Месяц лил сияние на гладкие гранитные валуны. В тишине слышался только перевод - Месяц лил сияние на гладкие гранитные валуны. В тишине слышался только английский как сказать

Месяц лил сияние на гладкие гранитн

Месяц лил сияние на гладкие гранитные валуны. В тишине слышался только плеск черных волн да шелест листвы на другом берегу.

Вдруг темнота дрогнула и зашевелилась, и на скалы со всех сторон стали наползать гибкие темные тени. Блеснули в лунном свете остро отточенные когти. Желтым тревожным светом вспыхнули во тьме глаза. И вдруг, словно повинуясь тайному сигналу, тени схлестнулись друг с другом — и скалы как будто ожили. Началась неистовая кошачья драка с воем, шипением и визгом.

Вдруг из этой бешеной круговерти вынырнул огромный и косматый черно-бурый кот. Мощными косматыми лапищами прижал он к земле крупного беломраморного и победно завопил:

— Желудь! Как посмел ты охотиться на наших землях? Солнечные Скалы — исконные охотничьи земли Грозового племени.

— С завтрашнего дня, Коготь, здесь будем охотиться мы, Речные коты! — прошипел в ответ поверженный наземь мраморный кот. Внизу, у воды, послышалось тревожное мяуканье:

— Берегись! К Речному племени движется пополнение!

Коготь обернулся и увидел, как из темной воды у самых скал выходят все новые мокрые тени. Воины Речного племени вышли на берег и, даже не отряхнувшись, вступили в схватку.

Черно-бурый устремил горящий взор на Желудя:

— Да, вы плаваете, как бобры, но никогда ни ты сам, ни твои воины не будут хозяйничать в этом лесу!

Он оскалил зубы, и кот, лежащий под ним, содрогнулся всем телом.

Но вот, перекрывая голоса дерущихся, раздался душераздирающий вопль кошки из Грозового племени. Речной кот прижал к земле черно-бурую воительницу и уже тянулся к ее горлу своими острыми зубами, с которых еще капала речная вода.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Month Lil lights on the smooth granite boulders. In silence I heard the only splash the black waves Yes rustle of leaves on the other side.Suddenly the darkness quaked and set into motion, and on cliffs on all sides began appearing on flexible dark shadows. Flashed in the Moonlight sharpened claws. Yellow alarming light flashed in the darkness the eye. And suddenly, as if obeying a secret signal, the shadow clashed with each other — and rocks as if alive. Began frantic cat fight with howling, hiss and screech.Suddenly from this frenzied excitement, popped up a huge and Shaggy black and Brown cat. Powerful shaggy lapiŝami pressed it to land a large white marble and victoriously screamed out:— Acorn! How dare you hunt on our land? Solar Rocks — ancestral hunting lands of the storm tribe.— Tomorrow, Claw, here we will hunt, River cats! — hissed in response, prostrate ground marble cat. At the bottom, near the water, heard alarming meow:— Beware! The River tribe moves refill!Claw turned around and saw dark water the rocks go all new wet shade. Warriors of the tribe came to the River Bank and not even the cats give Haru gifts, clashed.Black and Brown strove toward the burning Acorn:— Yes, you swim like beavers, but never yourself nor your warriors will not be hosting in this forest!He oskalil teeth and the cat behind him, shuddered all over.But here, blocking the vote, fighting heard heartbreaking cry of Thunderclan cats from the tribe. River cat pressed to the ground black and Brown Warrior and already stretched to her throat with their sharp teeth, still dripping of river water.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Month lil shine on the smooth granite boulders. The silence was only the lapping of waves da black rustling leaves on the other side. Suddenly the darkness shuddered and began to stir, and the rocks on all sides began to crawl flexible dark shadows. Glistened in the moonlight sharpened claws. Yellow disturbing light flashed in the darkness of her eyes. And suddenly, as if in obedience to a secret signal, the shade clashed with each other - and the rock as though alive. It began a violent cat fight with a howl, hiss and squeal. Suddenly out of this mad whirl popped huge and shaggy black and brown cat. Powerful shaggy paws pinned it to the ground and a large white marble yelled triumphantly: - Acorn! How dare you to hunt on our lands? Solar Rock - ancestral hunting grounds ThunderClan. - Starting tomorrow, Talon, here we will hunt, River Cats! - Hissed prostrate ground marble cat. Down by the water, an alarm sounded meow: - Beware! By RiverClan moves replenishment! Talon turned around and saw the water out of the dark at the very rocks out all new damp shade. Warriors RiverClan reached the shore, and even otryahnuvshis entered the fray. Black and Brown turned his burning eyes on Acorn: - Yes, you float like a beaver, but never you yourself or your soldiers will be hosting in the forest! He bared his teeth, and the cat lying under him, shuddered. But, overlapping voices fighting, there was a heart-rending cry of a cat ThunderClan. River Cat pinned to the ground black and brown warrior and has stretched to her throat with his sharp teeth, which still dripping river water.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
a lil light on smooth granite boulders. in the silence of слышался just splashing waves - black leaf rustling on the other side.

if darkness is faltering and starting to warm up.,and on the cliffs on all sides have наползать flexible dark shadows. блеснули moonlight has refined the claws. a flashing yellow light in the dark eyes. and suddenly, as if in a signal.shadow collided with each other and the rocks as if alive. started a fight with the cat scream, like, a hiss and there screaming.

, out of this crazy круговерти he big and hairy black and brown cat.powerful косматыми лапищами pinned it to the ground and my major беломраморного yelled:

- nuts! how dare you hunt our lands? the rock - the ancestral hunting ground lightning tribe.

- tomorrow, claw, here we'll hunt, the river cats. said in response, defeated with marbled cat. downstairs, the water, heard a meow:

- watch out! to the river of moving reinforcements!

the claw is turned around and saw the dark waters of the rocks are all new, wet shade. the warriors of the tribe went ashore and, even отряхнувшись came into play.

black and brown showered burning gaze on the acorn:

- yeah, you swim like beavers, but never you, your hosts will take over in the forest.

he оскалил teeth, and the cat is lying under it, kind of creeps me out everywhere.

but, by blocking the voices of fighting.a heartrending cry lightning cats from the tribe. the cat took the land and бурую shield maiden and reaching up to her throat with sharp teeth with which a dripping of water of a river.
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