Лондон. 1890-й год. К Шерлоку Холмсу и доктору Ватсону приходит рыжево перевод - Лондон. 1890-й год. К Шерлоку Холмсу и доктору Ватсону приходит рыжево английский как сказать

Лондон. 1890-й год. К Шерлоку Холмс

Лондон. 1890-й год. К Шерлоку Холмсу и доктору Ватсону приходит рыжеволосый мужчина по имени Джабез Уилсон. Он рассказывает им странную историю, приключившуюся с ним недавно. По его словам, он владеет небольшой ссудной кассой, в котором работает он и его молодой ассистент Винсент Сполдинг. Несколько недель назад, Сполдинг, прочитав объявление в газете о том, что какой-то «Союз рыжих» предлагает лёгкую, но высокооплачиваемую работу исключительно рыжеволосым людям, начал уговаривать своего шефа ответить на объявление. Джабез Уилсон, заинтригованный объявлением, пришёл на собеседование, и к своему удивлению, сразу же получил место, как ему объяснили, из-за своего яркого и живого оттенка волос. В течение следующих нескольких недель Джабез Уилсон аккуратно приходил на работу в небольшой изолированный офис, в котором находились лишь только стол и пара деревянных стульев, и пару часов в день переписывал Британскую энциклопедию, получая неплохую плату. Однажды, придя как обычно на работу, он увидел объявление, что «Союз рыжих» распался. Он просит Холмса помочь ему разобраться в этой странной истории и узнать, что произошло. Холмс обещает помочь Уилсону.

Холмс и Ватсон встречаются с Винсентом Сполдингом в ссудной кассе и в течение короткой беседы с ним Холмс замечает, что его штаны на уровне колен запачканы. Холмс также обращает внимание на то, что постучав своей тросточкой по поверхности проезжей части улицы, пролегающей между ссудной кассой и банком, он слышит глухой звук, как будто там пусто. Сопоставив и проанализировав эти, а также некоторые другие факты, Холмс приходит к выводу, что злоумышленники планируют ограбить банк, сделав подкоп к нему со стороны ссудной кассы. А вся выдумка насчёт «Союза рыжих» понадобилась им только для того, чтобы иметь доступ к ссудной кассе, которой владел Джабез Уилсон, вынудив его отлучаться каждый день для работы в загадочном офисе для рыжих. Холмс вызывает полицейского инспектора Джоунса и директора банка. Вчетвером они устраивают засаду в подземном сейфе банка, в которую попадаются два матёрых преступника.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
London. the year 1890. To Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson comes red-haired man named Jabez Wilson. He tells them a strange story, priklûčivšuûsâ with him recently. According to him, he owns a small loan fund, in which he works and his young Assistant Vincent Spaulding. A few weeks ago, Spalding, after reading an ad in the newspaper that some Union red "offers light, but high-paying job is red-haired people began to try to persuade his boss to reply to the ad. Jabez Wilson, intrigued by the announcement, came to the interview, and to his surprise, immediately got a place, he explained, because of its bright and lively shades of hair. Over the next few weeks, Jabez Wilson neatly has come to work in a small isolated offices where only a desk and a couple of wooden chairs, and a couple of hours in a day was copying the British Encyclopaedia, getting a good price. One day, he came to work as usual, he saw an ad that "Union red" fell apart. He asks Holmes to help him sort out this strange story and find out what happened. Holmes promises to help Wilson.Holmes and Watson meet with Vincent Spoldingom in loan and during a short conversation with him, Holmes observes that his pants were stained with the knee-level. Holmes also draws attention to the fact that by tapping his cane on the surface of the street, which runs between the Fund and the Bank loan, he heard a hollow sound, as if there is empty. Comparing and analyzing these and some other facts, Holmes finds that the attackers were planning to rob the Bank by making a tunnel to it from the loan fund. And the whole fantasy about "Union red" took them just to have access to a loan fund, which owned the Jabez Wilson, forcing him to leave each day to work in a mysterious Office for redheads. Holmes calls police inspector Jones, and Director of the Bank. Four together they arrange an ambush in an underground bank vault, in which there are two even criminal.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
London. 1890 Year. To Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson comes redheaded man named Jabez Wilson. He tells them a strange story happened to him recently. According to him, he owns a small loan office, where he works and his young assistant Vincent Spaulding. A few weeks ago, Spalding, reading an ad in the newspaper that some "Red-Headed League" offers an easy, high-paying jobs but only red-haired people began to persuade his boss to answer the ad. Jabez Wilson, intrigued by the announcement came in for an interview, and to my surprise, immediately got a job as he was told, because of its bright and vivid shades of hair. Over the next few weeks Jabez Wilson gently came to work in a small isolated office, in which there were only a couple of wooden table and chairs, and a couple of hours a day rewrote Encyclopedia Britannica, get a good fee. One day he came to work as usual, he saw an advertisement that "Red-Headed League" broke up. He asks Holmes to help him understand this strange story and find out what happened. Holmes promises to help Wilson. Holmes and Watson meet with Vincent Spaulding's loan office and within a short conversation with him Holmes notes that his pants at the knees stained. Holmes also draws attention to the fact that the tapping his cane on the surface of the roadway, which runs between the loan office and the bank, he heard a thud, as if it's empty. Comparing and analyzing these and some other facts, Holmes concludes that the attackers planned to rob a bank, making a tunnel to it from the loan fund. And all fiction about the "Red-Headed League" they only needed to have access to the loan office, which is owned by Jabez Wilson, forcing him to absent himself every day to work in the office for a mysterious red. Holmes is a police inspector Jones and director of the bank. The four of them ambush in the underground vault of the bank, which gets two hardened criminal.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
London. 1890-and the year. The Шерлоку Holmes and doctor sum of a series is developed comes рыжеволосыи man on behalf Джабез Wilson. He tells them to strange history, приключившуюся with him recently. He said,He owns a small loan cashier's office, in which he and his young assistant Vincent Spaulding. A few weeks ago, Spaulding, read the announcement in the newspaper that the "Union light blond hair" offers easy,But paying jobs exclusively рыжеволосым people, began coercing its chef's reply to the announcement. Джабез Wilson, заинтригованныи announcement, came for an interview, and to his surprise,As soon as received, as he explained, because of its bright and vivid color tint your hair. In the next few weeks Джабез Wilson gently came to work in a small isolated office,In which there were only a table and a pair wooden chairs, and a couple of hours a day artist enamored British encyclopedia, receiving good board. On one occasion, having as usual to work, he saw the announcement,That the "Union blond hair" broke down. He asked Holmes to help him understand in this strange history and find out what has happened. Holmes promises to help special session because.

Holmes and Watson meet with Vincent Сполдингом ticket office in advance and during the brief interview with him Holmes notices that his trousers at knee been tainted. Holmes also drew attention to the fact thatThat tapping its fiver on the surface of the carriageway streets, passing between loan cashier's office and the bank, he hears a muffled sound, as though there is empty. Comparing and analysing these,As well as some of the other facts, Holmes comes to the conclusion that hackers plan to rob the bank, making the old loan with the cashier's office. And what about all the invention "Union blond hair" we did not arrive at them only for addition,To have access to the loan's ticket office, which owned Джабез Wilson, forcing his works out every day for the work of the mysterious office for blond hair. Holmes is a police inspector Jones and director of bank.Requires four people they are satisfied with an ambush in underground bank safe deposit box, in which two clothes матерых offender.
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