4) свернуть плот в рулон параллельно оси баллона газонапол-нения и уло перевод - 4) свернуть плот в рулон параллельно оси баллона газонапол-нения и уло английский как сказать

4) свернуть плот в рулон параллельн

4) свернуть плот в рулон параллельно оси баллона газонапол-нения и уложить получившуюся скрутку на верх упаковочной сумки со снабжением (рис.4);
5) завернуть получившуюся скрутку со стороны площадки перпендикулярно оси баллона газонаполнения пакетом и превезать временной стяжкой лентой (рис.5), аналагично завернуть пакетом и завязать другую часть скрутки со сторпоны буксировочного устройства. Штертики, соединяющие пробки батарей «Маячок-2М» привязать к наружному лееру над СГН.
ВНИМАНИЕ! Конец направляющей трубки тросика должен выходить за край скатки на 20-50 мм.
Сложенный плот поместить в упаковочный чехол таким образом, чтобы направляющая трубка баллона без больших изги-бов подходила к отверстию на чехле для выхода пускового тросика (рис. 6);
6) петлю тросика пропустить через отверстие в чехле, не допуская натяжения тросика. Штучер направляющей трубки укрепить в отверстии чехла. Пусковой линь выпустить наружу через разъем чехла. Не оставлять слабину пускового линя у системы газонаполнения во избежание его зацепления за шланги и пусковое устройство баллона.
ВНИМАНИЕ! Не забудьте удалить временные стяжные ленты!
7) промазать кромки фартуков чехла клеем резиновым на ширину 20-30 мм один раз и склеить, не допуская складок. Пусковой линь расположить между склеиваемыми фартуками в плоскости отверстия на чехле для выхода пускового тросика. Красная метка на лине должна выходить на 30-40 мм от кромки склеиваемых фартуков;
8) временно зашнуровать через люверсы края чехла прочным канатиком, стягивая его края. По временной шнуровке зашнуровать чехол шнуром Ø 1,5 мм ГОСТ 29231. Допускается применять другой тип шнура прочностью на разрыв 17÷25 кгс.;
9) привязать пусковой линь к тросику баллона следующим образом: конец вставки на пусковом лине пропустить снизу через петлю тросика на 70-90 мм так, чтобы он был с правой стороны. Затем концом обогнуть вставку по часовой стрелке на один оборот, пропустить его снизу вверх в образовавшуюся петлю
и затянуть узел. Конец вставки должен выступать из узла не ме-нее 40 мм;
10) протянуть прядь линя к дальней нижней ячейке правой панели и уложить поочередно пряди линя в виде гармошки не менее 4 витков в каждую ячейку панели. Затем оставшуюся часть линя протянуть к дальней нижней ячейке левой панели и уло-жить пряди в виде гармошки в каждую ячейку панели. Свобод-ный конец пускового линя должен находиться между панелями (рис. 6). Выступание прядей линя из ячеек панели должно быть 20÷30 мм.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. В качестве линя применяется лента проч-ностью не менее 1000 кгс для ПСН-6МК и не менее 1200 кгс для плотов ПСН-10МК.
7.4 Упакованный в чехол плот уложить в стеклопластиковый контейнер в следующем порядке:
1) корпус и крышку контейнера тщательно осмотреть с внутренней стороны, протереть чистой ветошью или обдуть сжатым воздухом с целью удаления грязи, песка и других загрязнений;
2) корпус контейнера установить на штатную подставку или специально изготовленный ложемент так, чтобы плоскость разъема корпуса находилась в горизонтальном положении;
3) в корпус контейнера вложить упакованный в чехол плот, прижав его к заднему торцу, чтобы между панелью с линем и передним торцем контейнера оставалось свободное место. Фикси-рующие элементы чехла расположить с наружной стороны корпуса (рис. 7);
ВНИМАНИЕ! Следите за сохранностью пускового линя, размещенного на панели чехла.
4) установить пробку и заглушку с пусковым линем в вырез корпуса контейнера. Узел сменного элемента пускового линя должен плотно прилегать к заглушке (рис. 9);
5) установить крышку на корпусе контейнера так, чтобы стрелка инструктивной надписи была направлена к выходу пускового линя из контейнера;
6) прижать крышку к корпусу контейнера, при этом необхо-димо следить за правильным взаимным расположением корпуса и крышки;
7) на собранный контейнер надеть два бандажа, расположив их возле крайних ребер жесткости;
8) стянуть края бандажей при помощи специальных приспо-соблений или капронового шнура до полного прижатия крышки к корпусу контейнера. Основание нижнего полукольца бандажа должно быть расположено на расстоянии 130-150 мм от верхнего ребра жесткости на крышке контейнера;
9) между полукольцами бандажей установить разрывное звено. Разрывное звено делается из мягкой латунной проволоки Ø1 мм в два оборота (ДКРНМ 1.0 Л63 ГОСТ 1066). Концы проволоки завязать на один узел и скрутить на длину 7-10 мм.
На закрученную часть проволоки вплотную к узлу установить пломбу (рис. 8). На станциях НСС допускается устанавливать разрывное звено из другого материала, обеспечивающего сохранность разрывного усилия 80-120 кгс в течение года, а также возможность установки пломбы;
10) конец пускового линя завести под бандаж и закрепить двойным узлом, опломбировать линь в месте выхода из контейнера (рис. 9). Работы производить строго соблюдая инструкцию по ТБ (см. приложение 3).

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
4) roll the raft in a roll tube parallel to the axis of the gazonapol and put the resulting twist on verkh packaging bags supply (fig. 4);
5) wrap the resulting twist the pad perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder package gazonapolneniâ and prevezat′ temporary tie belt (fig. 5), analagično wrap the package and tie another piece lay with the tow ball storpony. Štertiki connecting plugs batteries "flashing lights-2 m" bind to the outer leeru on SGBV.
ATTENTION! End of the guide tube the cable must extend past the edge of the roll on 20-50 mm.
Folded raft in the packing case so guide tube to the bottle without big izgi-bow to the hole on the cover for the starting cable (fig. 6)
6) loop the cable through the hole in the cover, without the tension of the cable. Štučer tube reinforced hole cover. Starter Lin issue outward through the connector cover. Do not leave the slack start system gazonapolneniâ tench to avoid its snagging for hoses and cylinder starter.
ATTENTION! Do not forget to remove the temporary tightening belts!
7) miss the mark edging apron cover glue rubber on width of 20-30 mm and glue, avoiding folds. The starting position between Lin skleivaemymi aprons in the plane of the holes in the cover to access the actuator cable. The red mark on the line should go on 30-40 mm from the edge of bonded aprons;
8) temporarily lace up through eyelets edge covers strong, pulling together the kanatikom Krai. Temporary flower lace up sheath cable Ø 1.5 mm GOST 29231. It is allowed to use another type of cord tensile strength 17-25 kg.;
9) bind the actuator cylinder trosiku to Lin as follows: insert at the end of the starting line skip a rope through the loop at the bottom of 70-90 mm, so that he was on the right side. Then the end of the round insert clockwise one turn, skip it from bottom to top in the formed loop
and tighten the knot. End of the insert must protrude from the site not me th 40 mm;
10) stretch strand Lin to the far bottom cell in the right-hand pane and place one strand of tench in holding form at least 4 revolutions in each cell of the Panel. Then the rest of the line to stretch to the far bottom cell in the left panel and Hulot-live strands in holding form in each cell of the Panel. Freedoms-the end of the starting line must be located between the panels (fig. 6). Protrusion of the strands of tench of the cells Panel should be 20-30 mm.
NOTE. As Lin applies tape etc fully not less than 1000 kgs for PSN-6MK and not less than 1200 kgf for rafts PSN-10mk.
7.4 packaged in case the raft to lay the fiberglass container in the following order:
1) chassis and cover the container carefully inspect on the inside, wipe with a clean cloth or obdut′ with compressed air to remove dirt, sand and other dirt;
2) body container installed on a stand or a specially made tool tray, chassis connector that the plane was in a flat;
3) into the body of the container put packed in case the raft, pushing it to the back end, to the Panel with the front edges of the container and the line remained free. Fiksi-regulating elements cover positioned on the outside of the body (fig. 7);
! Watch out for the safety of the starting line, hosted on the cover.
4) install the CAP and plug from the starting line in the container chassis cutout. Replacement element node starting tench should adjoin densely to the end cap (fig. 9);
5) install the cover on the container so that the arrow guiding text was sent to the starting line from the container;
6) push the cover to the body of the container, This should ensure proper mutual location of casings and covers;
7) on the assembled container put on a brace, putting them two near extreme ribs;
8) pull off the edge of the sleeves with special conditions-discussion or a kapron cord until pressing the covers to the chassis of the container. The base of the lower half brace should be located at a distance of 130-150 mm from the upper ribs on the lid of the container;
9) between the semicircles bandages to breaking point. Breaking link is made from soft brass wire Ø1 mm in the two (1.0 DKRNM L63 GOST 1066). The ends of the wire tie to one node and twist the length of 7-10 mm.
The zakručennuû part of the wire close to the site, install the seal (fig. 8). The NPO may be installed at stations breaking link from other material to ensure safety of explosive effort 80-120 kg during the year, as well as the possibility of mounting of the seal;
10) end of the starting line up under the bandage and secure double knot, seal Lin in a place out of the container (fig. 9). Work to make strictly observing the instructions for TB (see Appendix 3).

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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
4) turn the raft in a roll axis parallel to the cylinder gas-tion and put the resulting twist on top of the packaging bags with supply (Fig. 4),
5) wrap twist resulting from the court perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder gas filling bag and tie a ribbon prevezat time (Fig. 5 ) analagichno wrap bag and tie with another part of the stranding storpony towing device. Shtertiki connecting tube batteries "Beacon-2M" bind to the outer Leer on SGBV.
ATTENTION! End of the guide tube cable should extend beyond the edge Skatkov 20-50 mm.
Piled raft put in a packing case so that the guide tube liner without bending of large storage container to fit the hole on the cover to exit starter rope (Fig. 6),
6) loop a rope passed through the hole in the bag, avoiding tension cable. Shtucher guide tube is fixed in hole cover. Starting line let out through the connector cover. Do not leave any slack in the system starting lin gas filling to prevent it from getting caught in the hose and trigger bottle.
ATTENTION! Do not forget to delete the temporary tightening belts!
7) fluff edge adhesive rubber aprons cover the width of 20-30 mm and glue once, preventing wrinkles. Starting line positioned between the glued aprons holes in the plane on the cover to exit starter rope. Red dot on the linearization must go 30-40 mm from the edge glued aprons;
8) temporarily lace through the eyelets cover edges durable cord, pulling the edges. Temporary lacing cord lace cover Ø 1,5 mm GOST 29231. Allowed to use a different type of cord tensile strength 17 ÷ 25 kg.;
9) bind to the starting line TRACES balloon as follows: insert the end of the starting linearized skip rope through the loop below 70-90 mm ​​so that he was on the right side. Then go around the end of the insert clockwise one turn, pass it from the bottom up in a loop
and tighten the knot. End of the insert must be of unit not less than 40 mm;
10) lin strand stretch to the far bottom right cell panel and lay alternately strands lin a concertina at least 4 turns in each cell panel. Then the rest of the lin stretch to the far bottom left panel and cell-Ulo live strands in the form of an accordion panel in each cell. The free end of the starting lin tion must be between the panels (Fig. 6). Protrusion of the strands of cells lin panel should be 20 ÷ 30 mm.
NOTE. As lin applied tape strength of not less than 1000 kg for PSN-6MK and not less than 1200 kg for rafts PSN-10MK.
7.4 Packaged in Case raft put in a fiberglass container in the following order:
1) the body and lid of the container carefully inspect the inner hand, wipe with a clean cloth or compressed air Blasting to remove dirt, sand and other contaminants;
2) the container body to establish a full-time stand or a specially made ​​cradle so that the plane of the connector body in the horizontal position;
3) to invest in the container body packed in Case raft, pinning him to the rear end to a lanyard between the panel and the front end of the container remained free space. Fixed-Glare cover elements positioned on the outer side of the body (Fig. 7)
CAUTION Ensure that you retain the starting lin placed on the panel cover.
4) install the plug and plug lanyard with starting the recess of the container body. Replacement element node starting lin should fit snugly to the filler (Fig. 9)
5) set the lid on the container body so that the arrow was aimed instructive inscriptions to the exit from the container starting lin;
6) press the lid to the container body, and the need- Dimo ensure correct mutual disposition of the case and cover,
7) on the assembled container put two band, placing them near the outer ribs;
8) contracted edge bands with special prispo-sobleny or nylon cord to complete the pressing lid to the container body. Base lower semicircles band should be located at a distance of 130-150 mm from the upper ribs on the lid of the container;
9) establish ties between the semicircles breaking link. Breaking the link is made ​​of soft brass wire Ø1 mm in two turns (1.0 DKPHM L63 GOST 1066). Ends of the wire to tie a knot and one twist on the length of 7-10 mm.
On twisted part of the wire close to the site to install the seal (Fig. 8). NSS at stations may be installed breaking link from another material safeguarding 80-120 kg breaking strength during the year, as well as the ability to install seals;
10) the end of lin starting to have a strap and secure double knot to seal the line at the exit point of the container ( Fig. 9). Work to produce strictly observing the instructions of TB (see Annex 3). 6

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
(9) associate starting lin to wire the tank as follows: the end of the insert at the start attempts to skip bottom cable through the loop at 70-90 mm so that he was on the right-hand side.(5) tighten resulting wrap from the side perpendicular to the axis the tank be filled through service pack and превезать temporary brace with tape (fig.5)." (4) collapse raft in roll parallel to the axis tank газонапол-developments and re-route resulting wrap from the top packaging bags with supplies (fig.4) ;
Аналагично install service pack and engage in another part of the twist сторпоны towing device. Штертики, connecting the battery plug the "Beacon-2M" relate to outer лееру on SGBV.
ATTENTION!The end of the guide rod tube cable should go beyond the edge of the скатки at 20-50 mm.
a folded raft put in packing case thus,Штучер the guide tube to strengthen in the hole cover. Starting lin to bleed out through the connector cover.The guide tube tank without the need for large изги of acetic anhydride was leaned to the hole in the holster to exit starter cable (fig. 6) ;
(6) the loop cable to skip through the hole in the pouch, not allowing tension cable.(7) edge aprons and rubber gaiter with glue on the width 20-30 mm once and splice, not allowing creases.Do not leave any slack starter lin be filled through the system in order to avoid his engagement for the hoses and start the product tank.
ATTENTION! Do not forget to remove the temporary tie bands!
(8) temporarily tie up his shoelace through люверсы edges durable канатиком, while pulling the edge. On the temporary boot lace-up tie up his shoelace cord Ø 1.5 mm GOST and 29231 inclusive. It is allowed to apply another cord type tensile strength 17]]>÷Starting lin position between склеиваемыми administrations stepped back from holes in the plane on the gaiter to exit starter cable. The red mark on the attempts to exceed the 30 to 40 mm from the edge bonding mudflaps;
(9) associate starting lin to wire the tank as follows: the end of the insert at the start attempts to skip bottom cable through the loop at 70-90 mm so that he was on the right-hand side.Then end of fin density insert one turn clockwise, and skip to the bottom to the top the screwdriverinto loop
and tighten the assembly. The end inserts must speak of the node is not mu-it 40 mm;
10) Route the hair line to the far right-hand side panel bottom cell and stacked alternately the hair line in the form of a fact is not less than 4 wraps in each cell panel.The protrusion bangs lin of the cells panel must be 20]]>÷ NOTE. As lin applies tape etc. , is not less than 1000 kg for microenterprise-6MK and not less than 1200 kg for inflatable liferafts microenterprise-10MK.
7.Then the remainder of the line route to the far lower cell left-hand panel and development services (Stichting Projecta) and live with the hair in the form of a panel in each cell. Freedoms of end starting lin must be located between the panels (fig. (6).4 Packed into the pouch raft стеклопластиковыи placed in the container in the following order:
(1) the housing and cover the container thoroughly inspect the inside of the,Wipe dry with a clean cloth or clean with compressed air to remove dirt, sand, and other debris;
(2) the housing container set on the original stand or a specially manufactured knife bed so,To the plane of connector housing is positioned in a horizontal position;
(3) into the housing container to attach a packed in a pouch raft, by pushing it back onto the rear end,So between the panel with линем and front end container remained free place. Work permits Maybe publish elements gaiter positioned on the outer side of the case (fig. 7) ;
ATTENTION! Make sure the safety starter Lin,Hosted on the panel the gaiter.
(4) Install the plug and the plug with starter линем in cut-out the housing container. The Assembly replacement element starting lin should fit snugly to the blanking plate (fig. 9) ;
(5) Install the cover to the housing container so that the arrow instructive lettering was directed to the outlet starting lin from the container;
(6) Press the cover to the chassis container,(8) pull off the edges of the bands with the aid of special trademarks-соблении or a plastic cord up to the full down-pressure container cover to the chassis.The necessary to monitor the correct mutual location housing and cover;
(7) the assembled container to wear two bands, positioning them near extreme rib;
Burst link is made of a soft brass wire Ø1 mm in two turns (ДКРНМ 1.0 L63 GOST 1066). Engage in a dialog on the ends of the wire to a single node and twist the length 7-10 mm).
The base lower lateral bands must be located at a distance 130-150 mm from the upper stiffener on the cover container;
(9) between very finely sliced bandages set burst link.Gripping psychological duel that centers on the part of the wire against the host to install the seal (fig. (8). The stations shall be permitted to install NPO burst link from another material,Ensuring safety breakaway efforts 80-120 kgf in the course of the year, as well as ability to install seals;
10) end of the starting line to start band and secure double-node,
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