1. Что-нибудь делается, чтобы восстановить это здание? 2. Его еще никогда не принимали за англичанина. 3. В твоей комнате ничего не тронули с тех пор, как тебя послали в санаторий. 4. За каждый пенни нужно отчитаться (account for). 5. Вас когда-нибудь учили, как надо вести себя? 6. Детей угостили мороженым. 7. У меня украли коллекцию марок. 8. Со мной так никогда не разговаривали. 9, Надо что-то сделать для этих людей. 10. Боюсь, что эту вазу нельзя починить. 11. 0 его приятеле хорошо отзываются. 12. Моего дядю произвели (promote) в капитаны. 13. Тебе скажут, когда отправляется поезд. 14. Она чувствовала, что от нее что-то скрывают. 15. Будет так темно, что меня совсем не будет видно. 16. Почему так прохладно в зале? — Его как раз проветривают (air). Читальный зал, как вы знаете, проветривается несколько раз в день.
I. Больного не будут оперировать без его согласия. 2. Телеграмма была принята поздно ночью, и так как она была очень важной, капитана тут же разбудили и передали ему ее. 3. Факты, на которые ссылался свидетель, заинтересовали адвоката. 4. Было рассмотрено много различных маршрутов, а об этом даже не подумали. 5. Проект был в основном одобрен, но архитектору указали на отдельные недостатки. 6. Советую вам пойти на этот концерт: будут исполнены ваши любимые произведения. 7. Нам объяснили новое правило, затем продиктовали несколько примеров и дали упражнения для домашней работы. 8. Не беспокойтесь, о вашем багаже позаботятся и он будет доставлен в номер. 9. Он не слышал, что в это время говорилось. 10. Мы узнаем, хорошо ли за ним смотрели. 11. Ему дали первоклассное образование.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. Anything done to restore this building? 2. It has never taken for an Englishman. 3. In your room not touched anything since you sent in the sanatorium. 4. For every penny have to account (account for). 5. Have you ever been taught how to behave? 6. Children were treated to ice cream. 7. I have stolen stamp collection. 8. With me never talked. 9, something must be done to these people. 10. I'm afraid that this vase cannot be repaired. 11. his good buddy 0 withdrawn. 12. My uncle fired (promote) captains. 13. you will tell when the train is sent. 14. She felt that it was something to hide. 15. it will be so dark that I really will not be visible. 16. Why is it so cool in the Hall? Is it just airs (air). Reading room, as you know, aired several times a day.III.I. Patient will not operate without his consent. 2. The telegram was adopted late at night, and because it was very important the captain immediately woke up and gave it to her. 3. The facts on which the witness referred interested Attorney. 4. it was considered by many different routes, and not even think about it. 5. The project was basically OK, but the architect pointed out some deficiencies. 6. Advise you to go to this concert: will your favorite works. 7. we explained the new rule, then dictated a few examples and gave exercises for homework. 8. Don't worry, take care of your luggage and it will be delivered to your room. 9. He had not heard that at this time. 10. We learn well looked after him. 11. He gave a first-class education.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. Anything done to restore this building? 2. It has never been mistaken for an Englishman. 3. do not touch your room as long as you were sent to a sanatorium. 4. For every penny you need to account (account for). 5. Have you ever been taught how to behave? 6. The children were treated to ice cream. 7. I have stolen stamp collection. 8. With me so never talked. 9, I must do something for these people. 10. I am afraid that this vase can not be repaired. 11 0 his friend respond well. 12. My uncle made (promote) captain. 13. You will be told when the train departs. 14. She felt that she had something to hide from it. 15. It will be so dark that I was not to be seen. 16. Why is it so cool in the room? - Its just aired (air). Reading room, as you know, is aired several times a day.
III of. I. The The patient will not operate without its consent. 2. The telegram was received late at night, and so it was very important, the captain immediately woke up and handed it to him. 3. The facts referred to by the witness, a lawyer interested. 4. many different routes were considered, but did not even think. 5. The project was basically approved, but the architect pointed out certain shortcomings. 6. I suggest you go to this concert: will be filled with your favorite pieces. 7. We have explained the new rule, and then dictated a few examples and exercises are given for homework. 8. Do not worry about your luggage taken care of and it will be delivered to your room. 9. He did not hear what was said at that time. 10. We know if well looked after him. 11. He was given a first-class education.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. something is done to restore the building? 2. he has never taken for an englishman. 3. in your room, don't touch anything since you sent home. 4. for every penny we need account (account for). 5. have you ever learned how to behave? 6. the children gave the ice cream. 7. i have stolen коллекцию marks. 8. i never spoke. 9, i must do something for those people. 10. i'm afraid this vase can't be fixed. 11. 0 his friend comes highly recommended. 12. my uncle was (re) as captains. 13. you will say, when the train. 14. she felt that she was hiding something. 15. is so dark that i didn't have time. 16. why is it so cold in this room? - it now airs (air). the reading room, as you know, ventilated enough several times a day.iii.i. the patient will not operate without his consent. 2. the telegram was adopted late at night, and so she was very important, капитана immediately woke up and gave it to him. 3. the facts on which ссылался witness, interested in the lawyer. 4. it was considered by many different routes, and hadn't even thought of. 5. the project was generally approved, but the architect was selected недостатки. 6. i suggest you go to the concert, to be performed ваши favorite works. 7. we explain the new rule, then dictated a few examples and gave exercise for homework. 8. don't worry, your luggage will be taken care of and he will be taken in the room. 9. he could not hear what is said. 10. we know how he looked. 11. gave him a first-class education.
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