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Я пытаюсь представить в своем воображении вас, читающего сейчас это послание...
Мне очень любопытно — поверьте, как дальше, после этого сложится ваш день, неделя, ваша жизнь…
Дело в том, что какая-то загадочная судьба в один короткий миг свела нас вместе, здесь на этом сайте. Я встретила вас!
Я не знаю, как после этого изменится моя жизнь, но я верю, что только к лучшему. Я делаю первый шаг к вам навстречу, потому что я вас здесь встретила и вы меня очень заинтересовали! На этой территории я новичок, совсем недавно создала свой профиль. Зачем я здесь? Я так же как и вы ищу здесь человека, с которым вместе мы проживем счастливую жизнь, которому я буду подругой, женой, любовницей.
Да, возможно вы подумаете, что я юная девушка, которая ничего не понимает в этой жизни, но я хочу вас уверить, что это не совсем так! Да от части так и есть, я не буду скрывать этого и с первых своих писем тебе хочу быть честной с тобой! Всем людям для полного счастья нужна семья, и я чувствую, что созрела для серьезных отношений, для создания семьи. К одним это осознание приходит раньше, к другим позже. Я многое не знаю в этой жизни, да и стоит ли мне делать какие-то ошибки, если я встретила настоящего мужчину, который поможет мне правильно жить, который станет поддержкой, а я верной спутницей жизни??
Я ищу счастье. Вы не встречали моё счастье? Ведь на каждого из нас где-то есть наша долька счастья! Оно должно найти нас или мы должны найти его, но встреча ведь должна состояться? Моё счастье светлое, теплое, доброе, улыбчивое, озаряющее всё вокруг. Мне кажется, мое счастье у вас!
Я очень давно тебя ищу. Я ищу тебя всю свою жизнь! Я верю в сказки и чудеса, в то что случайностей не бывает, я могу противоречить себе, но я такая. Я всегда найду над чем задуматься.
Вполне осознаю, что могу показаться назойливой и очень боюсь этого, но тем не менее настаиваю – счастье каждого из нас дело тонкое, его не отодвинешь так просто на завтра, особенно если оно само стучится в ваши двери.
Я ищу богатство души и сердца, ищу любовь чистую, бескорыстную, настоящую, и хочу любить так, как только умею! И не хочу останавливаться!
Мне очень любопытно узнать — поверьте, что вы решите и как вы ответите на такой вопрос: стереть или не стереть это письмо в своем сердце и в своем сознании?
Ну и как вы поступите, что выберете? Сделаете вид, как будто ничего не читали, ничего не слышали, и быстро забудете о теме счастья или дадите волю своему сердцу, рискнете и «проверите себя на счастье».
Мой дорогой, я очень заинтересована в вас, и очень надеюсь, что мы продолжим наше общение. Я верю, что у нас может быть много общего. Может станем ближе друг другу? Что ты скажешь?)
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hello!When you start reading these lines please read to the end!I try to imagine in your mind you, reading this message ...I am very curious, believe me, as on, then there will be a day, a week, your life ...The fact of the matter is that some sort of mysterious fate in one short moment brought us together here on this site. I met you!I don't know how my life will change after this, but I believe that only for the better. I make the first step to meet you because I met you here and you got me very interested! I am a novice in this area, recently created their profile. Why am I here? I like you am looking here for romance, together we'll live a happy life, which I will be your girlfriend, wife, mistress.Yes, you may think that I am a young girl who does not understand anything in this life, but I want to assure you that this is not true! Yes from part of it is, I'm not going to hide this and with the first letter you want to be honest with you! Everyone needs a family full of happiness, and I feel that is ripe for a serious relationship, to create a family. To some this realization comes sooner, to others later. I don't know much in this life, and I make some mistakes, if I met a real man who will help me to live, which would become the support, and I am a faithful companion of life??I am looking for happiness. You haven't seen my happiness? After all, each of us, there's our slice of happiness! It should find us or we have to find it, but the meeting is to take place? My happiness is bright, warm, kind, smiling, illuminated everything around. I think my happiness you have!I am a long time ago you was looking for. I've been looking for you all my life! I believe in fairy tales and miracles, the fact that nothing happens, I can contradict myself, but I like that. I always find something to think about. Fully aware that can seem intrusive and very afraid of this, but nonetheless insist is the happiness of each and every one of us is a delicate matter, its not so easy to otodvineš′ for tomorrow, especially if it is knocking at your door. I am looking for a wealth of soul and heart, seeking the love of pure, selfless, genuine, and want to love so as soon as I can! And I don't want to stop! I am very curious to know-believe what you choose and how you answer this question: do not erase or erase this letter in your heart and in your mind?Well, what are you going to do that, choose? Make it appear as though nothing read, never heard, and quickly forget about the topic of happiness or give vent to your heart, take a risk and check yourself for good luck. My dear, I'm very interested in you, and I hope that we will continue our dialogue. I believe that we can have a lot in common. Can become closer to each other? What do you say?)With great sympathy to you Alena
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
When you begin to read this please read them to the end!
I'm trying to imagine in your mind you are reading this message right now ...
I'm very curious - believe me, as a further, then fold your day, week, your life ...
Case that some mysterious fate of one brief moment brought us together here on this site. I met you!
I do not know after this change my life, but I believe that only the best. I make the first step to meet you because I met you here and I am very interested in you! In this area, I am new, recently created a profile. Why am I here? I'm just like you are looking for a man with whom together we will live a happy life, which I will be a friend, wife, mistress.
Yes, you may think that I am a young girl who does not understand anything in this life, but I want you to assure you that it is not so! Yes, part of it is, I will not hide it, and with his first letter you want to be honest with you! All people need to be completely happy family, and I feel that is ripe for a serious relationship for marriage. For one this awareness comes before the other later. I do not know much in this life, and if I should make some mistakes when I met this man who will help me to live right, which will be supported, and I'm faithful companion of life ??
I'm looking for happiness. You have not met my happiness? After all, each of us somewhere is our slice of luck! It must find us or we have to find him, but after a meeting be held? My happiness is light, warm, kind, smiling, illuminating everything around. I think my happiness you!
I've been looking for a long time. I'm looking for you all my life! I believe in fairy tales and miracles, in the fact that there are no coincidences, I contradict myself, but I am. I always find something to ponder.
It is aware that seem annoying and very afraid of this, but nevertheless insist - the happiness of each of us is a delicate matter, it's not so easy otodvinesh for tomorrow, especially when it itself is knocking at your door.
I seeking the wealth of the soul and the heart, looking for love is pure, selfless, true, and I want to love as only know how! I do not want to stop!
I'm very curious to know - believe what you choose and how you answer this question: do not erase or delete the letter in your heart and in your mind?
Well, how do you do that choose? Pretending as if nothing had read, heard nothing, and quickly forget about the topic of happiness, or give vent to his heart, and dare to "check yourself for happiness."
My dear, I am very interested in you, and I hope that we will continue our communication. I believe that we can have a lot in common. It may become closer to each other? What do you say?)
more sympathetic to you
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
when you start to read these lines I read them prior to the end of the!
I am trying to submit a report to you in his imagination, prostitute now this is the message ...
i am very curious - believe me, as a further,After this folded your day, week, your life ...
in fact, that is the fate of the tucked away in one short mig brought us together, here on this site. I received you!
i don't know, as after this will change my life,But I believe that it is only for the better. I do the first step to you want, because I have met here and you will have a very interested! In this territory i'm new, and most recently established its profile. Why I am here?I have the same as you are looking for here, which, together, we then vanisheth away happier lives, to which I will my girlfriend, wife, hateful feeling.
Yes, you may think that I am a young woman, which is not understood in this life,But I want to assure you that this is not the case! Yes from a part of it and there is, I will not hide it and from the first their letters do you want to be honest with you! All the people for the full happiness needs a family, and I feel,That is ripe for serious relations, for the establishment of a family. The one this awareness comes earlier, to the other at a later time. I do not know in this life, yes and i do what the error, if I met this man,Which will help me properly to live, which will be supported, and I would share all Nicholas Roerich's aspirations of life??
i'm looking for happiness. You do not have enjoyed my happiness? It is for each of us, that is to say, our joyful happiness!It should find us or we have to find it, but the meeting is to be held? My happiness is bright, warm, good, улыбчивое, озаряющее all around. It seems to me, my happiness you!
i a very long time i'm looking for.I'm looking for thee all their life! I believe in fairy tales and miracles, in the eventuality that there is no, I can't contradict itself, but I have this. I always find on the spot.
Very conscious,That I can at least play well and seem to be very much afraid of that, but that is not at least insist - happiness each of us are the thin, it is not so simple to отодвинешь tomorrow, especially if it is not itself knocking at your door.
I'm looking for a rich soul and heart, looking for love a clean, selfless, the present, and I would like to love, as only a mystery! And do not want to stop!
I am very curious to know, believe,That you choose and how you answer the question: to delete or not to delete the letter in his heart and in his mind?
i and as you do, that you select? You view, as if nothing had read, nothing is heard,And quickly forget about the topic happiness or instruct the will your heart, Aleksey Shaburov: and "checked the happiness".
My dear, I am very interested in you, and I very much hope that we will continue our communication. I believe,That we can be a lot in common. May become closer to each other? What are you going to tell? )
with great sympathy for you
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