When I came home the other day, my mother said it was my turn to go sh перевод - When I came home the other day, my mother said it was my turn to go sh английский как сказать

When I came home the other day, my

When I came home the other day, my mother said it was my turn to go shopping.
I took a shopping bag and left home. On the way I met Pete, a friend of mine, who was also going shopping. We decided to go together. We went to the supermarket where you can buy nearly everything you need. It is a large two - storied building with a grocery shop on the first floor and a department store on the second.
The grocery is a very big shop. Everything is sold there ready - weighed and packed. There are a lot of very appetizing-looking things. Some minutes later we were at the cash desk with our sugar and tea. I paid for the purchase and the cashier gave me a check.
The second floor is entirely taken up by the department store. Here "you can find ready-made clothes, food-wear, headgear, jewellery and other goods. My friend was to buy a tie for a birthday present and a pair of shoes for summer wear. First we stopped at the footwear department. Pete tried on i pair of shoes, but they were a bit tight in the toes. Then he took another pair and they fitted him nicely.
At the haberdashery Pete chose the' tie he wanted from a great variety of ties which were on display. It was a dark-red tie with silver stripes. Pete liked the pattern and bought two of them-one for a present and one for himself.
On our way home we dropped in at the bakery and I bought a loaf of bread and some rolls.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
When I came home the other day, my mother said it was my turn to go shopping.I took a shopping bag and left home. On the way I met Pete, a friend of mine, who was also going shopping. We decided to go together. We went to the supermarket where you can buy nearly everything you need. It is a large two-storied building with a grocery shop on the first floor and a department store on the second.The grocery is a very big shop. Everything is sold there ready-weighed and packed. There are a lot of very appetizing-looking things. Some minutes later we were at the cash desk with our sugar and tea. I paid for the purchase and the cashier gave me a check.The second floor is entirely Christian taken up by the department store. Here you can find ready-made clothes, food, a-wear, jewellery and other goods. My friend was to buy a tie for a birthday present and a pair of shoes for summer wear. First we stopped at the footwear department. Pete tried to on (i) pair of shoes, but they were a bit tight in the toes. Then he took another pair and they fitted him nicely.At the haberdashery Pete chose the ' tie he wanted from a great variety of ties which were on display. It was a dark-red tie with silver stripes. Pete are the pattern and bought two of them-one for a present and one for himself.On our way home we dropped in at the bakery and I bought a loaf of bread and some rolls.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
when i came home the other day, my mother said it was my turn to go shopping.i took a shopping bag and left home. on the way i met pete, a friend of mine, who was also going shopping. we decided to go together. we went to the business where you can buy nearly everything you need. it is a large two and a storied building near the shop on the first floor and a department store on the second.the near is a very big shop. everything is not there, our weighed and packed. there are a lot of very appetizing looking things. some minutes later we were at the cash desk with our sugar and tea. i paid for the purchase and the cashier gave me a check.the second floor is entirely taken up by the department store. here "you can find ready - made clothes, food, wear, or headgear, and other goods. my friend was to buy a tie for a birthday present is a pair of shoes for summer wear. first we stopped at the footwear department. pete tried on a pair of shoes, but they were a bit tight in the toes. then he took another pair and they fitted him for.at the haberdashery pete chose the tie he wanted from a great variety of shows which were on display. it was a dark red tie with silver stripes. pete is the pattern and close two of them - one for a present and one for himself.on our way home, we dropped in at the bakery and restaurant as a loaf and some rolls.
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