11. Не будете ли вы добры позвонить мне завтра? 12. Я не мог не улыбнуться тому, что она говорила. 13. Она не любит приходить поздно. 14. Он продолжал говорить, но я не слушала его. 15. Он настаивал на том, чтобы пойти с нами.
11. Would you be kind enough to call me tomorrow? 12. I couldn't help but smile at what she said. 13.She doesn't like to come too late. 14. He went on to say, but I'm not listening to it. 15. He insistedto go with us.
11. Would you be kind enough to call me tomorrow? 12. I could not help but smile at what she said. 13. She does not like to come late. 14. He went on to say, but I have not listened to him. 15. He insisted to go with us.