Студент печалится о своей несчастной любви: ведь на завтра у принца на перевод - Студент печалится о своей несчастной любви: ведь на завтра у принца на английский как сказать

Студент печалится о своей несчастно

Студент печалится о своей несчастной любви: ведь на завтра у принца намечается бал. Студент очень любит девушку, она не хочет танцевать с ним, пока он не принесёт ей красную розу. Да вот беда — в саду Студента нет красных роз, а без них девушка не обратит на него внимания. Всё что говорит студент слышит Соловей. Соловей сильно переживает за их любовь. Маленькая птичка думает, и решает помочь Студенту отыскать красную розу. Соловей пролетал через многие кусты и там небыло нужной розы. Последний кустик сказал соловью, что знаю где ты можешь найти розу. Этот куст рос возле окон студента. Куст рассказал, чем он должен пожертвовать, чтобы выросла роза... Соловей согласился.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
A student upset about his unhappy love: because the Prince's ball is planned tomorrow. Student loves girl, she doesn't want to dance with him, until he will bring her a red rose. Yes here's the problem-there is no Student in the garden of red roses, and without them, the girl did not pay attention to him. All that said the student hears the Nightingale. Nightingale strongly cares about their love. Little bird thinks and decides to help the student to find a red rose. The Nightingale flew through many bushes and there is no correct rose. The last Nightingale told Bush that I know where you can find rose. This Bush grew up near the Windows of the student. Bush told than he should donate to rose Rosa ... Solovei agreed.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Student sad about his unrequited love: for tomorrow at the Prince's Ball planned. The student really likes a girl, she does not want to dance with him, yet he did not bring her a red rose. But the trouble - in the Student Garden no red roses, and without them, the girl did not pay attention to him. All that says the student hears a nightingale. Nightingale greatly worried about their love. Little bird thinks, and decides to help students find a red rose. Nightingale flew through many shrubs and roses there nebylo desired. Last Bush said Nightingale, I know where you can find a rose. This shrub growing near the windows of the student. Bush told what he must sacrifice to rose rose ... Nightingale agreed.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
a sad about his unhappy love, tomorrow the prince had a ball. the student likes the girl, she doesn't want to dance with him, unless he bring her a red rose. yeah, that's the trouble in the garden. no red roses, and without them, the girl turns his attention to him. it says the student hears the nightingale. the nightingale in the throes of their love. the little bird, thinks, and decides to help the student to find a red rose. the nightingale flew through many bushes and there wasn't any roses. the last bush said соловью, know where you can find a rose. this bush grew up near the windows of a student. bush told what he must sacrifice to grow a rose... nightingale agreed.
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