День 2Ночь была в самом разгаре, звезды освещали темное небо, покрывая перевод - День 2Ночь была в самом разгаре, звезды освещали темное небо, покрывая английский как сказать

День 2Ночь была в самом разгаре, зв

День 2
Ночь была в самом разгаре, звезды освещали темное небо, покрывая его завораживающими узорами. Песок, подхватываемый беспокойным ветром, разлетался по необъятным просторам Пустоши. Она спала, словно живое существо, звуки притупились, цвета смешались, наступила, казалось бы, полная идиллия. Но, когда сама правительница спит, ее слуги выходят на кровавую жатву.
Райан резко открыл глаза, почувствовав на своем затылке чье-то тяжелое смрадное дыхание. Он хотел пошевелиться, вскочить, достать нож, оглядеться, но его словно приковали к сидению, не давая двинуться. Молодой человек опешил, почувствовал, как страх постепенно наполняет его, берет верх над другими ощущениями. Тонкая, горячая струя крови пролилась на плечо Райана, от чего он нервно дернулся, вжимаясь в сидение и поднимая глаза, чтобы осмотреть гостя. То, что просунуло свою голову, а точнее, целый панцирь, вглядывалось в салон автомобиля, но упорно не замечало парня. Тот изумленно, но в то же время испуганно осматривал странное, уродливое создание. Внешне мутант напоминал огромного рака с маленькой головой, зажатой между мощными пластинами панциря, его клешни твердо держали дверь машины, помогая ему удерживать равновесие, из маленькой, но усеянной острыми клыками пасти капала алая кровь. Парень незаметно обхватил пальцами лежащий рядом нож, но при этом не отводил взгляд от своего первого мутанта. Но внезапно красные глаза монстра впились в лицо молодого человека, и тот задержал дыхание, не смея ничего не сделать. Между ними установился некий контакт, они молча смотрели друг на друга, мутант – как на дичь, человек – как на хищника. Райан не смог больше терпеть, теряться в догадках, что замышляет это существо. Он резко вытащил нож из-за спины и всадил его в пасть мутанта так, что оно “взвыло” от боли и покачнулось на месте. Не теряя ни минуты, молодой человек приподнялся, оттолкнул чудовище от машины, а затем выскочил из нее, прихватив с собой рюкзак.
Парень бежал что есть силы, не оглядывался, ни о чем не думал. Адреналин помог ему очнуться от непродолжительного сна, он был полон сил и решимости. Окружение не менялось, одни разрушенные здания сменялись другими, дорога то обрывалась, то вновь продолжалась, небо над головой было неизменным. Казалось, что все вокруг – это один сплошной лабиринт с ловушками и тайнами.
Но, как бы сильно страх не заставлял нестись вперед, Райан, уставший и голодный не мог долго бежать, даже находясь под действием адреналина. Обегая очередное мелкое покинутое население, он упал, больно ударившись челюстью о твердую землю. Но потеря равновесия не остановила его, и парень снова бросился вперед, но уже не так быстро.
Всю ночь он провел в движении, а, когда появились первые лучи солнца, Райан почувствовал, что сил больше не осталось. Он протер уставшие глаза и присел на неказистый камень, оставив рюкзак у ног. Теперь Пустошь не казалась ему таким романтичным и заманчивым местом, где его ждут невероятные приключения, которые можно будет вспомнить в старости. Все прежние иллюзии вмиг рассеялись после первой пережитой ночи. Райан осознал, что следующие годы он будет проводить в постоянном страхе за свою жизнь, борясь за право закончить каждый день сном, а не смертью, что унеся ноги от одних проблем, он с головой окунулся в еще большие трудности, что его снова ждет страшное одиночество.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Day 2The night was in full swing, the stars lit up the dark sky, covering his mesmerizing patterns. Sand, podhvatyvaemyj razletalsâ on wind, restless vast expanses of Wasteland. She slept like a living creature, sounds, colors, mixed acceptance occurred seemingly complete Idyll. But when the ruler is asleep, her servants overlook the bloody harvest. Ryan opened his eyes sharply felt on its nape someone heavy smradnoe breath. He wanted to move, jump, pull out a knife, look around, but its as if chained to the seat, not letting go. The young man was taken aback, felt like the fear gradually fills it, takes precedence over other sensations. Thin, hot jet of blood spilled on Ryan's shoulder, and he nervously twitched, the second knockdown in the seat and lifting up his eyes to see the guest. What prosunulo his head, or rather, a carapace, vglâdyvalos′ in the saloon car, but have consistently failed to have noticed the guy. The bewildered look, but at the same time frightened examined the strange, ugly creature. Externally, the mutant resembled a huge cancer with small head, sandwiched between powerful armour plates, his claws are firmly held the car door, helping him to retain the balance of the small, but heavily sharp fanged mouth dripping Scarlet blood. Guy discreetly cupped fingers lying near the knife, but it does not allocate look from his first mutant. But suddenly red eyes boring monster in the face of a young man, and he held his breath, not daring to do nothing. Some contact has been established between them, they looked at each other silently, mutant-like game, a man as a predator. Ryan was unable to tolerate more, get lost in conjecture, that plotting this creature. He abruptly pulled a knife from his back and swung him into the mouth of the mutant "vzvylo" from pain and shuddering at the site. Without wasting a minute, young man sat up, pushed the monster from the machine, and then popped out of it, taking with him a backpack. The guy was running that there are forces that do not look back, not thinking about anything. Adrenaline helped him emerge from a brief sleep, he was full of vigour and determination. Environment has not changed, some destroyed buildings were replaced by others, the road then obryvalas′ then continued again sky overhead was unchanged. It seemed that everything around is one solid maze with traps and secrets. But as much as the fear of not forcing hurtle forward Ryan, tired and hungry could not long escape, even while under the effects of adrenaline. Obegaâ another small population abandoned, he fell, hurt hitting jaw on solid ground. But loss of balance not stopped him, and the guy rushed forward again, but not so fast. He spent the whole night in motion, and when the first rays of the Sun, Ryan felt that no more force. He rubbed her tired eyes and sat down on a stone, leaving poor backpack at his feet. Now Would not seem to him in such a romantic and tempting place where his incredible adventures await to be remember in old age. All previous illusion suddenly dissipated after the first great nights. Ryan realized that he would spend the following years in constant fear for their lives, fighting for the right to finish each day, rather than death, that taking your feet off some problems, he dove right into even greater difficulties that it again waits for a terrible loneliness.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Day 2
Night was in full swing, the stars lit up the dark sky, covering his mesmerizing patterns. Sand, taken up by a restless wind, scatter on the vast expanses of wasteland. She slept like a living creature, dim sounds, colors mixed, came seemingly complete idyll. But when she sleeps ruler, her servants come to the bloody harvest.
Ryan's eyes snapped open as he felt on his nape of someone's heavy stinking breath. He wanted to move, to jump, to get the knife to look around, but it seemed chained to the seat, preventing move. The young man was taken aback, felt the fear gradually fills it, takes precedence over the other senses. Thin hot jet of blood spilled on Ryan's shoulder, which he nervously twitched, pressing into the seat and raising his eyes to inspect the guests. That put his head, or rather a shell, peered into the car, but stubbornly overlooked the guy. He startled, but at the same time anxiously examined the strange, ugly creature. Outwardly resembles a huge mutant cancer with a small head, squeezed between powerful armor plates, its claws firmly holding the car door, helping him to keep his balance, from a small, but studded with sharp fangs jaws dripping red blood. The guy quietly wrapped his fingers around the knife lying next to, but did not look away from their first mutant. But suddenly, a monster red eyes bored into the young man's face, and he held his breath, not daring to do nothing. Between them established a contact, they looked at each other, a mutant - as game, man - like a predator. Ryan could not tolerate more guessing what's up this creature. He abruptly pulled out a knife from behind and stabbed him in the mouth of the mutant so that it "howled" with pain and lurched on the spot. Without wasting a minute, young man stood up, pushed the monster from the machine, and then jumped out of her, taking with him a backpack.
The guy running that there are forces, I did not look back, nothing thought. Adrenaline helped him wake up from a short sleep, he was full of energy and determination. Setting is not changed, some destroyed buildings were replaced by others, the road broke off, then continued again, the sky overhead was unchanged. It seemed that all around - is one solid maze of traps and secrets.
But, no matter how much fear is not made ​​to be carried forward, Ryan, tired and hungry he could not run for a long time, even under the influence of adrenaline. Obegaya another abandoned small population, he fell, hitting his jaw hurt on solid ground. But the loss of balance did not stop him, and the guy lunged forward again, but not so fast.
All night he spent in the movement, and when the first rays of the sun, Ryan felt the force no longer remains. He rubbed his tired eyes and sat down on unsightly stone, leaving the backpack at his feet. Now Heath did not seem to him so romantic and alluring place, where he was waiting for an incredible adventure that will be remember in old age. All previous illusions instantly dispelled experienced after the first night. Ryan realized that the next few years he will spend in constant fear for his life, fighting for the right to finish every day a dream, and not the death that killing legs from some problems, he plunged headlong into even greater difficulties that his back is waiting for the terrible loneliness .
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
day 2in the middle of the night, the stars on the blue sky, and his fascinating patterns. sand, подхватываемый restless wind, разлетался liberal in paths on the heath. she was sleeping like a living thing, sounds dull, color mix, it seemed to be full of ". but, when the governor was sleeping, her servants go to bloody harvest.ryan suddenly opened his eyes, has on its back a little heavy foul breath. he wanted to move, get up, get the knife, to look around, but it"s attached to the seat, not letting go. the young man said, felt the fear gradually fills it takes precedence over other feelings. a hot stream of blood spilled on my shoulder ", from which he nervously flinch, вжимаясь in seat and raising his eyes to look at a guest. what got down his head, and, more specifically, a shell, вглядывалось in saloon car, but has not замечало guy. the изумленно, but at the same time, just looking at the strange, ugly creature. superficially resembled a huge mutant cancer with little head, sandwiched between the powerful glass shell, his hands firmly held the car door, helping him to keep the balance of the small but filled with sharp teeth mouth was dripping red blood. the boy quietly around the fingers lying around the knife, but it never took his eyes from his first mutant. but suddenly, eyes red monster впились in the face of the young man, and he stopped breathing, not смея do nothing. among them stood a contact, they silently looked at each other, a mutant as game, man as a predator. ryan couldn"t stand it, imagine, what was that thing. he suddenly took out a knife from behind and put it in the mouth of a mutant so that it "взвыло" pain and покачнулось on site. one minute, a young man he arose, pushed a monster from the car, and then jumped out of it, along with the bag.the guy ran for it, don"t look back, don"t have to think about it. adrenaline helped him to wake up from a dream, he was full of energy and determination. environment is not changed, and the destroyed buildings followed by the other, the road that обрывалась, again continued, the sky overhead was unchanged. it seemed that all around is a maze with traps and secrets.but how much fear is not forced to head forward, ryan, tired and hungry couldn"t long escape, even while under the action of adrenaline. обегая another small deserted people, he fell down, hurt when the jaw on firm ground. but the loss of balance is not stopped him, and he again rushed forward, but it"s not so fast.all night he spent in motion, and when the first rays of the sun, he felt that the strength is great
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