1 США включает южную часть Северной Америки, Аляску, Гавайи. 2 США гра перевод - 1 США включает южную часть Северной Америки, Аляску, Гавайи. 2 США гра английский как сказать

1 США включает южную часть Северной

1 США включает южную часть Северной Америки, Аляску, Гавайи.
2 США граничит с Канадой, Мексико и Россией.
3 Общая площадь США - примерно 9,5 миллионов киломметров; население составляет 250 миллионов.
4 Самые высокие горы в Америке - Скалистые горы, Кордильеры и Сьерра-Невада, крупнейшие реки - Миссисипи, Миссури и Рио-Гранде.
5 Климат в стране разнообразный - от арктического до континетального и субтропического
6 США - высокоразвитая промышленная страна, одна из ведущих производителей меди, нефти, железной руды и угля.
7 Ведущие отрасли обрабатывающей промышленности - производство самолетов, машин, текстиля, вооружений и т.д.
8 Американская нация состоит из представителей многих рас и национальностей, в том числе китайцев и коренных американцев.
9 США - это федеральный союз 50 штатов, каждый из которых имеет свое правительство.
10 Правительство США делится на три ветви: законодательную, исполнительную и судебную
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1 United States includes the southern part of North America, Alaska, Hawaii. 2 United States borders with Canada, Mexico, and Russia. 3 the total area of the United States-about 9.5 million miles away from him; It has a population of 250 million.4 America's highest mountains-Rocky Mountains, Cordillera and Sierra Nevada, the largest rivers-the Mississippi, Missouri and Rio Grande. 5 a varied climate in the country, from the Arctic to the Mainland and subtropical 6 United States is a highly developed industrial country, one of the leading producers of copper, crude oil, iron ore and coal. 7 Leading manufacturing industries-manufacture of aircraft, machinery, textiles, weapons, etc. 8 the American nation is composed of representatives of many races and nationalities, including Chinese and native Americans. 9 United States is a Federal Union of 50 States, each of which has its own Government. 10 United States Government divided into three branches: legislative, Executive and judicial
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1 US includes the southern part of North America, Alaska, Hawaii.
2 US borders with Canada, Mexico and Russia.
3 The total area of the United States - about 9.5 million kilommetrov; a population of 250 million.
4 The highest mountain in the Americas - the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the Sierra Nevada, the largest rivers - the Mississippi, the Missouri and the Rio Grande.
5 The climate is varied - from the Arctic to kontinetalnogo and subtropical
6 US - a highly industrialized country , one of the leading producers of copper, oil, iron ore and coal.
7 The leading manufacturing industries - production of the aircraft, machinery, textiles, weapons, etc.
8 The American nation is composed of representatives of many races and nationalities, including Chinese and indigenous Americans.
9, the United States - is a federal union of 50 states, each of which has its own government.
10 The US government is divided into three branches: legislative, executive and judicial powers
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1 total includes the southern part of north america, alaska, hawaii.
2 the u.s. borders with canada, mexico, and russia.
3 total area is approximately 9.5 million киломметров; the population was 250 million.four of the highest mountains in america - american cordillera and the rocky mountains, the sierra nevada, the largest river - the mississippi, missouri and rio grande.
5 climate has varied from the arctic to the континетального and subtropical.6 the highly developed industrial country, one of the leading manufacturers of copper, oil, iron ore and coal.
7 leading industries of manufacturing industry - production aircraft, machinery, textiles, weapons, etc.
8 the american nation is composed of many races and ethnic groups, including the chinese and native americans.
9 usa is a federal union of the states, each of which has its own government.
10 the u.s. government divided into three branches: legislative, executive and judicial.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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