Результаты (
английский) 2:
Я начала изучать английский язык недавно. Составлять предложения мне сложно. НО я очень стараюсь. И буду надеется, что у меня будет получаться!
t 2-3 times. It's very frustrating. Last night I went to bed at midnight, and still woke up at 0300! Usually by the end of the week, I'm exhausted. I'm trying to do different things to get some rest, but so far I haven't been very successful.
That sounds like a very nice walk you had today.
My friend Bill, the one who told me about EM, visited the Crimea with his wife (then fiancee). He had a really good time and recommended I visit there. The pictures you sent are amazing! Thank you.
It sounds like you are going to have a very busy next few days. Will you only be singing or playing as well? What type of music?
You said the right word. That is Tippy. She is a Shih-Tzu. She is a wonderful little dog. A couple years ago Max brought home a stray dog. It was all matted. We took it to a groomer and had her cleaned up. She was a Shih-Tzu. He and my then-wife immediately fell in love with that dog. They named her Epiphany. Dexter and I did not want to get too attached to it in case the owners showed up. After we had her for around 2 weeks, I had just called and told my ex to go ahead and take the dog to the vet, I considered her ours. Well, that day the owners showed up. Maxwell was so distraught I had to pick him up from school and my ex told me she was near tears the whole day. Well, I immediately started searching the internet for Shih-Tzus. I found Tippy and the family all approved. So, I bought her and she was flown in from Texas. She stays with my ex and I still see her. But, we miss her quite a bit. Max keeps asking if we can bring her over. But, as we're not home during the day, I don't think it's right to leave her here. I also wouldn't want to take her away from my ex. She really, really loves that dog. So, we'll figure out some visiting time, but.. that's the story of the small toy dog in the picture.
The weather today was beautiful. I believe it went over +12c, so much warmer.
That is great that you have Skype! Whenever you are comfortable, I am very excited to see you! My id is: lifeishockey2013. So, whenever you are up for it, just let me know.
And I wish you a wonderful day as well and hope you had a nice evening.
This is my view on the drive in to the office after I drop Max off at school...
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