that is being used. Or he would have had to unlearn the habit of spending money right and left (overspend).
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
julia isn't happy, when i realized that tom is becoming more popular among her noble friends. they were happy to take advantage of his knowledge in the field of finance, and in turn spoke about it to his friends. before tom invited to receptions at the request of julia. then tom began to receive invitations from people julia didn't know. now she was glad to relinquish any time to see him. julia's jealous of the highest royalty, whom he met in the society. she was a low opinion of their virtues and be sure that they're capable of anything. these thoughts won't let her rest (tortured). the only consolation was that they were all scared those without money, julia tom couldn't lead a life that is used. or he'd have unlearning habits to spend money to the right and to the left (the money spent).
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