Но я считаю, и, я надеюсь, что многие из вас меня поддержат, что главная наша проблема это отсутствие самоконтроля и мотивации. По крайней мере, у меня большие проблемы именно с этим.
But I believe and I hope that many of you will support me, that our main problem is the lack of self-control and motivation. At least, I have big problems with this.
But I believe and I hope that many of you will support me, that our main problem is the lack of self-control and motivation. At least, I have a big problem with this.
But I believe, and I hope that many of you will support me, that the main problem we have now is that there's no self-control and motivation. At least, I have a big problem with that.