Ты можешь обойтись без моей помощи,а без ее помощи не можешьТы не умее перевод - Ты можешь обойтись без моей помощи,а без ее помощи не можешьТы не умее английский как сказать

Ты можешь обойтись без моей помощи,

Ты можешь обойтись без моей помощи,а без ее помощи не можешь
Ты не умеешь вести себя.Веди себя прилично
Куда ты положил деньги? Они в кошельке
есть ли какая-нибудь разница между ними? Я не вижу разницы и думаю что ее нет
По обе стороны улицы стояли большие дома
Он внимательно осмотрел каждую комнату.Все они были большими и уютными
Можно мне взять словарь? вы можете взять любой из двух,но не оба. Я возьму либо тот либо этот словарь
Он возложил всю вину на меня
Все люди любят праздники.Все хотят праздника
Все кричали.Никто друг друга не слушал
Весь город перестраивается
Казалось,они были одни и смотрели только друг на друга
Мы дошли до другого конца коридора и остановились
Другие люди рассказывали мне ту же историю
Я не ем много фруктов.Сколько яблок вы принесли?
В сахарнице очень мало сахара
Вчера в парке было мало детей
Возьмите пожалуйста этот стул и принесите мне другой
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
You can not do without my help, and without it you can not help
You do not know how to conduct yourself properly sebya.Vedi
Where did you put the money? They purse
Is there any difference between them? I do not see a difference and I think that it is not
On both sides of the street stood a large house
He carefully examined each komnatu.Vse they were big and cozy
Can I have a dictionary? you can take any of the two, but not both. I'll take either one or this dictionary
He put the blame on me
All people love holiday prazdniki.Vse want
All krichali.Nikto not listening to each other

The whole city is rebuilt seemed they were alone, and only looked at each other
We walked to the other end of the corridor and stopped
Other people have told me the same story
I do not eat a lot of apples fruktov.Skolko you brought?
In the sugar is very little sugar in the park
Yesterday was little children
Please take this chair and bring me another
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
You can do without my help, and without her help can not
you can't behave. behave yourself decently
Where do you put the money? They are in your wallet
is there any difference between them? I do not see any difference, and I think that it is not
On both sides of the street stood the large house He carefully inspected each
room. all of them were large and comfortable
can I take a dictionary? You can take either of the two, but not both. I'll take either one, either this dictionary
He put all the blame on me
All people love holidays. everyone wants a holiday
all shouting. Nobody listened to each other

is rebuilt the city Seemed, they were alone and looked only at each other
We got to the other end of the hallway and stopped
Other people told me the same story
I don't eat a lot of fruit. how many apples you brought?

sugar very little sugar bowl Today in the Park was little children
Please take this Chair and bring me another
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
You can do without my assistance,and without its assistance is not thou canst
hell do to behave.dribble behave yourself
Where do you put the money? They purse
is there any difference between them? I do not see any difference and I think that its no
On both sides of the street stood the large home
he carefully inspected each room.they were all large and nice
can i take a dictionary? You can take any one of the two,but not both. I'll take either the or the dictionary
He has placed the entire blame on me
all people love holidays.All want to holiday
all screamed.No One each other not listened to the whole of the city is rebuilt
seemed,they were one and watched only on each other
We have gone so far as to other end of the corridor and stopped
other people told me the same story
i don't eat much fruit.How many apples do you have?
IN сахарнице very little sugar
yesterday in the park it was little children
Please take this chair and bring me another
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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