Некоторых пожилых людей отправляют в дома для престарелых.Никто из нас не застрахован от наступления старости, рано или поздно каждый из нас станет старичком и старушкой. Безусловно, в своей повседневной жизни мы об этом стараемся не задумываться.Естественно, каждый из нас по мере сил и возможностей старается заботиться о них и о тех, кто не жалел своих сил для нас, когда мы были маленьким.Именно эти люди дали нам воспитание, образование, они нас одевали и обували, они нас просто любили. Долг каждого человека – сделать так, чтобы наши родители были счастливы всегда и в старости тем более, естественно, если это вообще возможно.Конечно, многие могут сказать, что это ужасно – когда пожилой человек проводит старость в таком месте,как дом для престарелых. Но, если посмотреть на этот вопрос с другой стороны: что делать тем пенсионерам, у которых нет никого, которым просто хочется достойно встретить старость? Выход только один – дом престарелых
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Some elderly people in homes for the elderly. None of us are immune from old age, sooner or later each of us will be seated and the old lady. Of course, in everyday life, we try not to think about that. Of course, each of us forces and capabilities is trying to care for them and for those who have not spared their strength to us when we were little. These people have given us the upbringing, education, they dressed and obuvali, they we just loved. It is the duty of everyone is to make our parents happy always and in old age the more naturally if at all possible. Of course, many might say that it's terrible-when an elderly person spends old age in such a place as a home for the elderly. But, if you look at this issue from the other side: what do those pensioners who do not have anyone who just wants to meet old age? Only one nursing home
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Some older people are sent to the house for prestarelyh.Nikto of us is immune from old age, sooner or later all of us will be old men and women. Of course, in everyday life we do not try this zadumyvatsya.Estestvenno, each one of us as much as possible, try and take care of them and those who did not spare their strength for us, when we were malenkim.Imenno these people gave us education education, they have dressed and shoes, they just loved us. The duty of every man - to make sure that our parents were always happy and in old age even more so, of course, if at all vozmozhno.Konechno, many people can say that it is terrible - when an elderly person spends old age in a place like home for the elderly. But, if we look at the issue from the other side: what about those retirees who do not have anyone who just wants to meet adequately old age? Only one way out - a nursing home
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