Пьеса была такая скучная. Мы ушли из театра, когда она еще не кончилас перевод - Пьеса была такая скучная. Мы ушли из театра, когда она еще не кончилас английский как сказать

Пьеса была такая скучная. Мы ушли и

Пьеса была такая скучная. Мы ушли из театра, когда она еще не кончилась. 8 Привет, Хейли! Почему ты вчера не пришла? Мы же договаривались пойти в кино на последний сеанс. 9 Мы смогли достать билеты только потому, что кто-то от них отказался. 10 По дороге домой он вспомнил, что оставил билеты дома. 11 - Что идет в ближайшем кинотеатре?- Какой-то боевик. Я думаю, не стоит смотреть. 12 Пьесу Бернарда Шоу "Пигмалион" ставят в большинстве театров мира. 13 Я видел эту пьесу несколько раз, но с каждым разом она восхищает меня все больше. 14 Жаль, что мы не включили телевизор раньше, чем кончилась передача. 15 Управляющий был очень расстроен, так как ничего подобного никогда не случалось. 16 Чарли Чаплин стал популярен, только когда уехал в Америку снимать фильм, не так ли? 17 Многим певцам приходилось петь в кафе, ресторанах и клубах, прежде чем они стали популярными звездами. 18 Вы согласны, что телевидение занимает большую часть нашего времени?
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The play was so boring. We left the theater, when she had not yet ended. 8 Hi, Haley! Why did you not come? We agreed to go to the movies at the last session. 9 we were able to get tickets just because someone of them refused. 10 on the way home, he remembered, that left the tickets at home. 11-What's on in near cinema?-a gunman. I think not worth watching. 12 piece by Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion" set in most theatres of the world. 13 I saw this play several times, but each time she fascinates me more and more. 14 it is a pity that we have not included the tv before the end of the transfer. 15 Manager was very upset, because nothing like this has never happened. 16 Charlie Chaplin became popular only when went to America to shoot film, don't you think? 17 Many singers have to sing in coffee shops, restaurants and clubs, before they became popular stars. 18 you agree that television takes up most of our time?
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The play was so boring. We left the theater when it was not over yet. 8 Hi, Haley! Why did you not come yesterday? We agreed to go to the movies for the last session. 9 We were able to get tickets just because someone refused them. 10 On the way home he remembered that he had left the tickets at home. 11 - What is the nearest cinema? - What a thriller. I do not think it's worth watching. 12 play by Bernard Shaw "Pygmalion" put in most theaters of the world. 13 I have seen this play several times, but each time she impresses me more and more. 14 It is a pity that we did not turn on the TV before the transmission ended. 15 The manager was very upset, because nothing like this has ever happened. 16 Charlie Chaplin became popular only when went to America to make a film, is not it? 17 Many singers had to sing in cafes, restaurants and clubs before they became popular stars. 18 Do you agree that television takes up most of our time?
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The scenery was extracted. We have withdrawn from the theater, where it has not yet run out. 8 Hi, Haley! Why don't you yesterday did not come? We are glad to go to the cinema at the last session. 9 We have been able to get tickets only becauseThat someone from them refused. 10 On the road home he remembered that, left tickets at home. 11 - That is in the near cinema?- What is the gunman. I think it's important not to watch.12 Natalia Bernard Show "Пигмалион" pose in most theaters. 13 I have seen this play a few times, but each time it inspires me more and more. 14 It is regrettable that we have not included tv earlier than out of gear.15 Control was very frustrated, as nothing of the kind had never happened. 16 Charlie Chaplin became popular, only when he was in America to shoot the film, isn't it? 17 Many singers had to sing in a coffee shop,Restaurants and clubs, before they become popular stars. 18 Do you agree that television is a big part of our time?
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