Согласен. Fernandol, хороший игрок. Только он вокруг себя, собирает мусор. Шпионов и обиженных и продажных Шалав. За это, он теряет моё уважение. На один балл
Agree. Fernandol, a good player. Only it around itself, collects garbage. Spies and offended and corrupt Šalav. For this, he loses my respect. At one point
I agree. Fernandol, a good player. Only it around himself, collects the garbage. Spies and disgruntled and corrupt Shala. For this, he loses my respect. At one point
Agreed. Fernаndоl, a good player. Only it around themselves, collects trash. Spyware and presidium and bankroll Шалав. For this, he loses my respect. At one point