Результаты (
английский) 1:
According to the Constitution o the Russian Federation every citizen of Our counhy has the right to educa-tion. Secondary schools, colleges and higher educational establishments to en-sure it. It is also ensured by the deve-. lopment of extra-mural and evenin courses and the system of state schol-arships and grants. At the age of 6 or 7 boys and girls go to school and they stay here until they are 14-(I) 7 years old. At school pupils study academic subjects, such as the Russian literature, mathematics, history, biology, phy-sics, foreign languages and others according to curricula. After finishing 9 form of a secondary school young people can continue their education in the 10th and I I th Ibrms. They can go to a technical school, where they can study aca-demic subjects and receive a profession. A college gives general knowledge in academic subjects and profound knowledge in one or several subjects. There are many private schools, lyceums and gymnasiums in Russia, which offer programmes giving a deep knowledge in sonic fields of studies. After i a secondary school, a technical school or a college, young people can start working to enter any institute or university they'll choose. All applicants may enter any higher school On the results of the State Examination due to which they are enrolled in any higher school. Until recently all secondary and higher schools have been subsidised by the state. Higher education in this country has been steadily developing and improv-ing together with the society. The state educational system existing in Russia is highly specialized. It includes the latest achievements in science, technology and cultuie not only in Russia, but abroad as well. Higher education is ac-cessible to all young people. Higher educational institutions, that is, conducting universities and academies, offer 5 or 6-years program for academic subjects for undergraduates in various fields, as well as post graduate courses, which lead to candidate or doctoral degiees. Many universities have evening and ex-tra-mural departments, that is they give their students an opportunity to study ' vithout leaving their jobs. "[here are two terms in the academic year. They usually last from September to February: from February to July with two holidays. So, students take their exams twice a yew, that is at the end of each term. Attendance of all seminars, practical lessons, labs and is obligatory for all students who must take credit tests, quizzes for practical work and attended the exam on theory. Special is given to-S-Eniol students ' practical training at industrial enterprises and re-search institutions. (I) F a person finishes a post graduate course and writes his or her theses, he or she is awarded a degree of a Master (Candidate) or a Doctor Of Sciences. (Uglier educational establishments are headed by Rectors (Presidents). Vice Presidents _are in charge of_academic and scientific work. There are se-veral departments at each institute or university. Our institutes and universities are staffed by academicians, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Science, doctors and masters of science, readers, teachers and tutors. Within the walls of our higher educational institu-tions students gain not only knowledge of all that is best in science and tech-technique, but also acquire working (practical) skills. There are students ' research societies and design offices at nearly all higher schools. Senior students are engaged loyal ious kinds of research under the supervision of their lecturers, including their participation in various conferences, seminars and congresses. The results of this investigation are directly utilized in industry and agriculture. There exist a lot of agreements on scientific and technological cooperation be-tween higher schools and industrial enterprises. Sport is part and parcel of students ' hie. Many sportsmen are active mem-bers of different sport clubs taking part in various competitions among the stu-dents sport teams not only in Russia but also abroad. The most popular sports among the students are volley-ball, basket-ball, gymnastics, tennis, track-and-field athletics, skating, skiing and many others. Students ' building teams play an important role in a social life of the country. The rapid development of science and technology in the world has no-ticeably increased the volume of information to be received by students. The problem number one now is intensification of the whole educational process. Fo achieve this new teaching methods have been introduced (modern equip-ment, visual aids, TV, automation control system and computers). The type of scientific work is detei mined by the higher school proper. An annual competition for the best scientific achievements is held in Russia steadily. 1 he winners are awarded medals and diplomas. The system of secondary and higher education in Russia is going through a transition period. The main objectives of this ieform are to develop new fi-than nancial mechanisms, to give more freedom to the academic institutes and students. By lug prepat highly qualified specialists for all branches of our economy our higher schools contribute to further successful development of Russia.
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