Если я выпью вторую половину я думаю я умруЗатем я поступил в аспирант перевод - Если я выпью вторую половину я думаю я умруЗатем я поступил в аспирант английский как сказать

Если я выпью вторую половину я дума

Если я выпью вторую половину я думаю я умру
Затем я поступил в аспирантуру по специальности: ихтиология, генетика и селекция рыб
летом того же года я поехал в крым место названное лисья бухта
Это знаменитый нудистский пляж
Я принял участие в экспедиции в Таджикистан
Я жил в заповеднике тигровая балка на берегу реки Вахш
Один год назад я готовился к рождению дочери
Я писал отчеты и планировал новые эксперименты
Наверное самая грустная история произошла со мной этой весной

Я собирался в отпуск
Это случилось в пятницу 13-го
У меня были сломаны обе ноги множество раз, кроме того несколько кусочков костей были потеряны. я имел ретроградную амнезию

Я и мой друг пересекали саванну. Мы прошли под палящим солнцем около 30 километров
Мы нуждались в воде

Мы прошли мимо стад зебр и антилоп, и оказались на базе по наблюдению за животными
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
If I'll have the second half I think I dieThen I went to graduate school to specialty: Ichthyology, genetics and breeding of fish in the summer of that year I went to the Crimea, a place called the Fox BayThis is the famous nudist beachI took part in an expedition to TajikistanI lived in the nature reserve on the banks of the Tigrovaya Balka of the Vakhsh River One year ago I was preparing for the birth of daughterI wrote reports and planned new experiments Probably the most sad story occurred to me this spring I was going on vacationIt happened on Friday 13rdI had broken both legs many times, besides a few pieces of bones were lost. I had retrograde amnesia Me and my friend cross the Savannah. We passed under the scorching sun about 30 kilometresWe were in need of waterWe passed herds of zebras and antelopes, and were based on observation of the animals
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
If I drink the second half I think I die
then I enrolled in postgraduate studies: ichthyology, genetics and breeding of fish
in the summer of that year, I went to the Crimea a place called Fox Bay
This is the famous nudist beach
I took part in an expedition to Tajikistan
I lived in the reserve Tiger bar on the river Vakhsh
One year ago, I was preparing for the birth of my daughter
I was writing reports and planning new experiments
Probably the saddest thing happened to me this spring I'm going on vacation It happened on Friday the 13th I had broken both legs many times, except a few pieces of bone had been lost. I had retrograde amnesia Me and my friend were crossing the savannah. We walked under the scorching sun of about 30 kilometers, we needed water, we passed herds of zebra and antelope, and were on the basis of observation of the animals

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
If I'll take a cup the second half i think i'll die
i then joined to post-graduate studies in microbiology, genetics and breeding fish
in summer the same year, I went to the Crimea place named Kimmerija
This is the famous river valleys
i took part in the expedition to Tajikistan
i lived in Tigrovaya Balka reserve on the banks of the river Hydropower
one year ago, I was preparing to birth daughter
I wrote reports and planned new experiments
probably the most sad story occurred with me this spring

I was going to leave
this is what has happened in Friday 13-th
i've had two broken legs many times,In addition a few pieces of bone were lost. i had amnesia discharge with urine lord I and my friend crossed tapeworms. We were in the heat of the sun 30 kilometers
we needed in the water more multitasking performance

We have gone past the Stade zebra and antelope, and have proved to be based on the monitoring of the animals
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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